parameters: level: 8 checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: false checkMissingIterableValueType: false paths: - src bootstrapFiles: - ./util/phpstan.php universalObjectCratesClasses: - App\Session\NamespaceInterface - App\View ignoreErrors: # Caused by Symfony Validator (perhaps wrongly) returning the interface. - '#Cannot cast Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\ConstraintViolationListInterface to string.#' # Some doctrine migrations fail because of these - '#Parameter \#3 \$criteria of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection::update\(\) expects array, array given.#' - '#Parameter \#2 \$criteria of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection::delete\(\) expects array, array given.#' # Known upstream issue with Plates template engine - '#Parameter \#2 \$callback of method League\\Plates\\Engine::registerFunction\(\) expects League\\Plates\\callback, Closure given.#' parallel: maximumNumberOfProcesses: 1 includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/extension.neon