repoDir = $environment->getBaseDirectory(); } public function getReleaseChannelEnum(): ReleaseChannel { if ($this->environment->isDocker()) { return $this->environment->getReleaseChannelEnum(); } $details = $this->getDetails(); return ('stable' === $details['branch']) ? ReleaseChannel::Stable : ReleaseChannel::RollingRelease; } /** * @return string The current tagged version. */ public function getVersion(): string { $details = $this->getDetails(); return $details['tag'] ?? self::FALLBACK_VERSION; } /** * Load cache or generate new repository details from the underlying Git repository. * * @return mixed[] */ public function getDetails(): array { static $details; if (!$details) { $details = $this->cache->get('app_version_details'); if (empty($details)) { $details = $this->getRawDetails(); $ttl = $this->environment->isProduction() ? 86400 : 600; $this->cache->set('app_version_details', $details, $ttl); } } return $details; } /** * Generate new repository details from the underlying Git repository. * * @return mixed[] */ private function getRawDetails(): array { if (!is_dir($this->repoDir . '/.git')) { return []; } $details = []; // Get the long form of the latest commit's hash. $latest_commit_hash = $this->runProcess(['git', 'log', '--pretty=%H', '-n1', 'HEAD']); $details['commit'] = $latest_commit_hash; $details['commit_short'] = substr($latest_commit_hash, 0, 7); // Get the last commit's timestamp. $latest_commit_date = $this->runProcess(['git', 'log', '-n1', '--pretty=%ci', 'HEAD']); if (!empty($latest_commit_date)) { $commit_date = new DateTime($latest_commit_date); $commit_date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $details['commit_timestamp'] = $commit_date->getTimestamp(); $details['commit_date'] = $commit_date->format('Y-m-d G:i'); } else { $details['commit_timestamp'] = 0; $details['commit_date'] = 'N/A'; } $last_tagged_commit = $this->runProcess(['git', 'rev-list', '--tags', '--max-count=1']); if (!empty($last_tagged_commit)) { $details['tag'] = $this->runProcess(['git', 'describe', '--tags', $last_tagged_commit], 'N/A'); } else { $details['tag'] = self::FALLBACK_VERSION; } $details['branch'] = $this->runProcess(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], 'main'); return $details; } /** * Run the specified process and return its output. */ private function runProcess(array $proc, string $default = ''): string { $process = new Process($proc); $process->setWorkingDirectory($this->repoDir); $process->run(); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { return $default; } return trim($process->getOutput()); } /** * @return string A textual representation of the current installed version. */ public function getVersionText(): string { $details = $this->getDetails(); if (isset($details['tag'])) { $commitLink = '' . $details['commit']; $commitText = sprintf( '#%s (%s)', $commitLink, $details['commit_short'], $details['commit_date'] ); $releaseChannel = $this->getReleaseChannelEnum(); if (ReleaseChannel::RollingRelease === $releaseChannel) { return 'Rolling Release ' . $commitText; } return 'v' . $details['tag'] . ' Stable'; } return 'v' . self::FALLBACK_VERSION . ' Release Build'; } /** * @return string|null The long-form Git hash that represents the current commit of this installation. */ public function getCommitHash(): ?string { $details = $this->getDetails(); return $details['commit'] ?? null; } /** * @return string|null The shortened Git hash corresponding to the current commit. */ public function getCommitShort(): ?string { $details = $this->getDetails(); return $details['commit_short'] ?? null; } }