*/ final class Paginator implements IteratorAggregate, Countable { private RouterInterface $router; /** @var int<1,max> The maximum number of records that can be viewed per page for unauthenticated users. */ private int $maxPerPage = 25; /** @var bool Whether the user is currently authenticated on this request. */ private bool $isAuthenticated = false; /** @var bool Whether to show pagination controls. */ private bool $isDisabled = true; /** @var callable|null A callable postprocessor that can be run on each result. */ private $postprocessor; /** * @param Pagerfanta $paginator */ public function __construct( private readonly Pagerfanta $paginator, ServerRequestInterface $request ) { $this->router = $request->getAttribute(ServerRequest::ATTR_ROUTER); $user = $request->getAttribute(ServerRequest::ATTR_USER); $this->isAuthenticated = ($user !== null); $params = $request->getQueryParams(); $perPage = $params['rowCount'] ?? $params['per_page'] ?? null; $currentPage = $params['current'] ?? $params['page'] ?? null; if (null !== $perPage) { $this->setPerPage((int)$perPage); } if (null !== $currentPage) { $this->setCurrentPage((int)$currentPage); } } public function getCurrentPage(): int { return $this->paginator->getCurrentPage(); } public function setCurrentPage(int $currentPage): void { $this->paginator->setCurrentPage( ($currentPage >= 1) ? $currentPage : 1 ); } public function setMaxPerPage(int $maxPerPage): void { $this->maxPerPage = ($maxPerPage > 0) ? $maxPerPage : 1; $this->isDisabled = false; } public function getPerPage(): int { return $this->paginator->getMaxPerPage(); } public function setPerPage(int $perPage): void { if ($perPage <= 0) { $perPage = PHP_INT_MAX; } /** @var int<1,max> $maxPerPage */ $maxPerPage = $this->isAuthenticated ? $perPage : min($perPage, $this->maxPerPage); $this->paginator->setMaxPerPage($maxPerPage); $this->isDisabled = false; } public function setPostprocessor(callable $postprocessor): void { $this->postprocessor = $postprocessor; } public function isDisabled(): bool { return $this->isDisabled; } public function setIsDisabled(bool $isDisabled): void { $this->isDisabled = $isDisabled; } public function getIterator(): Generator { $iterator = $this->paginator->getIterator(); if ($this->postprocessor) { foreach ($iterator as $row) { yield ($this->postprocessor)($row, $this); } } else { yield from $iterator; } } public function count(): int { return $this->paginator->getNbResults(); } public function write(Response $response): ResponseInterface { if ($this->isDisabled) { /** @var int<1,max> $maxPerPage */ $maxPerPage = PHP_INT_MAX; $this->paginator->setCurrentPage(1); $this->paginator->setMaxPerPage($maxPerPage); } $total = $this->count(); $totalPages = $this->paginator->getNbPages(); $results = iterator_to_array($this->getIterator(), false); if ($this->isDisabled) { return $response->withJson($results); } $pageLinks = []; $pageLinks['first'] = $this->router->fromHereWithQuery(null, [], ['page' => 1]); $prevPage = $this->paginator->hasPreviousPage() ? $this->paginator->getPreviousPage() : 1; $pageLinks['previous'] = $this->router->fromHereWithQuery(null, [], ['page' => $prevPage]); $nextPage = $this->paginator->hasNextPage() ? $this->paginator->getNextPage() : $this->paginator->getNbPages(); $pageLinks['next'] = $this->router->fromHereWithQuery(null, [], ['page' => $nextPage]); $pageLinks['last'] = $this->router->fromHereWithQuery(null, [], ['page' => $totalPages]); return $response->withJson( [ 'page' => $this->getCurrentPage(), 'per_page' => $this->getPerPage(), 'total' => $total, 'total_pages' => $totalPages, 'links' => $pageLinks, 'rows' => $results, ] ); } /** * @template X of mixed * * @param AdapterInterface $adapter * @return static */ public static function fromAdapter( AdapterInterface $adapter, ServerRequestInterface $request ): self { return new self( new Pagerfanta($adapter), $request ); } /** * @template XKey of array-key * @template X of mixed * * @param array $input * @return static */ public static function fromArray(array $input, ServerRequestInterface $request): self { return self::fromAdapter(new ArrayAdapter($input), $request); } /** * @template XKey of array-key * @template X of mixed * * @param Collection $collection * @return static */ public static function fromCollection(Collection $collection, ServerRequestInterface $request): self { return self::fromAdapter(new CollectionAdapter($collection), $request); } /** * @return static */ public static function fromQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder $qb, ServerRequestInterface $request): self { return self::fromAdapter(new QueryAdapter($qb), $request); } /** * @return static */ public static function fromQuery(Query $query, ServerRequestInterface $request): self { return self::fromAdapter(new QueryAdapter($query), $request); } }