getFilesystem(); if ($fs->isDir($to)) { // Update the paths of all media contained within the directory. $toRename = [ $this->iterateMediaInDirectory($storageLocation, $from), $this->iterateUnprocessableMediaInDirectory($storageLocation, $from), $this->iteratePlaylistFoldersInDirectory($storageLocation, $from), ]; $mediaToReindex = []; foreach ($toRename as $iterator) { foreach ($iterator as $record) { if ($record instanceof Entity\StationMedia) { $mediaToReindex[] = $record->getIdRequired(); } /** @var Entity\Interfaces\PathAwareInterface $record */ $record->setPath( File::renameDirectoryInPath($record->getPath(), $from, $to) ); $this->em->persist($record); } } $this->queueMediaForIndex($storageLocation, $mediaToReindex); } else { $record = $this->mediaRepo->findByPath($from, $storageLocation); if ($record instanceof Entity\StationMedia) { $record->setPath($to); $this->em->persist($record); $this->em->flush(); $this->queueMediaForIndex($storageLocation, [$record->getIdRequired()]); } else { $record = $this->unprocessableMediaRepo->findByPath($from, $storageLocation); if ($record instanceof Entity\UnprocessableMedia) { $record->setPath($to); $this->em->persist($record); $this->em->flush(); } } } } /** * @param array $files * @param array $directories * @param Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation * @param ExtendedFilesystemInterface|null $fs * * @return Entity\StationPlaylist[] Affected playlists */ public function handleDelete( array $files, array $directories, Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, ?ExtendedFilesystemInterface $fs = null ): array { $fs ??= $storageLocation->getFilesystem(); $affectedPlaylists = []; /* * NOTE: This iteration clears the entity manager. */ $mediaToReindex = []; foreach ($this->iterateMedia($storageLocation, $files) as $media) { $mediaToReindex[] = $media->getIdRequired(); try { foreach ($this->mediaRepo->remove($media, false, $fs) as $playlistId => $playlist) { if (!isset($affectedPlaylists[$playlistId])) { $affectedPlaylists[$playlistId] = $playlist; } } } catch (Throwable) { } } $this->queueMediaForIndex($storageLocation, $mediaToReindex); /* * NOTE: This iteration clears the entity manager. */ foreach ($this->iterateUnprocessableMedia($storageLocation, $files) as $unprocessableMedia) { $this->em->remove($unprocessableMedia); } foreach ($directories as $dir) { foreach ($this->iteratePlaylistFoldersInDirectory($storageLocation, $dir) as $playlistFolder) { $this->em->remove($playlistFolder); } } $this->em->flush(); return $affectedPlaylists; } public function queueMediaForIndex( Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, array $ids, bool $includePlaylists = false ): void { $queueMessage = new AddMediaMessage(); $queueMessage->storage_location_id = $storageLocation->getIdRequired(); $queueMessage->media_ids = $ids; $queueMessage->include_playlists = $includePlaylists; $this->messageBus->dispatch($queueMessage); } public function queuePlaylistsForUpdate( Entity\Station $station, ?array $ids = null ): void { $queueMessage = new UpdatePlaylistsMessage(); $queueMessage->station_id = $station->getIdRequired(); $queueMessage->media_ids = $ids; $this->messageBus->dispatch($queueMessage); } /** * Iterate through the found media records, while occasionally flushing and clearing the entity manager. * * @note This function flushes the entity manager. * * @param Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation * @param array $paths * * @return iterable|Entity\StationMedia[] */ public function iterateMedia(Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, array $paths): iterable { return ReadWriteBatchIteratorAggregate::fromTraversableResult( $this->mediaRepo->iteratePaths($paths, $storageLocation), $this->em, 25 ); } /** * @param Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation * @param string $dir * * @return iterable|Entity\StationMedia[] */ public function iterateMediaInDirectory(Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, string $dir): iterable { $query = $this->em->createQuery( <<<'DQL' SELECT sm FROM App\Entity\StationMedia sm WHERE sm.storage_location = :storageLocation AND sm.path LIKE :path DQL )->setParameter('storageLocation', $storageLocation) ->setParameter('path', $dir . '/%'); return ReadWriteBatchIteratorAggregate::fromQuery($query, 25); } /** * Iterate through unprocessable media, while occasionally flushing and clearing the entity manager. * * @note This function flushes the entity manager. * * @param Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation * @param array $paths * * @return iterable|Entity\UnprocessableMedia[] */ public function iterateUnprocessableMedia(Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, array $paths): iterable { return ReadWriteBatchIteratorAggregate::fromTraversableResult( $this->unprocessableMediaRepo->iteratePaths($paths, $storageLocation), $this->em, 25 ); } /** * @param Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation * @param string $dir * * @return iterable|Entity\UnprocessableMedia[] */ public function iterateUnprocessableMediaInDirectory( Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, string $dir ): iterable { $query = $this->em->createQuery( <<<'DQL' SELECT upm FROM App\Entity\UnprocessableMedia upm WHERE upm.storage_location = :storageLocation AND upm.path LIKE :path DQL )->setParameter('storageLocation', $storageLocation) ->setParameter('path', $dir . '/%'); return ReadWriteBatchIteratorAggregate::fromQuery($query, 25); } /** * @param Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation * @param string $dir * * @return iterable|Entity\StationPlaylistFolder[] */ public function iteratePlaylistFoldersInDirectory( Entity\StorageLocation $storageLocation, string $dir ): iterable { $query = $this->em->createQuery( <<<'DQL' SELECT spf FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistFolder spf WHERE spf.station IN ( SELECT s FROM App\Entity\Station s WHERE s.media_storage_location = :storageLocation ) AND spf.path LIKE :path DQL )->setParameter('storageLocation', $storageLocation) ->setParameter('path', $dir . '%'); return ReadWriteBatchIteratorAggregate::fromQuery($query, 25); } }