mirror of https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast.git synced 2024-06-28 11:57:04 +00:00

119 lines
6.8 KiB

return [
'method' => 'post',
'groups' => [
'use_grid' => true,
'elements' => [
'name' => [
'label' => __('Field Name'),
'description' => __('This will be used as the label when editing individual songs, and will show in API results.'),
'form_group_class' => 'col-md-6',
'short_name' => [
'label' => __('Programmatic Name'),
'description' => __('Optionally specify an API-friendly name, such as <code>field_name</code>. Leave this field blank to automatically create one based on the name.'),
'form_group_class' => 'col-md-6',
'auto_assign' => [
'label' => __('Automatically Set from ID3v2 Value'),
'description' => __('Optionally select an ID3v2 metadata field that, if present, will be used to set this field\'s value.'),
'default' => '',
'form_group_class' => 'col-md-6',
'options' => [
'' => __('Disable'),
'album' => __('Album'), // TAL, TALB
'album_artist_sort_order' => __('Album Artist Sort Order'), // TS2, TSO2
'album_sort_order' => __('Album Sort Order'), // TSA, TSOA
'artist' => __('Artist'), // TP1, TPE1
'band' => __('Band'), // TP2, TPE2
'bpm' => __('Bpm'), // TBP, TBPM
'comment' => __('Comment'), // COM, COMM
'commercial_information' => __('Commercial Information'), // WCM, WCOM
'composer' => __('Composer'), // TCM, TCOM
'composer_sort_order' => __('Composer Sort Order'), // TSC, TSOC
'conductor' => __('Conductor'), // TP3, TPE3
'content_group_description' => __('Content Group Description'), // TIT1, TT1
'copyright' => __('Copyright'), // WCOP, WCP
'copyright_message' => __('Copyright Message'), // TCOP, TCR
'encoded_by' => __('Encoded By'), // TEN, TENC
'encoder_settings' => __('Encoder Settings'), // TSS, TSSE
'encoding_time' => __('Encoding Time'), // TDEN
'file_owner' => __('File Owner'), // TOWN
'file_type' => __('File Type'), // TFLT, TFT
'genre' => __('Genre'), // TCO, TCON
'initial_key' => __('Initial Key'), // TKE, TKEY
'internet_radio_station_name' => __('Internet Radio Station Name'), // TRSN
'internet_radio_station_owner' => __('Internet Radio Station Owner'), // TRSO
'involved_people_list' => __('Involved People List'), // IPL, IPLS, TIPL
'isrc' => __('ISRC'), // TRC, TSRC
'language' => __('Language'), // TLA, TLAN
'length' => __('Length'), // TLE, TLEN
'linked_information' => __('Linked Information'), // LINK, LNK
'lyricist' => __('Lyricist'), // TEXT, TXT
'media_type' => __('Media Type'), // TMED, TMT
'mood' => __('Mood'), // TMOO
'music_cd_identifier' => __('Music CD Identifier'), // MCDI, MCI
'musician_credits_list' => __('Musician Credits List'), // TMCL
'original_album' => __('Original Album'), // TOAL, TOT
'original_artist' => __('Original Artist'), // TOA, TOPE
'original_filename' => __('Original Filename'), // TOF, TOFN
'original_lyricist' => __('Original Lyricist'), // TOL, TOLY
'original_release_time' => __('Original Release Time'), // TDOR
'original_year' => __('Original Year'), // TOR, TORY
'part_of_a_compilation' => __('Part Of A Compilation'), // TCMP, TCP
'part_of_a_set' => __('Part Of A Set'), // TPA, TPOS
'performer_sort_order' => __('Performer Sort Order'), // TSOP, TSP
'playlist_delay' => __('Playlist Delay'), // TDLY, TDY
'produced_notice' => __('Produced Notice'), // TPRO
'publisher' => __('Publisher'), // TPB, TPUB
'recording_time' => __('Recording Time'), // TDRC
'release_time' => __('Release Time'), // TDRL
'remixer' => __('Remixer'), // TP4, TPE4
'set_subtitle' => __('Set Subtitle'), // TSST
'subtitle' => __('Subtitle'), // TIT3, TT3
'tagging_time' => __('Tagging Time'), // TDTG
'terms_of_use' => __('Terms Of Use'), // USER
'title' => __('Title'), // TIT2, TT2
'title_sort_order' => __('Title Sort Order'), // TSOT, TST
'track_number' => __('Track Number'), // TRCK, TRK
'unsynchronised_lyric' => __('Unsynchronised Lyric'), // ULT, USLT
'url_artist' => __('URL Artist'), // WAR, WOAR
'url_file' => __('URL File'), // WAF, WOAF
'url_payment' => __('URL Payment'), // WPAY
'url_publisher' => __('URL Publisher'), // WPB, WPUB
'url_source' => __('URL Source'), // WAS, WOAS
'url_station' => __('URL Station'), // WORS
'url_user' => __('URL User'), // WXX, WXXX
'year' => __('Year'), // TYE, TYER
'submit' => [
'type' => 'submit',
'label' => __('Save Changes'),
'class' => 'btn btn-lg btn-primary',
'form_group_class' => 'col-sm-12',