
136 lines
5.6 KiB

<b-card class="mb-3" no-body>
<div class="card-header bg-primary-dark d-flex align-items-center">
<div class="flex-fill">
<h2 class="card-title">
{{ $gettext('Scheduled Time #%{num}') }}
<div class="flex-shrink-0">
<b-button size="sm" variant="outline-light" class="py-2 pr-0" @click.prevent="$emit('remove')">
<icon icon="remove"></icon>
{{ $gettext('Remove') }}
<div class="form-row">
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-4" :id="'edit_form_start_time_'+index"
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('Start Time') }}
<template #default="props">
<playlist-time :id="" v-model="props.field.$model"
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-4" :id="'edit_form_end_time_'+index" :field="v$.row.end_time">
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('End Time') }}
<template #description>
$gettext('If the end time is before the start time, the schedule entry will continue overnight.')
<template #default="props">
<playlist-time :id="" v-model="props.field.$model"
<b-col md="4" class="form-group">
{{ $gettext('Station Time Zone') }}
{{ $gettext('This station\'s time zone is currently %{tz}.', {tz: stationTimeZone}) }}
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-4" :id="'edit_form_start_date_'+index"
:field="v$.row.start_date" input-type="date">
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('Start Date') }}
<template #description>
$gettext('To set this schedule to run only within a certain date range, specify a start and end date.')
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-4" :id="'edit_form_end_date_'+index" :field="v$.row.end_date"
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('End Date') }}
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-4" :id="'edit_form_days_'+index" :field="v$.row.days">
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('Scheduled Play Days of Week') }}
<template #description>
{{ $gettext('Leave blank to play on every day of the week.') }}
<template #default="props">
<b-checkbox-group stacked :id="" v-model="props.field.$model"
import PlaylistTime from '~/components/Common/TimeCode';
import Icon from "~/components/Common/Icon.vue";
import BWrappedFormGroup from "~/components/Form/BWrappedFormGroup.vue";
import {required} from "@vuelidate/validators";
import useVuelidate from "@vuelidate/core";
import BWrappedFormCheckbox from "~/components/Form/BWrappedFormCheckbox.vue";
export default {
name: 'StreamersFormScheduleRow',
components: {BWrappedFormCheckbox, BWrappedFormGroup, Icon, PlaylistTime},
props: {
index: Number,
row: Object,
stationTimeZone: String,
setup() {
return {v$: useVuelidate()}
emits: ['remove'],
validations: {
row: {
'start_time': {required},
'end_time': {required},
'start_date': {},
'end_date': {},
'days': {}
data() {
return {
dayOptions: [
{value: 1, text: this.$gettext('Monday')},
{value: 2, text: this.$gettext('Tuesday')},
{value: 3, text: this.$gettext('Wednesday')},
{value: 4, text: this.$gettext('Thursday')},
{value: 5, text: this.$gettext('Friday')},
{value: 6, text: this.$gettext('Saturday')},
{value: 7, text: this.$gettext('Sunday')}