
76 lines
2.6 KiB

<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_name" :field="">
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Field Name') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('This will be used as the label when editing individual songs, and will show in API results.')
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_short_name" :field="form.short_name">
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Programmatic Name') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('Optionally specify an API-friendly name, such as "field_name". Leave this field blank to automatically create one based on the name.')
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_auto_assign" :field="form.auto_assign">
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Automatically Set from ID3v2 Value') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('Optionally select an ID3v2 metadata field that, if present, will be used to set this field\'s value.')
<template #default="props">
<b-form-select :id="" v-model="props.field.$model"
import BWrappedFormGroup from "~/components/Form/BWrappedFormGroup";
import _ from 'lodash';
export default {
name: 'AdminCustomFieldsForm',
components: {BWrappedFormGroup},
props: {
form: Object,
autoAssignTypes: Object
computed: {
autoAssignOptions() {
let autoAssignOptions = [
text: this.$gettext('Disable'),
value: '',
_.forEach(this.autoAssignTypes, (typeName, typeKey) => {
text: typeName,
value: typeKey
return autoAssignOptions;