
342 lines
16 KiB

<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-12" id="edit_form_backend_type"
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('AutoDJ Service') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('This software shuffles from playlists of music constantly and plays when no other radio source is available.')
<template #default="props">
<b-form-radio-group stacked :id="" :options="backendTypeOptions"
<b-form-fieldset v-if="isBackendEnabled">
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-7" id="edit_form_backend_crossfade_type"
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Crossfade Method') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('Choose a method to use when transitioning from one song to another. Smart Mode considers the volume of the two tracks when fading for a smoother effect, but requires more CPU resources.')
<template #default="props">
<b-form-radio-group stacked :id="" :options="crossfadeOptions"
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-5" id="edit_form_backend_crossfade"
:field="form.backend_config.crossfade" input-type="number"
:input-attrs="{ min: '0.0', max: '30.0', step: '0.1' }">
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Crossfade Duration (Seconds)') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Number of seconds to overlap songs.') }}
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-12" id="edit_form_backend_config_audio_processing_method"
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Audio Processing Method') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('Choose a method to use for processing audio which produces a more uniform and "full" sound for your station.')
<template #default="props">
<b-form-radio-group stacked :id="" :options="audioProcessingOptions"
<b-form-fieldset v-if="isStereoToolEnabled && isStereoToolInstalled">
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('Stereo Tool') }}
<template #description>
$gettext('Stereo Tool is an industry standard for software audio processing. For more information on how to configure it, please refer to the')
<a href="" target="_blank">
{{ $gettext('Stereo Tool documentation.') }}
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-7" id="edit_form_backend_stereo_tool_license_key"
:field="form.backend_config.stereo_tool_license_key" input-type="text">
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Stereo Tool License Key') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('Provide a valid license key from Thimeo. Functionality is limited without a license key.')
<b-form-markup class="col-md-5" id="edit_form_backend_stereo_tool_config">
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Upload Stereo Tool Configuration') }}
<p class="card-text">
$gettext('Upload a Stereo Tool configuration file from the "Broadcasting" submenu in the station profile.')
<b-form-fieldset v-if="showAdvanced">
<template #label>
{{ $gettext('Advanced Configuration') }}
<b-wrapped-form-checkbox class="col-md-6"
:field="form.backend_config.use_manual_autodj" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Manual AutoDJ Mode') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('This mode disables AzuraCast\'s AutoDJ management, using Liquidsoap itself to manage song playback. "Next Song" and some other features will not be available.')
<b-wrapped-form-checkbox class="col-md-6"
:field="form.backend_config.enable_replaygain_metadata" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Use Replaygain Metadata') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('Instruct Liquidsoap to use any replaygain metadata associated with a song to control its volume level. This may increase CPU consumption.')
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_backend_telnet_port"
:field="form.backend_config.telnet_port" input-type="number"
:input-attrs="{ min: '0' }" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Customize Internal Request Processing Port') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('This port is not used by any external process. Only modify this port if the assigned port is in use. Leave blank to automatically assign a port.')
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_backend_autodj_queue_length"
:field="form.backend_config.autodj_queue_length" input-type="number"
:input-attrs="{ min: '2', max: '25' }" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('AutoDJ Queue Length') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('This determines how many songs in advance the AutoDJ will automatically fill the queue.')
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_backend_charset"
:field="form.backend_config.charset" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Character Set Encoding') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('For most cases, use the default UTF-8 encoding. The older ISO-8859-1 encoding can be used if accepting connections from Shoutcast 1 DJs or using other legacy software.')
<template #default="props">
<b-form-radio-group stacked :id="" :options="charsetOptions"
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_backend_performance_mode"
:field="form.backend_config.performance_mode" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Liquidsoap Performance Tuning') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('If your installation is constrained by CPU or memory, you can change this setting to tune the resources used by Liquidsoap.')
<template #default="props">
<b-form-radio-group stacked :id="" :options="performanceModeOptions"
<b-wrapped-form-group class="col-md-6" id="edit_form_backend_duplicate_prevention_time_range"
input-type="number" :input-attrs="{ min: '0', max: '1440' }" advanced>
<template #label="{lang}">
{{ $gettext('Duplicate Prevention Time Range (Minutes)') }}
<template #description="{lang}">
$gettext('This specifies the time range (in minutes) of the song history that the duplicate song prevention algorithm should take into account.')
import BFormFieldset from "~/components/Form/BFormFieldset";
import BWrappedFormGroup from "~/components/Form/BWrappedFormGroup";
import {
} from "~/components/Entity/RadioAdapters";
import BWrappedFormCheckbox from "~/components/Form/BWrappedFormCheckbox";
import BFormMarkup from "~/components/Form/BFormMarkup";
export default {
name: 'AdminStationsBackendForm',
components: {BFormMarkup, BWrappedFormCheckbox, BWrappedFormGroup, BFormFieldset},
props: {
form: Object,
station: Object,
isStereoToolInstalled: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
showAdvanced: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
computed: {
backendTypeOptions() {
return [
text: this.$gettext('Use Liquidsoap on this server.'),
text: this.$gettext('Do not use an AutoDJ service.'),
isBackendEnabled() {
return this.form.backend_type.$model !== BACKEND_NONE;
isStereoToolEnabled() {
return this.form.backend_config.audio_processing_method.$model === AUDIO_PROCESSING_STEREO_TOOL;
crossfadeOptions() {
return [
text: this.$gettext('Smart Mode'),
value: 'smart',
text: this.$gettext('Normal Mode'),
value: 'normal',
text: this.$gettext('Disable Crossfading'),
value: 'none',
audioProcessingOptions() {
const audioProcessingOptions = [
text: this.$gettext('Liquidsoap'),
text: this.$gettext('Disable Processing'),
if (this.isStereoToolInstalled) {
audioProcessingOptions.splice(1, 0,
text: this.$gettext('Stereo Tool'),
return audioProcessingOptions;
charsetOptions() {
return [
{text: 'UTF-8', value: 'UTF-8'},
{text: 'ISO-8859-1', value: 'ISO-8859-1'}
performanceModeOptions() {
return [
text: this.$gettext('Use Less Memory (Uses More CPU)'),
value: 'less_memory'
text: this.$gettext('Balanced'),
value: 'balanced'
text: this.$gettext('Use Less CPU (Uses More Memory)'),
value: 'less_cpu'
text: this.$gettext('Disable Optimizations'),
value: 'disabled'