mirror of https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast.git synced 2024-06-17 14:37:07 +00:00

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namespace App\Entity;
use App\Entity\Enums\PlaylistOrders;
use App\Entity\Enums\PlaylistRemoteTypes;
use App\Entity\Enums\PlaylistSources;
use App\Entity\Enums\PlaylistTypes;
use App\Normalizer\Attributes\DeepNormalize;
use App\Utilities\File;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Stringable;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
OA\Schema(type: "object"),
ORM\Table(name: 'station_playlists'),
class StationPlaylist implements
use Traits\HasAutoIncrementId;
use Traits\TruncateStrings;
public const DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 3;
public const DEFAULT_REMOTE_BUFFER = 20;
public const OPTION_INTERRUPT_OTHER_SONGS = 'interrupt';
public const OPTION_PLAY_SINGLE_TRACK = 'single_track';
public const OPTION_MERGE = 'merge';
ORM\ManyToOne(inversedBy: 'playlists'),
ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'station_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', nullable: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE')
protected Station $station;
#[ORM\Column(nullable: false, insertable: false, updatable: false)]
protected int $station_id;
OA\Property(example: "Test Playlist"),
ORM\Column(length: 200),
protected string $name;
OA\Property(example: "default"),
ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 50, enumType: PlaylistTypes::class)
protected PlaylistTypes $type;
OA\Property(example: "songs"),
ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 50, enumType: PlaylistSources::class)
protected PlaylistSources $source;
OA\Property(example: "shuffle"),
ORM\Column(name: 'playback_order', type: 'string', length: 50, enumType: PlaylistOrders::class)
protected PlaylistOrders $order;
OA\Property(example: "https://remote-url.example.com/stream.mp3"),
ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)
protected ?string $remote_url = null;
OA\Property(example: "stream"),
ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 25, nullable: true, enumType: PlaylistRemoteTypes::class)
protected ?PlaylistRemoteTypes $remote_type;
description: "The total time (in seconds) that Liquidsoap should buffer remote URL streams.",
example: 0
ORM\Column(name: 'remote_timeout', type: 'smallint')
protected int $remote_buffer = 0;
OA\Property(example: true),
protected bool $is_enabled = true;
description: "If yes, do not send jingle metadata to AutoDJ or trigger web hooks.",
example: false
protected bool $is_jingle = false;
OA\Property(example: 5),
ORM\Column(type: 'smallint')
protected int $play_per_songs = 0;
OA\Property(example: 120),
ORM\Column(type: 'smallint')
protected int $play_per_minutes = 0;
OA\Property(example: 15),
ORM\Column(type: 'smallint')
protected int $play_per_hour_minute = 0;
OA\Property(example: 3),
ORM\Column(type: 'smallint')
protected int $weight = self::DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
OA\Property(example: true),
protected bool $include_in_requests = true;
description: "Whether this playlist's media is included in 'on demand' download/streaming if enabled.",
example: true
protected bool $include_in_on_demand = false;
OA\Property(example: "interrupt,loop_once,single_track,merge"),
ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)
protected ?string $backend_options = '';
OA\Property(example: true),
protected bool $avoid_duplicates = true;
protected int $played_at = 0;
protected int $queue_reset_at = 0;
/** @var Collection<int, StationPlaylistMedia> */
ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: StationPlaylistMedia::class, mappedBy: 'playlist', fetch: 'EXTRA_LAZY'),
ORM\OrderBy(['weight' => 'ASC'])
protected Collection $media_items;
/** @var Collection<int, StationPlaylistFolder> */
ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: StationPlaylistFolder::class, mappedBy: 'playlist', fetch: 'EXTRA_LAZY')
protected Collection $folders;
/** @var Collection<int, StationSchedule> */
OA\Property(type: "array", items: new OA\Items()),
ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: StationSchedule::class, mappedBy: 'playlist', fetch: 'EXTRA_LAZY'),
protected Collection $schedule_items;
/** @var Collection<int, Podcast> */
OA\Property(type: "array", items: new OA\Items()),
ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: Podcast::class, mappedBy: 'playlist', fetch: 'EXTRA_LAZY'),
protected Collection $podcasts;
public function __construct(Station $station)
$this->station = $station;
$this->type = PlaylistTypes::default();
$this->source = PlaylistSources::Songs;
$this->order = PlaylistOrders::Shuffle;
$this->remote_type = PlaylistRemoteTypes::Stream;
$this->media_items = new ArrayCollection();
$this->folders = new ArrayCollection();
$this->schedule_items = new ArrayCollection();
$this->podcasts = new ArrayCollection();
public function getStation(): Station
return $this->station;
public function setStation(Station $station): void
$this->station = $station;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
public function setName(string $name): void
$this->name = $this->truncateString($name, 200);
public function getShortName(): string
return self::generateShortName($this->name);
public function getType(): PlaylistTypes
return $this->type;
public function setType(PlaylistTypes $type): void
$this->type = $type;
public function getSource(): PlaylistSources
return $this->source;
public function setSource(PlaylistSources $source): void
$this->source = $source;
if (PlaylistSources::RemoteUrl === $source) {
$this->type = PlaylistTypes::Standard;
public function getOrder(): PlaylistOrders
return $this->order;
public function setOrder(PlaylistOrders $order): void
$this->order = $order;
public function getRemoteUrl(): ?string
return $this->remote_url;
public function setRemoteUrl(?string $remoteUrl): void
$this->remote_url = $remoteUrl;
public function getRemoteType(): ?PlaylistRemoteTypes
return $this->remote_type;
public function setRemoteType(?PlaylistRemoteTypes $remoteType): void
$this->remote_type = $remoteType;
public function getRemoteBuffer(): int
return $this->remote_buffer;
public function setRemoteBuffer(int $remoteBuffer): void
$this->remote_buffer = $remoteBuffer;
public function getIsEnabled(): bool
return $this->is_enabled;
public function setIsEnabled(bool $isEnabled): void
$this->is_enabled = $isEnabled;
public function getIsJingle(): bool
return $this->is_jingle;
public function setIsJingle(bool $isJingle): void
$this->is_jingle = $isJingle;
public function getWeight(): int
if ($this->weight < 1) {
return self::DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
return $this->weight;
public function setWeight(int $weight): void
$this->weight = $weight;
public function getIncludeInRequests(): bool
return $this->include_in_requests;
public function setIncludeInRequests(bool $includeInRequests): void
$this->include_in_requests = $includeInRequests;
public function getIncludeInOnDemand(): bool
return $this->include_in_on_demand;
public function setIncludeInOnDemand(bool $includeInOnDemand): void
$this->include_in_on_demand = $includeInOnDemand;
* Indicates whether this playlist can be used as a valid source of requestable media.
public function isRequestable(): bool
return ($this->is_enabled && $this->include_in_requests);
public function getAvoidDuplicates(): bool
return $this->avoid_duplicates;
public function setAvoidDuplicates(bool $avoidDuplicates): void
$this->avoid_duplicates = $avoidDuplicates;
public function getPlayedAt(): int
return $this->played_at;
public function setPlayedAt(int $playedAt): void
$this->played_at = $playedAt;
public function getQueueResetAt(): int
return $this->queue_reset_at;
public function setQueueResetAt(int $queueResetAt): void
$this->queue_reset_at = $queueResetAt;
* @return Collection<int, StationPlaylistMedia>
public function getMediaItems(): Collection
return $this->media_items;
* @return Collection<int, StationPlaylistFolder>
public function getFolders(): Collection
return $this->folders;
* @return Collection<int, StationSchedule>
public function getScheduleItems(): Collection
return $this->schedule_items;
* @return Collection<int, Podcast>
public function getPodcasts(): Collection
return $this->podcasts;
* Indicates whether a playlist is enabled and has content which can be scheduled by an AutoDJ scheduler.
* @param bool $interrupting Whether determining "playability" for an interrupting queue or a regular one.
public function isPlayable(bool $interrupting = false): bool
if (!$this->is_enabled) {
return false;
if ($interrupting !== $this->backendInterruptOtherSongs()) {
return false;
if (PlaylistSources::Songs === $this->getSource()) {
return $this->media_items->count() > 0;
// Remote stream playlists aren't supported by the AzuraCast AutoDJ.
return PlaylistRemoteTypes::Playlist === $this->getRemoteType();
* @return string[]
public function getBackendOptions(): array
return explode(',', $this->backend_options ?? '');
* @param array $backendOptions
public function setBackendOptions(array $backendOptions): void
$this->backend_options = implode(',', $backendOptions);
public function backendInterruptOtherSongs(): bool
$backendOptions = $this->getBackendOptions();
return in_array(self::OPTION_INTERRUPT_OTHER_SONGS, $backendOptions, true);
public function backendMerge(): bool
$backendOptions = $this->getBackendOptions();
return in_array(self::OPTION_MERGE, $backendOptions, true);
public function backendPlaySingleTrack(): bool
$backendOptions = $this->getBackendOptions();
return in_array(self::OPTION_PLAY_SINGLE_TRACK, $backendOptions, true);
public function getPlayPerHourMinute(): int
return $this->play_per_hour_minute;
public function setPlayPerHourMinute(int $playPerHourMinute): void
if ($playPerHourMinute > 59 || $playPerHourMinute < 0) {
$playPerHourMinute = 0;
$this->play_per_hour_minute = $playPerHourMinute;
public function getPlayPerSongs(): int
return $this->play_per_songs;
public function setPlayPerSongs(int $playPerSongs): void
$this->play_per_songs = $playPerSongs;
public function getPlayPerMinutes(): int
return $this->play_per_minutes;
public function setPlayPerMinutes(
int $playPerMinutes
): void {
$this->play_per_minutes = $playPerMinutes;
public function __clone()
$this->played_at = 0;
$this->queue_reset_at = 0;
public function __toString(): string
return $this->getStation() . ' Playlist: ' . $this->getName();
public static function generateShortName(string $str): string
$str = File::sanitizeFileName($str);
return (is_numeric($str))
? 'playlist_' . $str
: $str;