
239 lines
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namespace App;
use App\Entity;
use function in_array;
use function is_array;
class Acl
public const GLOBAL_ALL = 'administer all';
public const GLOBAL_VIEW = 'view administration';
public const GLOBAL_LOGS = 'view system logs';
public const GLOBAL_SETTINGS = 'administer settings';
public const GLOBAL_API_KEYS = 'administer api keys';
public const GLOBAL_USERS = 'administer user accounts';
public const GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS = 'administer permissions';
public const GLOBAL_STATIONS = 'administer stations';
public const GLOBAL_CUSTOM_FIELDS = 'administer custom fields';
public const GLOBAL_BACKUPS = 'administer backups';
public const GLOBAL_STORAGE_LOCATIONS = 'administer storage locations';
public const STATION_ALL = 'administer all';
public const STATION_VIEW = 'view station management';
public const STATION_REPORTS = 'view station reports';
public const STATION_LOGS = 'view station logs';
public const STATION_PROFILE = 'manage station profile';
public const STATION_BROADCASTING = 'manage station broadcasting';
public const STATION_STREAMERS = 'manage station streamers';
public const STATION_MOUNTS = 'manage station mounts';
public const STATION_REMOTES = 'manage station remotes';
public const STATION_MEDIA = 'manage station media';
public const STATION_AUTOMATION = 'manage station automation';
public const STATION_WEB_HOOKS = 'manage station web hooks';
protected Entity\Repository\RolePermissionRepository $permission_repo;
protected EventDispatcher $dispatcher;
protected array $permissions;
protected ?array $actions;
public function __construct(
Entity\Repository\RolePermissionRepository $rolePermissionRepository,
EventDispatcher $dispatcher
) {
$this->permission_repo = $rolePermissionRepository;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
$this->permissions = $this->listPermissions();
* Force a reload of the internal ACL cache (used in the event of a user status change).
public function reload(): void
$this->actions = $this->permission_repo->getActionsForAllRoles();
* @param string $permission_name
* @param bool $is_global
public function isValidPermission($permission_name, $is_global): bool
return $is_global
? isset($this->permissions['global'][$permission_name])
: isset($this->permissions['station'][$permission_name]);
* @return mixed[]
public function listPermissions(): array
if (isset($this->permissions)) {
return $this->permissions;
$permissions = [
'global' => [
self::GLOBAL_ALL => __('All Permissions'),
self::GLOBAL_VIEW => __('View Administration Page'),
self::GLOBAL_LOGS => __('View System Logs'),
self::GLOBAL_SETTINGS => __('Administer Settings'),
self::GLOBAL_API_KEYS => __('Administer API Keys'),
self::GLOBAL_STATIONS => __('Administer Stations'),
self::GLOBAL_CUSTOM_FIELDS => __('Administer Custom Fields'),
self::GLOBAL_BACKUPS => __('Administer Backups'),
self::GLOBAL_STORAGE_LOCATIONS => __('Administer Storage Locations'),
'station' => [
self::STATION_ALL => __('All Permissions'),
self::STATION_VIEW => __('View Station Page'),
self::STATION_REPORTS => __('View Station Reports'),
self::STATION_LOGS => __('View Station Logs'),
self::STATION_PROFILE => __('Manage Station Profile'),
self::STATION_BROADCASTING => __('Manage Station Broadcasting'),
self::STATION_STREAMERS => __('Manage Station Streamers'),
self::STATION_MOUNTS => __('Manage Station Mount Points'),
self::STATION_REMOTES => __('Manage Station Remote Relays'),
self::STATION_MEDIA => __('Manage Station Media'),
self::STATION_AUTOMATION => __('Manage Station Automation'),
self::STATION_WEB_HOOKS => __('Manage Station Web Hooks'),
$buildPermissionsEvent = new Event\BuildPermissions($permissions);
$permissions = $buildPermissionsEvent->getPermissions();
return $permissions;
* Wrapper around the 'userAllowed' function that throws a UI-friendly exception upon failure.
* @param Entity\User|null $user
* @param string|array $action
* @param null $station_id
* @throws Exception\NotLoggedInException
* @throws Exception\PermissionDeniedException
public function checkPermission(?Entity\User $user = null, $action, $station_id = null): void
if (!($user instanceof Entity\User)) {
throw new Exception\NotLoggedInException();
if (!$this->userAllowed($user, $action, $station_id)) {
throw new Exception\PermissionDeniedException();
* Check if a specified User entity is allowed to perform an action (or array of actions).
* @param Entity\User|null $user
* @param string|array $action
* @param int|Entity\Station|null $station_id
public function userAllowed(?Entity\User $user = null, $action, $station_id = null): bool
if (!($user instanceof Entity\User)) {
return false;
if ($station_id instanceof Entity\Station) {
$station_id = $station_id->getId();
$num_roles = $user->getRoles()->count();
if ($num_roles > 0) {
if ($num_roles === 1) {
$role = $user->getRoles()->first();
return $this->roleAllowed($role->getId(), $action, $station_id);
$roles = [];
if ($user->getRoles()->count() > 0) {
foreach ($user->getRoles() as $role) {
$roles[] = $role->getId();
return $this->roleAllowed($roles, $action, $station_id);
return false;
* Check if a role (or array of roles) is allowed to perform an action (or array of actions).
* @param int|array $role_id
* @param string|array $action
* @param int|Entity\Station|null $station_id
public function roleAllowed($role_id, $action, $station_id = null): bool
if ($station_id instanceof Entity\Station) {
$station_id = $station_id->getId();
// Iterate through an array of roles and return with the first "true" response, or "false" otherwise.
if (is_array($role_id)) {
foreach ($role_id as $r) {
if ($this->roleAllowed($r, $action, $station_id)) {
return true;
return false;
// If multiple actions are supplied, treat the list as "x OR y OR z", returning if any action is allowed.
if (is_array($action)) {
foreach ($action as $a) {
if ($this->roleAllowed($role_id, $a, $station_id)) {
return true;
return false;
if (!empty($this->actions[$role_id])) {
$role_actions = (array)$this->actions[$role_id];
if (in_array(self::GLOBAL_ALL, (array)$role_actions['global'], true)) {
return true;
if ($station_id !== null) {
if (in_array(self::GLOBAL_STATIONS, (array)$role_actions['global'], true)) {
return true;
if (!empty($role_actions['stations'][$station_id])) {
if (in_array(self::STATION_ALL, $role_actions['stations'][$station_id], true)) {
return true;
return in_array($action, (array)$role_actions['stations'][$station_id], true);
} else {
return in_array($action, (array)$role_actions['global'], true);
return false;