
455 lines
11 KiB

namespace App\Entity;
use App\Radio\Enums\AdapterTypeInterface;
use App\Radio\Enums\FrontendAdapters;
use App\Radio\Enums\StreamFormats;
use App\Radio\Enums\StreamProtocols;
use App\Radio\Frontend\AbstractFrontend;
use App\Utilities\Urls;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Stringable;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
OA\Schema(type: "object"),
ORM\Table(name: 'station_mounts'),
class StationMount implements
use Traits\HasAutoIncrementId;
use Traits\TruncateStrings;
use Traits\TruncateInts;
#[ORM\Column(nullable: false)]
protected int $station_id;
ORM\ManyToOne(inversedBy: 'mounts'),
ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'station_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', nullable: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE')
protected Station $station;
OA\Property(example: "/radio.mp3"),
ORM\Column(length: 100),
protected string $name = '';
OA\Property(example: "128kbps MP3"),
ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)
protected ?string $display_name = null;
OA\Property(example: true),
protected bool $is_visible_on_public_pages = true;
OA\Property(example: false),
protected bool $is_default = false;
OA\Property(example: false),
protected bool $is_public = false;
OA\Property(example: "/error.mp3"),
ORM\Column(length: 100, nullable: true)
protected ?string $fallback_mount = null;
OA\Property(example: ""),
ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)
protected ?string $relay_url = null;
OA\Property(example: ""),
ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)
protected ?string $authhash = null;
OA\Property(example: 43200),
ORM\Column(type: 'integer', nullable: false)
protected int $max_listener_duration = 0;
OA\Property(example: true),
protected bool $enable_autodj = true;
OA\Property(example: "mp3"),
ORM\Column(length: 10, nullable: true)
protected ?string $autodj_format = 'mp3';
OA\Property(example: 128),
ORM\Column(type: 'smallint', nullable: true)
protected ?int $autodj_bitrate = 128;
OA\Property(example: ""),
ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)
protected ?string $custom_listen_url = null;
#[ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true)]
protected ?string $intro_path = null;
OA\Property(type: "array", items: new OA\Items()),
ORM\Column(type: 'text', nullable: true)
protected ?string $frontend_config = null;
description: "The most recent number of unique listeners.",
example: 10
protected int $listeners_unique = 0;
description: "The most recent number of total (non-unique) listeners.",
example: 12
protected int $listeners_total = 0;
public function __construct(Station $station)
$this->station = $station;
public function getStation(): Station
return $this->station;
public function setStation(Station $station): void
$this->station = $station;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
public function setName(string $new_name): void
// Ensure all mount point names start with a leading slash.
$this->name = $this->truncateString('/' . ltrim($new_name, '/'), 100);
public function getDisplayName(): string
if (!empty($this->display_name)) {
return $this->display_name;
if ($this->enable_autodj) {
return $this->name . ' (' . $this->autodj_bitrate . 'kbps ' . strtoupper($this->autodj_format ?? '') . ')';
return $this->name;
public function setDisplayName(?string $display_name): void
$this->display_name = $this->truncateNullableString($display_name);
public function getIsVisibleOnPublicPages(): bool
return $this->is_visible_on_public_pages;
public function setIsVisibleOnPublicPages(bool $is_visible_on_public_pages): void
$this->is_visible_on_public_pages = $is_visible_on_public_pages;
public function getIsDefault(): bool
return $this->is_default;
public function setIsDefault(bool $is_default): void
$this->is_default = $is_default;
public function getIsPublic(): bool
return $this->is_public;
public function setIsPublic(bool $is_public): void
$this->is_public = $is_public;
public function getFallbackMount(): ?string
return $this->fallback_mount;
public function setFallbackMount(?string $fallback_mount = null): void
$this->fallback_mount = $fallback_mount;
public function getRelayUrl(): ?string
return $this->relay_url;
public function getRelayUrlAsUri(): ?UriInterface
$relayUri = Urls::tryParseUserUrl(
'Mount Point ' . $this->__toString() . ' Relay URL'
if (null !== $relayUri) {
// Relays need port explicitly provided.
$port = $relayUri->getPort();
if ($port === null && '' !== $relayUri->getScheme()) {
$relayUri = $relayUri->withPort(
('https' === $relayUri->getScheme()) ? 443 : 80
return $relayUri;
public function setRelayUrl(?string $relay_url = null): void
$this->relay_url = $this->truncateNullableString($relay_url);
public function getAuthhash(): ?string
return $this->authhash;
public function setAuthhash(?string $authhash = null): void
$this->authhash = $this->truncateNullableString($authhash);
public function getMaxListenerDuration(): int
return $this->max_listener_duration;
public function setMaxListenerDuration(int $max_listener_duration): void
$this->max_listener_duration = $this->truncateInt($max_listener_duration);
public function getEnableAutodj(): bool
return $this->enable_autodj;
public function setEnableAutodj(bool $enable_autodj): void
$this->enable_autodj = $enable_autodj;
public function getAutodjFormat(): ?string
return $this->autodj_format;
public function getAutodjFormatEnum(): ?StreamFormats
return (null !== $this->autodj_format)
? StreamFormats::from(strtolower($this->autodj_format))
: null;
public function setAutodjFormat(?string $autodj_format = null): void
$this->autodj_format = $this->truncateNullableString($autodj_format, 10);
public function getAutodjBitrate(): ?int
return $this->autodj_bitrate;
public function setAutodjBitrate(?int $autodj_bitrate = null): void
$this->autodj_bitrate = $autodj_bitrate;
public function getCustomListenUrl(): ?string
return $this->custom_listen_url;
public function getCustomListenUrlAsUri(): ?UriInterface
return Urls::tryParseUserUrl(
'Mount Point ' . $this->__toString() . ' Listen URL'
public function setCustomListenUrl(?string $custom_listen_url = null): void
$this->custom_listen_url = $this->truncateNullableString($custom_listen_url);
public function getFrontendConfig(): ?string
return $this->frontend_config;
public function setFrontendConfig(?string $frontend_config = null): void
$this->frontend_config = $frontend_config;
public function getListenersUnique(): int
return $this->listeners_unique;
public function setListenersUnique(int $listeners_unique): void
$this->listeners_unique = $listeners_unique;
public function getListenersTotal(): int
return $this->listeners_total;
public function setListenersTotal(int $listeners_total): void
$this->listeners_total = $listeners_total;
public function getIntroPath(): ?string
return $this->intro_path;
public function setIntroPath(?string $intro_path): void
$this->intro_path = $intro_path;
public function getAutodjHost(): ?string
return '';
public function getAutodjPort(): ?int
return $this->getStation()->getFrontendConfig()->getPort();
public function getAutodjProtocolEnum(): ?StreamProtocols
return match ($this->getAutodjAdapterTypeEnum()) {
FrontendAdapters::Shoutcast => StreamProtocols::Icy,
default => null
public function getAutodjUsername(): ?string
return '';
public function getAutodjPassword(): ?string
return $this->getStation()->getFrontendConfig()->getSourcePassword();
public function getAutodjMount(): ?string
return $this->getName();
public function getAutodjAdapterTypeEnum(): AdapterTypeInterface
return $this->getStation()->getFrontendTypeEnum();
* Retrieve the API version of the object/array.
* @param AbstractFrontend $fa
* @param UriInterface|null $base_url
public function api(
AbstractFrontend $fa,
UriInterface $base_url = null
): Api\NowPlaying\StationMount {
$response = new Api\NowPlaying\StationMount();
$response->id = $this->getIdRequired();
$response->name = $this->getDisplayName();
$response->path = $this->getName();
$response->is_default = $this->is_default;
$response->url = $fa->getUrlForMount($this->station, $this, $base_url);
$response->listeners = new Api\NowPlaying\Listeners(
total: $this->listeners_total,
unique: $this->listeners_unique
if ($this->enable_autodj) {
$response->bitrate = (int)$this->autodj_bitrate;
$response->format = (string)$this->autodj_format;
return $response;
public function __toString(): string
return $this->getStation() . ' Mount: ' . $this->getDisplayName();