mirror of https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast.git synced 2024-06-17 22:47:04 +00:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece a6ec36b21c
Analytics Overhaul and InfluxDB Removal (#3243)
- Make the Analytics table in the database the primary one for handling statistics for all stations, removing the InfluxDB dependency entirely
 - Expand the Analytics table to also track unique listeners per hour and day
 - Properly clean up the Listeners table according to each installation's history retention settings
 - Implement a cute new animated "waiting for services" startup message that avoids previous wait messages that looked more like errors
2020-10-07 18:50:30 -05:00

250 lines
8.5 KiB

namespace App\Controller\Stations\Reports;
use App\Entity;
use App\Http\Response;
use App\Http\ServerRequest;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use stdClass;
use function array_reverse;
use function array_slice;
class OverviewController
protected EntityManagerInterface $em;
protected Entity\Repository\SettingsRepository $settingsRepo;
protected Entity\Repository\AnalyticsRepository $analyticsRepo;
public function __construct(
EntityManagerInterface $em,
Entity\Repository\SettingsRepository $settingsRepo,
Entity\Repository\AnalyticsRepository $analyticsRepo
) {
$this->em = $em;
$this->settingsRepo = $settingsRepo;
$this->analyticsRepo = $analyticsRepo;
public function __invoke(ServerRequest $request, Response $response): ResponseInterface
$station = $request->getStation();
$station_tz = $station->getTimezoneObject();
// Get current analytics level.
$analytics_level = $this->settingsRepo->getSetting(Entity\Settings::LISTENER_ANALYTICS,
if ($analytics_level === Entity\Analytics::LEVEL_NONE) {
// The entirety of the dashboard can't be shown, so redirect user to the profile page.
return $request->getView()->renderToResponse($response, 'stations/reports/restricted');
/* Statistics */
$statisticsThreshold = CarbonImmutable::parse('-1 month', $station_tz);
// Statistics by day.
$dailyStats = $this->analyticsRepo->findForStationAfterTime($station, $statisticsThreshold,
$daily_chart = new stdClass;
$daily_chart->label = __('Listeners by Day');
$daily_chart->type = 'line';
$daily_chart->fill = false;
$daily_alt = [
'<p>' . $daily_chart->label . '</p>',
$daily_averages = [];
$days_of_week = [];
foreach ($dailyStats as $stat) {
/** @var CarbonImmutable $statTime */
$statTime = $stat['moment'];
$statTime = $statTime->shiftTimezone($station_tz);
$avg_row = new stdClass;
$avg_row->t = $statTime->getTimestamp() * 1000;
$avg_row->y = round($stat['number_avg'], 2);
$daily_averages[] = $avg_row;
$row_date = $statTime->format('Y-m-d');
$daily_alt[] = '<dt><time data-original="' . $avg_row->t . '">' . $row_date . '</time></dt>';
$daily_alt[] = '<dd>' . $avg_row->y . ' ' . __('Listeners') . '</dd>';
$day_of_week = (int)$statTime->format('N') - 1;
$days_of_week[$day_of_week][] = $stat['number_avg'];
$daily_alt[] = '</dl>';
$daily_chart->data = $daily_averages;
$daily_data = [
'datasets' => [$daily_chart],
$day_of_week_chart = new stdClass;
$day_of_week_chart->label = __('Listeners by Day of Week');
$day_of_week_alt = [
'<p>' . $day_of_week_chart->label . '</p>',
$days_of_week_names = [
$day_of_week_stats = [];
foreach ($days_of_week_names as $day_index => $day_name) {
$day_totals = $days_of_week[$day_index] ?? [0];
$stat_value = round(array_sum($day_totals) / count($day_totals), 2);
$day_of_week_stats[] = $stat_value;
$day_of_week_alt[] = '<dt>' . $day_name . '</dt>';
$day_of_week_alt[] = '<dd>' . $stat_value . ' ' . __('Listeners') . '</dd>';
$day_of_week_alt[] = '</dl>';
$day_of_week_chart->data = $day_of_week_stats;
$day_of_week_data = [
'datasets' => [$day_of_week_chart],
'labels' => $days_of_week_names,
// Statistics by hour.
$hourlyStats = $this->analyticsRepo->findForStationAfterTime($station, $statisticsThreshold,
$totals_by_hour = [];
foreach ($hourlyStats as $stat) {
/** @var CarbonImmutable $statTime */
$statTime = $stat['moment'];
$statTime = $statTime->shiftTimezone($station_tz);
$hour = (int)$statTime->format('G');
$totals_by_hour[$hour][] = $stat['number_avg'];
$hourly_labels = [];
$hourly_chart = new stdClass;
$hourly_chart->label = __('Listeners by Hour');
$hourly_rows = [];
$hourly_alt = [
'<p>' . $hourly_chart->label . '</p>',
for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
$hourly_labels[] = $i . ':00';
$totals = $totals_by_hour[$i] ?: [0];
$stat_value = round(array_sum($totals) / count($totals), 2);
$hourly_rows[] = $stat_value;
$hourly_alt[] = '<dt>' . $i . ':00</dt>';
$hourly_alt[] = '<dd>' . $stat_value . ' ' . __('Listeners') . '</dd>';
$hourly_alt[] = '</dl>';
$hourly_chart->data = $hourly_rows;
$hourly_data = [
'datasets' => [$hourly_chart],
'labels' => $hourly_labels,
/* Play Count Statistics */
$song_totals_raw = [];
$song_totals_raw['played'] = $this->em->createQuery(/** @lang DQL */ 'SELECT
sh.song_id, sh.text, sh.artist, sh.title, COUNT(sh.id) AS records
FROM App\Entity\SongHistory sh
WHERE sh.station_id = :station_id AND sh.timestamp_start >= :timestamp
GROUP BY sh.song_id
ORDER BY records DESC')
->setParameter('station_id', $station->getId())
->setParameter('timestamp', $statisticsThreshold->getTimestamp())
// Compile the above data.
$song_totals = [];
foreach ($song_totals_raw as $total_type => $total_records) {
foreach ($total_records as $total_record) {
$song_totals[$total_type][] = $total_record;
$song_totals[$total_type] = array_slice((array)$song_totals[$total_type], 0, 10, true);
/* Song "Deltas" (Changes in Listener Count) */
$songPerformanceThreshold = CarbonImmutable::parse('-2 days', $station_tz)->getTimestamp();
// Get all songs played in timeline.
$songs_played_raw = $this->em->createQuery(/** @lang DQL */ 'SELECT sh
FROM App\Entity\SongHistory sh
WHERE sh.station_id = :station_id
AND sh.timestamp_start >= :timestamp
AND sh.listeners_start IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY sh.timestamp_start ASC')
->setParameter('station_id', $station->getId())
->setParameter('timestamp', $songPerformanceThreshold)
$songs_played_raw = array_values($songs_played_raw);
$songs = [];
foreach ($songs_played_raw as $i => $song_row) {
// Song has no recorded ending.
if ($song_row['timestamp_end'] == 0) {
$song_row['stat_start'] = $song_row['listeners_start'];
$song_row['stat_end'] = $song_row['listeners_end'];
$song_row['stat_delta'] = $song_row['delta_total'];
$songs[] = $song_row;
usort($songs, function ($a_arr, $b_arr) {
$a = $a_arr['stat_delta'];
$b = $b_arr['stat_delta'];
return $a <=> $b;
return $request->getView()->renderToResponse($response, 'stations/reports/overview', [
'charts' => [
'daily' => json_encode($daily_data, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR),
'daily_alt' => implode('', $daily_alt),
'hourly' => json_encode($hourly_data, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR),
'hourly_alt' => implode('', $hourly_alt),
'day_of_week' => json_encode($day_of_week_data, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR),
'day_of_week_alt' => implode('', $day_of_week_alt),
'song_totals' => $song_totals,
'best_performing_songs' => array_reverse(array_slice($songs, -5)),
'worst_performing_songs' => array_slice($songs, 0, 5),