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namespace App\Entity\Api\NowPlaying;
use App\Entity\Api\ResolvableUrlInterface;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
#[OA\Schema(schema: 'Api_NowPlaying', type: 'object')]
class NowPlaying implements ResolvableUrlInterface
public Station $station;
public Listeners $listeners;
public Live $live;
public ?CurrentSong $now_playing = null;
public ?StationQueue $playing_next = null;
/** @var SongHistory[] */
public array $song_history = [];
description: 'Whether the stream is currently online.',
example: true
public bool $is_online = false;
description: 'Debugging information about where the now playing data comes from.',
enum: ['hit', 'database', 'station']
public ?string $cache = null;
* Update any variable items in the feed.
public function update(): void
* Return an array representation of this object.
* @return mixed[]
public function toArray(): array
return json_decode(json_encode($this, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
* Iterate through sub-items and re-resolve any Uri instances to reflect base URL changes.
* @param UriInterface $base
public function resolveUrls(UriInterface $base): void
if ($this->now_playing instanceof ResolvableUrlInterface) {
if ($this->playing_next instanceof ResolvableUrlInterface) {
foreach ($this->song_history as $history_obj) {
if ($history_obj instanceof ResolvableUrlInterface) {