mirror of https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast.git synced 2024-06-13 20:56:36 +00:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece c81ff62b5c
Remove the Song entity and restructure dependent tables accordingly (#3231)
* Song database and entity overhaul, part 1.
* Remove Songs table from a number of qeries and reports.
* Fix references to Songs table; rewrite StationMedia processing.
* Remove song reference in queue page.
* Allow custom log level via environment variable.
2020-10-04 17:35:41 -05:00

449 lines
13 KiB

namespace App\Entity\Repository;
use App\Doctrine\Repository;
use App\Entity;
use App\Exception\MediaProcessingException;
use App\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use App\Media\AlbumArt;
use App\Media\Id3;
use App\Service\AudioWaveform;
use App\Settings;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Exception;
use getid3_exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use NowPlaying\Result\CurrentSong;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer;
use voku\helper\UTF8;
class StationMediaRepository extends Repository
protected Filesystem $filesystem;
protected CustomFieldRepository $customFieldRepo;
public function __construct(
EntityManagerInterface $em,
Serializer $serializer,
Settings $settings,
LoggerInterface $logger,
Filesystem $filesystem,
CustomFieldRepository $customFieldRepo
) {
$this->filesystem = $filesystem;
$this->customFieldRepo = $customFieldRepo;
parent::__construct($em, $serializer, $settings, $logger);
* @param mixed $id
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @return Entity\StationMedia|null
public function find($id, Entity\Station $station): ?Entity\StationMedia
if (Entity\StationMedia::UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH === strlen($id)) {
$media = $this->findByUniqueId($id, $station);
if ($media instanceof Entity\StationMedia) {
return $media;
return $this->repository->findOneBy([
'station' => $station,
'id' => $id,
* @param string $path
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @return Entity\StationMedia|null
public function findByPath(string $path, Entity\Station $station): ?Entity\StationMedia
return $this->repository->findOneBy([
'station' => $station,
'path' => $path,
* @param string $uniqueId
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @return Entity\StationMedia|null
public function findByUniqueId(string $uniqueId, Entity\Station $station): ?Entity\StationMedia
return $this->repository->findOneBy([
'station' => $station,
'unique_id' => $uniqueId,
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @param string $path
* @param string|null $uploadedFrom The original uploaded path (if this is a new upload).
* @return Entity\StationMedia
* @throws Exception
public function getOrCreate(
Entity\Station $station,
string $path,
?string $uploadedFrom = null
): Entity\StationMedia {
if (strpos($path, '://') !== false) {
[, $path] = explode('://', $path, 2);
$record = $this->repository->findOneBy([
'station_id' => $station->getId(),
'path' => $path,
$created = false;
if (!($record instanceof Entity\StationMedia)) {
$record = new Entity\StationMedia($station, $path);
$created = true;
$reprocessed = $this->processMedia($record, $created, $uploadedFrom);
if ($created || $reprocessed) {
return $record;
* Run media through the "processing" steps: loading from file and setting up any missing metadata.
* @param Entity\StationMedia $media
* @param bool $force
* @param string|null $uploadedPath The uploaded path (if this is a new upload).
* @return bool Whether reprocessing was required for this file.
public function processMedia(
Entity\StationMedia $media,
bool $force = false,
?string $uploadedPath = null
): bool {
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation(), false);
$tmp_uri = null;
$media_uri = $media->getPathUri();
if (null !== $uploadedPath) {
$tmp_path = $uploadedPath;
$media_mtime = time();
} else {
if (!$fs->has($media_uri)) {
throw new MediaProcessingException(sprintf('Media path "%s" not found.', $media_uri));
$media_mtime = (int)$fs->getTimestamp($media_uri);
// No need to update if all of these conditions are true.
if (!$force && !$media->needsReprocessing($media_mtime)) {
return false;
try {
$tmp_path = $fs->getFullPath($media_uri);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$tmp_uri = $fs->copyToTemp($media_uri);
$tmp_path = $fs->getFullPath($tmp_uri);
$this->loadFromFile($media, $tmp_path);
$this->writeWaveform($media, $tmp_path);
if (null !== $uploadedPath) {
$fs->upload($uploadedPath, $media_uri);
} elseif (null !== $tmp_uri) {
return true;
* Process metadata information from media file.
* @param Entity\StationMedia $media
* @param string $file_path
public function loadFromFile(Entity\StationMedia $media, string $file_path): void
// Persist the media record for later custom field operations.
// Load metadata from supported files.
$file_info = Id3::read($file_path);
// Set playtime length if the analysis was able to determine it
if (is_numeric($file_info['playtime_seconds'])) {
$tagsToSet = [
'title' => 'setTitle',
'artist' => 'setArtist',
'album' => 'setAlbum',
'unsynchronised_lyric' => 'setLyrics',
'isrc' => 'setIsrc',
// Clear existing auto-assigned custom fields.
$fieldCollection = $media->getCustomFields();
foreach ($fieldCollection as $existingCustomField) {
/** @var Entity\StationMediaCustomField $existingCustomField */
if ($existingCustomField->getField()->hasAutoAssign()) {
$customFieldsToSet = $this->customFieldRepo->getAutoAssignableFields();
if (!empty($file_info['tags'])) {
foreach ($file_info['tags'] as $tag_type => $tag_data) {
foreach ($tagsToSet as $tag => $tagMethod) {
if (!empty($tag_data[$tag][0])) {
$tagValue = $this->cleanUpString($tag_data[$tag][0]);
foreach ($customFieldsToSet as $tag => $customFieldKey) {
if (!empty($tag_data[$tag][0])) {
$tagValue = $this->cleanUpString($tag_data[$tag][0]);
$customFieldRow = new Entity\StationMediaCustomField($media, $customFieldKey);
if (!empty($file_info['attached_picture'][0])) {
$picture = $file_info['attached_picture'][0];
$this->writeAlbumArt($media, $picture['data']);
} elseif (!empty($file_info['comments']['picture'][0])) {
$picture = $file_info['comments']['picture'][0];
$this->writeAlbumArt($media, $picture['data']);
// Attempt to derive title and artist from filename.
$artist = $media->getArtist();
$title = $media->getTitle();
if (null === $artist || null === $title) {
$filename = pathinfo($media->getPath(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$filename = str_replace('_', ' ', $filename);
$songObj = new CurrentSong($filename);
// Force a text property to auto-generate from artist/title
// Generate a song_id hash based on the track
protected function cleanUpString(string $original): string
$string = UTF8::encode('UTF-8', $original);
$string = UTF8::fix_simple_utf8($string);
return UTF8::clean(
* Read the contents of the album art from storage (if it exists).
* @param Entity\StationMedia $media
* @return string|null
public function readAlbumArt(Entity\StationMedia $media): ?string
$album_art_path = $media->getArtPath();
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
if (!$fs->has($album_art_path)) {
return null;
return $fs->read($album_art_path);
* Crop album art and write the resulting image to storage.
* @param Entity\StationMedia $media
* @param string $rawArtString The raw image data, as would be retrieved from file_get_contents.
* @return bool
public function writeAlbumArt(Entity\StationMedia $media, $rawArtString): bool
$albumArt = AlbumArt::resize($rawArtString);
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
$albumArtPath = $media->getArtPath();
return $fs->put($albumArtPath, $albumArt);
public function removeAlbumArt(Entity\StationMedia $media): void
// Remove the album art, if it exists.
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
$currentAlbumArtPath = $media->getArtPath();
* Write modified metadata directly to the file as ID3 information.
* @param Entity\StationMedia $media
* @return bool
* @throws getid3_exception
public function writeToFile(Entity\StationMedia $media): bool
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
$media_uri = $media->getPathUri();
$tmp_uri = null;
try {
$tmp_path = $fs->getFullPath($media_uri);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$tmp_uri = $fs->copyToTemp($media_uri);
$tmp_path = $fs->getFullPath($tmp_uri);
$tag_data = [
'title' => [$media->getTitle()],
'artist' => [$media->getArtist()],
'album' => [$media->getAlbum()],
'unsynchronised_lyric' => [$media->getLyrics()],
$art_path = $media->getArtPath();
if ($fs->has($art_path)) {
$tag_data['attached_picture'][0] = [
'encodingid' => 0, // ISO-8859-1; 3=UTF8 but only allowed in ID3v2.4
'description' => 'cover art',
'data' => $fs->read($art_path),
'picturetypeid' => 0x03,
'mime' => 'image/jpeg',
$tag_data['comments']['picture'][0] = $tag_data['attached_picture'][0];
// write tags
if (Id3::write($tmp_path, $tag_data)) {
$media->setMtime(time() + 5);
if (null !== $tmp_uri) {
$fs->updateFromTemp($tmp_uri, $media_uri);
return true;
return false;
public function updateWaveform(Entity\StationMedia $media): void
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
$mediaUri = $media->getPathUri();
$tmpUri = null;
try {
$tmpPath = $fs->getFullPath($mediaUri);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$tmpUri = $fs->copyToTemp($mediaUri);
$tmpPath = $fs->getFullPath($tmpUri);
$this->writeWaveform($media, $tmpPath);
if (null !== $tmpUri) {
public function writeWaveform(Entity\StationMedia $media, string $path): bool
$waveform = AudioWaveform::getWaveformFor($path);
$waveformPath = $media->getWaveformPath();
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
return $fs->put(
* Return the full path associated with a media entity.
* @param Entity\StationMedia $media
* @return string
public function getFullPath(Entity\StationMedia $media): string
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($media->getStation());
$uri = $media->getPathUri();
return $fs->getFullPath($uri);