
359 lines
13 KiB

<modal-form ref="modal" :loading="loading" :title="langTitle" :error="error" :disable-save-button="v$.form.$invalid"
@submit="doSubmit" @hidden="clearContents">
<type-select v-if="!type" :webhook-types="webhookTypes" @select="setType"></type-select>
<b-tabs v-else lazy content-class="mt-3" pills>
<b-tab active>
<template #title>
<translate key="tab_basic_info">Basic Info</translate>
<basic-info :trigger-options="triggerOptions" :form="v$.form"></basic-info>
<b-tab :title="typeTitle">
<component :is="formComponent" :now-playing-url="nowPlayingUrl" :form="v$.form"></component>
import {required} from '@vuelidate/validators';
import BaseEditModal from '~/components/Common/BaseEditModal';
import TypeSelect from "./Form/TypeSelect";
import BasicInfo from "./Form/BasicInfo";
import _ from "lodash";
import Generic from "./Form/Generic";
import Email from "./Form/Email";
import Tunein from "./Form/Tunein";
import Discord from "./Form/Discord";
import Telegram from "./Form/Telegram";
import Twitter from "./Form/Twitter";
import GoogleAnalytics from "./Form/GoogleAnalytics";
import MatomoAnalytics from "./Form/MatomoAnalytics";
import Mastodon from "./Form/Mastodon";
import useVuelidate from "@vuelidate/core";
export default {
name: 'EditModal',
setup() {
return {v$: useVuelidate()}
components: {BasicInfo, TypeSelect},
mixins: [BaseEditModal],
props: {
nowPlayingUrl: String,
webhookTypes: Object,
triggerTitles: Object,
triggerDescriptions: Object
data() {
return {
type: null,
validations() {
let validations = {
type: {required},
form: {
name: {required},
triggers: {},
config: {}
if (this.triggerOptions.length > 0) {
validations.form.triggers = {required};
if (this.type !== null) {
validations.form.config = _.get(this.webhookConfig, [this.type, 'validations'], {});
return validations;
computed: {
langTitle() {
return this.isEditMode
? this.$gettext('Edit Web Hook')
: this.$gettext('Add Web Hook');
triggerOptions() {
if (!this.type) {
return [];
let webhookKeys = _.get(this.webhookTypes, [this.type, 'triggers'], []);
return, (key) => {
return {
'<h6 class="font-weight-bold mb-0">' + this.triggerTitles[key] + '</h6>'
+ '<p class="card-text small">' + this.triggerDescriptions[key] + '</p>',
value: key
typeTitle() {
return _.get(this.webhookTypes, [this.type, 'name'], '');
formComponent() {
return _.get(this.webhookConfig, [this.type, 'component'], Generic);
webhookConfig() {
return {
'generic': {
component: Generic,
validations: {
webhook_url: {required},
basic_auth_username: {},
basic_auth_password: {},
timeout: {},
defaultConfig: {
webhook_url: '',
basic_auth_username: '',
basic_auth_password: '',
timeout: '5',
'email': {
component: Email,
validations: {
to: {required},
subject: {required},
message: {required}
defaultConfig: {
to: '',
subject: '',
message: ''
'tunein': {
component: Tunein,
validations: {
station_id: {required},
partner_id: {required},
partner_key: {required},
defaultConfig: {
station_id: '',
partner_id: '',
partner_key: ''
'discord': {
component: Discord,
validations: {
webhook_url: {required},
content: {},
title: {},
description: {},
url: {},
author: {},
thumbnail: {},
footer: {},
defaultConfig: {
webhook_url: '',
content: this.langDiscordDefaultContent,
title: '{{ }}',
description: '{{ }}',
url: '{{ station.listen_url }}',
author: '{{ live.streamer_name }}',
thumbnail: '{{ }}',
footer: this.langPoweredByAzuraCast,
'telegram': {
component: Telegram,
validations: {
bot_token: {required},
chat_id: {required},
api: {},
text: {required},
parse_mode: {required}
defaultConfig: {
bot_token: '',
chat_id: '',
api: '',
text: this.langTelegramDefaultContent,
parse_mode: 'Markdown'
'twitter': {
component: Twitter,
validations: {
consumer_key: {required},
consumer_secret: {required},
token: {required},
token_secret: {required},
rate_limit: {},
message: {},
message_song_changed_live: {},
message_live_connect: {},
message_live_disconnect: {},
message_station_offline: {},
message_station_online: {}
defaultConfig: {
consumer_key: '',
consumer_secret: '',
token: '',
token_secret: '',
rate_limit: 0,
message: this.langTwitterDefaultMessage,
message_song_changed_live: this.langTwitterSongChangedLiveMessage,
message_live_connect: this.langTwitterDjOnMessage,
message_live_disconnect: this.langTwitterDjOffMessage,
message_station_offline: this.langTwitterStationOfflineMessage,
message_station_online: this.langTwitterStationOnlineMessage
'mastodon': {
component: Mastodon,
validations: {
instance_url: {required},
access_token: {required},
rate_limit: {},
visibility: {required},
message: {},
message_song_changed_live: {},
message_live_connect: {},
message_live_disconnect: {},
message_station_offline: {},
message_station_online: {}
defaultConfig: {
instance_url: '',
access_token: '',
rate_limit: 0,
visibility: 'public',
message: this.langTwitterDefaultMessage,
message_song_changed_live: this.langTwitterSongChangedLiveMessage,
message_live_connect: this.langTwitterDjOnMessage,
message_live_disconnect: this.langTwitterDjOffMessage,
message_station_offline: this.langTwitterStationOfflineMessage,
message_station_online: this.langTwitterStationOnlineMessage
'google_analytics': {
component: GoogleAnalytics,
validations: {
tracking_id: {required}
defaultConfig: {
tracking_id: ''
'matomo_analytics': {
component: MatomoAnalytics,
validations: {
matomo_url: {required},
site_id: {required},
token: {},
defaultConfig: {
matomo_url: '',
site_id: '',
token: ''
langPoweredByAzuraCast() {
return this.$gettext('Powered by AzuraCast');
langDiscordDefaultContent() {
let msg = this.$gettext('Now playing on %{ station }:');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {'station': '{{ }}'});
langTelegramDefaultContent() {
let msg = this.$gettext('Now playing on %{ station }: %{ title } by %{ artist }! Tune in now.');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
station: '{{ }}',
title: '{{ }}',
artist: '{{ }}'
langTwitterDefaultMessage() {
let msg = this.$gettext('Now playing on %{ station }: %{ title } by %{ artist }! Tune in now: %{ url }');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
station: '{{ }}',
title: '{{ }}',
artist: '{{ }}',
url: '{{ station.public_player_url }}'
langTwitterSongChangedLiveMessage() {
let msg = this.$gettext('Now playing on %{ station }: %{ title } by %{ artist } with your host, %{ dj }! Tune in now: %{ url }');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
station: '{{ }}',
title: '{{ }}',
artist: '{{ }}',
dj: '{{ live.streamer_name }}',
url: '{{ station.public_player_url }}'
langTwitterDjOnMessage() {
let msg = this.$gettext('%{ dj } is now live on %{ station }! Tune in now: %{ url }');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
dj: '{{ live.streamer_name }}',
station: '{{ }}',
url: '{{ station.public_player_url }}'
langTwitterDjOffMessage() {
let msg = this.$gettext('Thanks for listening to %{ station }!');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
station: '{{ }}',
langTwitterStationOfflineMessage() {
let msg = this.$gettext('%{ station } is going offline for now.');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
station: '{{ }}'
langTwitterStationOnlineMessage() {
let msg = this.$gettext('%{ station } is back online! Tune in now: %{ url }');
return this.$gettextInterpolate(msg, {
station: '{{ }}',
url: '{{ station.public_player_url }}'
methods: {
resetForm() {
this.type = null;
this.form = {
name: null,
triggers: [],
config: {}
setType(type) {
this.type = type;
this.form.config = _.get(this.webhookConfig, [type, 'defaultConfig'], {});
getSubmittableFormData() {
let formData = this.form;
if (!this.isEditMode) {
formData.type = this.type;
return formData;
populateForm(d) {
this.type = d.type;
this.form = {
triggers: d.triggers,
config: d.config