
133 lines
4.5 KiB

<b-card no-body>
<b-card-header header-bg-variant="primary-dark">
<h2 class="card-title">{{ $gettext('Mount Points') }}</h2>
<p class="card-text">
$gettext('Mount points are how listeners connect and listen to your station. Each mount point can be a different audio format or quality. Using mount points, you can set up a high-quality stream for broadband listeners and a mobile stream for phone users.')
<b-card-body body-class="card-padding-sm">
<b-button variant="outline-primary" @click.prevent="doCreate">
<icon icon="add"></icon>
{{ $gettext('Add Mount Point') }}
<data-table ref="$dataTable" id="station_mounts" :fields="fields" paginated
<template #cell(display_name)="row">
<h5 class="m-0">
<a :href="row.item.links.listen">{{ row.item.display_name }}</a>
<div v-if="row.item.is_default">
<span class="badge badge-success">
{{ $gettext('Default Mount') }}
<template #cell(enable_autodj)="row">
<template v-if="row.item.enable_autodj">
{{ $gettext('Enabled') }} -
{{ showFormatAndBitrate(row.item.autodj_format, row.item.autodj_bitrate) }}
<template v-else>
{{ $gettext('Disabled') }}
<template #cell(actions)="row">
<b-button-group size="sm">
<b-button size="sm" variant="primary" @click.prevent="doEdit(row.item.links.self)">
{{ $gettext('Edit') }}
<b-button size="sm" variant="danger" @click.prevent="doDelete(row.item.links.self)">
{{ $gettext('Delete') }}
<edit-modal ref="$editModal" :create-url="listUrl" :new-intro-url="newIntroUrl"
:show-advanced="showAdvanced" :station-frontend-type="stationFrontendType"
@relist="relist" @needs-restart="mayNeedRestart"></edit-modal>
<script setup>
import DataTable from '~/components/Common/DataTable';
import EditModal from './Mounts/EditModal';
import Icon from '~/components/Common/Icon';
import InfoCard from '~/components/Common/InfoCard';
import {mayNeedRestartProps, useMayNeedRestart} from "~/functions/useMayNeedRestart";
import {useTranslate} from "~/vendor/gettext";
import {ref} from "vue";
import {useSweetAlert} from "~/vendor/sweetalert";
import {useNotify} from "~/vendor/bootstrapVue";
import {useAxios} from "~/vendor/axios";
import showFormatAndBitrate from "~/functions/showFormatAndBitrate";
const props = defineProps({
listUrl: String,
newIntroUrl: String,
stationFrontendType: String,
showAdvanced: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
const {$gettext} = useTranslate();
const fields = [
{key: 'display_name', isRowHeader: true, label: $gettext('Name'), sortable: true},
{key: 'enable_autodj', label: $gettext('AutoDJ'), sortable: true},
{key: 'actions', label: $gettext('Actions'), sortable: false, class: 'shrink'}
const $dataTable = ref(); // DataTable
const relist = () => {
const $editModal = ref(); // EditModal
const doCreate = () => {
const doEdit = (url) => {
const {needsRestart, mayNeedRestart} = useMayNeedRestart(props.restartStatusUrl);
const {confirmDelete} = useSweetAlert();
const {wrapWithLoading, notifySuccess} = useNotify();
const {axios} = useAxios();
const doDelete = (url) => {
title: $gettext('Delete Mount Point?'),
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
).then((resp) => {