mirror of https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast.git synced 2024-06-14 21:26:37 +00:00
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namespace App\Controller\Api\Admin;
use App\Entity;
use App\Enums\StationPermissions;
use App\Http\Response;
use App\Http\ServerRequest;
use App\Radio\Adapters;
use App\Radio\Enums\FrontendAdapters;
use App\Radio\Enums\RemoteAdapters;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
path: '/internal/relays',
operationId: 'internalGetRelayDetails',
description: "Returns all necessary information to relay all 'relayable' stations.",
tags: ['Administration: Relays'],
parameters: [],
responses: [
new OA\Response(
response: 200,
description: 'Success',
content: new OA\JsonContent(
type: 'array',
items: new OA\Items(ref: '#/components/schemas/Api_Admin_Relay')
final class RelaysController
public function __construct(
private readonly EntityManagerInterface $em,
private readonly Adapters $adapters
) {
public function __invoke(
ServerRequest $request,
Response $response
): ResponseInterface {
$stations = $this->getManageableStations($request);
$router = $request->getRouter();
$return = [];
foreach ($stations as $station) {
$fa = $this->adapters->getFrontendAdapter($station);
$row = new Entity\Api\Admin\Relay();
$row->id = $station->getIdRequired();
$row->name = $station->getName();
$row->shortcode = $station->getShortName();
$row->description = $station->getDescription();
$row->url = $station->getUrl();
$row->genre = $station->getGenre();
$row->type = $station->getFrontendType();
$frontend_config = $station->getFrontendConfig();
$row->port = $frontend_config->getPort();
$row->relay_pw = $frontend_config->getRelayPassword();
$row->admin_pw = $frontend_config->getAdminPassword();
$mounts = [];
if ($station->getMounts()->count() > 0) {
foreach ($station->getMounts() as $mount) {
/** @var Entity\StationMount $mount */
$mounts[] = $mount->api($fa);
$row->mounts = $mounts;
$return[] = $row;
return $response->withJson($return);
* @param ServerRequest $request
* @return Entity\Station[]
private function getManageableStations(ServerRequest $request): array
$all_stations = $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT s, sm
FROM App\Entity\Station s
JOIN s.mounts sm
WHERE s.is_enabled = 1
AND s.frontend_type != :remote_frontend
)->setParameter('remote_frontend', FrontendAdapters::Remote->value)
$acl = $request->getAcl();
return array_filter(
static function (Entity\Station $station) use ($acl) {
return $acl->isAllowed(StationPermissions::Broadcasting, $station->getId());
public function updateAction(
ServerRequest $request,
Response $response
): ResponseInterface {
$relay_repo = $this->em->getRepository(Entity\Relay::class);
$body = (array)$request->getParsedBody();
if (!empty($body['base_url'])) {
$base_url = $body['base_url'];
} else {
/** @noinspection HttpUrlsUsage */
$base_url = 'http://' . $request->getIp();
$relay = $relay_repo->findOneBy(['base_url' => $base_url]);
if (!$relay instanceof Entity\Relay) {
$relay = new Entity\Relay($base_url);
$relay->setName($body['name'] ?? 'Relay');
$relay->setIsVisibleOnPublicPages($body['is_visible_on_public_pages'] ?? true);
// List existing remotes to avoid duplication.
$existing_remotes = [];
foreach ($relay->getRemotes() as $remote) {
/** @var Entity\StationRemote $remote */
$existing_remotes[$remote->getStation()->getId()][$remote->getMount()] = $remote;
// Iterate through all remotes that *should* exist.
foreach ($this->getManageableStations($request) as $station) {
$station_id = $station->getId();
foreach ($station->getMounts() as $mount) {
/** @var Entity\StationMount $mount */
$mount_path = $mount->getName();
if (isset($existing_remotes[$station_id][$mount_path])) {
/** @var Entity\StationRemote $remote */
$remote = $existing_remotes[$station_id][$mount_path];
} else {
$remote = new Entity\StationRemote($station);
$remote->setDisplayName($mount->getDisplayName() . ' (' . $relay->getName() . ')');
// Remove all remotes that weren't processed earlier.
foreach ($existing_remotes as $existing_remote_station) {
foreach ($existing_remote_station as $existing_remote) {
return $response->withJson(Entity\Api\Status::success());