mirror of https://github.com/AzuraCast/AzuraCast.git synced 2024-06-14 13:16:37 +00:00
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namespace App\Controller\Api;
use App\Entity;
use App\Http\Response;
use App\Http\RouterInterface;
use App\Http\ServerRequest;
use App\OpenApi;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
path: '/nowplaying',
description: "Returns a full summary of all stations' current state.",
tags: ['Now Playing'],
parameters: [],
responses: [
new OA\Response(
response: 200,
description: 'Success',
content: new OA\JsonContent(
type: 'array',
items: new OA\Items(ref: '#/components/schemas/Api_NowPlaying')
path: '/nowplaying/{station_id}',
description: "Returns a full summary of the specified station's current state.",
tags: ['Now Playing'],
parameters: [
new OA\Parameter(ref: OpenApi::REF_STATION_ID_REQUIRED),
responses: [
new OA\Response(
response: 200,
description: 'Success',
content: new OA\JsonContent(ref: '#/components/schemas/Api_NowPlaying')
new OA\Response(ref: OpenApi::REF_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND, response: 404),
final class NowPlayingController
public function __construct(
private readonly EntityManagerInterface $em,
private readonly CacheInterface $cache
) {
public function getAction(
ServerRequest $request,
Response $response,
?string $station_id = null
): ResponseInterface {
$router = $request->getRouter();
if (!empty($station_id)) {
$np = $this->getForStation($station_id, $router);
if (null !== $np) {
return $response->withJson($np);
return $response->withStatus(404)
return $response->withJson(
$request->getAttribute('user') === null // If unauthenticated, hide non-public stations from full view.
public function getArtAction(
ServerRequest $request,
Response $response,
string $station_id,
?string $timestamp = null
): ResponseInterface {
$np = $this->getForStation($station_id, $request->getRouter());
$currentArt = $np?->now_playing?->song?->art;
if (null !== $currentArt) {
return $response->withRedirect((string)$currentArt, 302);
return $response->withStatus(404)
private function getForStation(
string $station,
RouterInterface $router
): ?Entity\Api\NowPlaying\NowPlaying {
// Check cache first.
$np = $this->cache->get('nowplaying.' . $station);
if (!($np instanceof Entity\Api\NowPlaying\NowPlaying)) {
// Pull from DB if possible.
if (is_numeric($station)) {
$dql = <<<'DQL'
SELECT s.nowplaying FROM App\Entity\Station s
WHERE s.id = :id
} else {
$dql = <<<'DQL'
SELECT s.nowplaying FROM App\Entity\Station s
WHERE s.short_name = :id
try {
$npResult = $this->em->createQuery($dql)
->setParameter('id', $station)
$np = $npResult['nowplaying'] ?? null;
} catch (NoResultException) {
return null;
if ($np instanceof Entity\Api\NowPlaying\NowPlaying) {
return $np;
return null;
private function getForAllStations(
RouterInterface $router,
bool $publicOnly = false,
): array {
if ($publicOnly) {
$dql = <<<'DQL'
SELECT s.nowplaying FROM App\Entity\Station s
WHERE s.is_enabled = 1 AND s.enable_public_page = 1
} else {
$dql = <<<'DQL'
SELECT s.nowplaying FROM App\Entity\Station s
WHERE s.is_enabled = 1
$np = [];
$baseUrl = $router->getBaseUrl();
foreach ($this->em->createQuery($dql)->getArrayResult() as $row) {
$npRow = $row['nowplaying'];
if ($npRow instanceof Entity\Api\NowPlaying\NowPlaying) {
$np[] = $npRow;
return $np;