[ "method" => "GET", "header" => "X-API-Key: $apikey\r\n" ] ]); $from = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", strtotime("now + 1 day")); $to = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", strtotime("now + 8 days")); $schedule = json_decode( file_get_contents( "https://radio.tildeverse.org/api/station/1/streamers/schedule?start=$from&end=$to", false, $context ), true ); usort($schedule, function ($a, $b) { return $a["start"] <=> $b["start"]; }); function formatdate($date) { return gmdate("Ymd\THis\Z", strtotime($date)); } header("Content-Type: text/calendar"); // ICS generation. Here be dragons. // I created the file using a Python script and reverse-engineered it to figure this out. // Header. echo "BEGIN:VCALENDAR".PHP_EOL; echo "VERSION:2.0".PHP_EOL; echo "PRODID:tilderadio schedule".PHP_EOL; foreach ($schedule as $event) { // The VEVENT structure's pretty easy to generate, especially since we're already in UTC. echo "BEGIN:VEVENT".PHP_EOL; // First, the event start and end. echo "DTEND:".formatdate($event["end"]).PHP_EOL; echo "DTSTART:".formatdate($event["start"]).PHP_EOL; // Next, the event title, or "summary" as the spec calls it. echo "SUMMARY:DJ ".$event["title"].PHP_EOL; // Finally, a unique ID for this event. // To make absolutely certain we don't repeat the same event ID, I decided to use a SHA256 hash of the event structure. echo "UID:"; echo hash("sha256",json_encode($event)); echo "@tilderadio.org".PHP_EOL; // Finally, close the VEVENT structure. echo "END:VEVENT".PHP_EOL; // Next event? } // Finally, close out the VCALENDAR structure. echo "END:VCALENDAR".PHP_EOL; ?>