define([ 'jquery', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', ], function ($, Util, Hash, UI, UIElements, Messages, nThen) { var Modal = {}; Modal.override = function (data, obj) { data.owners = obj.owners; data.expire = obj.expire; data.pending_owners = obj.pending_owners; data.mailbox = obj.mailbox; data.restricted = obj.restricted; data.allowed = obj.allowed; data.rejected = obj.rejected; }; // trying to get data from server // should be authoritative, so override whatever you have in memory Modal.loadMetadata = function (Env, data, waitFor, redraw) { Env.common.getPadMetadata({ channel: }, waitFor(function (md) { if (md && md.error) { return void console.error(md.error); } Modal.override(data, md); if (redraw) {; } })); }; Modal.getPadData = function (Env, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var common = Env.common; opts = opts || {}; var data = {}; nThen(function (waitFor) { var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var base = priv.origin; // this fetches attributes from your shared worker's memory common.getPadAttribute('', waitFor(function (err, val) { if (err || !val) { if (opts.access) { data.password = priv.password; // Access modal and the pad is not stored: get the hashes from outer var hashes = priv.hashes || {}; data.href = Hash.hashToHref(hashes.editHash || hashes.fileHash,; if (hashes.viewHash) { data.roHref = Hash.hashToHref(hashes.viewHash,; } data.isNotStored = true; } else { waitFor.abort(); return void cb(err || 'EEMPTY'); } return; } // we delete owners because this query to the worker // is concurrent with the call to the server. // we shouldn't trust local information about ownership or expiration // over that provided by the server, so we simply ignore the local version. // this could be made more correct at the expense of some latency by not // running the two queries concurrently, but we consider responsiveness // more of a priority I guess. Maybe reconsider that if you find // that this causes any bugs. if (!val.fileType) { delete val.owners; delete val.expire; } Util.extend(data, val); if (data.href) { data.href = base + data.href; } if (data.roHref) { data.roHref = base + data.roHref; } }), opts.href); if ( { =; } // If this is a file, don't try to look for metadata if ( && > 32) { return; } // this fetches data from the server Modal.loadMetadata(Env, data, waitFor); }).nThen(function () { if ( { =; } cb(void 0, data); }); }; Modal.isOwned = function (Env, data) { var common = Env.common; data = data || {}; return common.isOwned(data.owners); }; var blocked = false; Modal.getModal = function (common, opts, _tabs, cb) { if (blocked) { return; } blocked = true; var Env = { common: common, evRedrawAll: Util.mkEvent() }; var data; var button = [{ className: 'cancel', name: Messages.filePicker_close, onClick: function () {}, keys: [13,27] }]; var tabs = []; nThen(function (waitFor) { Modal.getPadData(Env, opts, waitFor(function (e, _data) { if (e) { blocked = false; waitFor.abort(); return void cb(e); } data = _data; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var owned = Modal.isOwned(Env, data); if (typeof(owned) !== "boolean") { data.teamId = Number(owned); } _tabs.forEach(function (obj, i) { obj.getTab(Env, data, opts, waitFor(function (e, c) { if (e) { blocked = false; waitFor.abort(); return void cb(e); } if (c && c.content && c.buttons) { obj.buttons = c.buttons; c = c.content; } var node = (c instanceof $) ? c[0] : c; tabs[i] = { content: c && UI.dialog.customModal(node, { buttons: obj.buttons || button, onClose: function () { blocked = false; if (typeof(opts.onClose) === "function") { opts.onClose(); } } }), disabled: !c, active:, onShow: obj.onShow, onHide: obj.onHide, title: obj.title, icon: obj.icon }; })); }); }).nThen(function () { var tabsContent = UI.dialog.tabs(tabs); var modal = UI.openCustomModal(tabsContent, { wide: opts.wide }); cb (void 0, modal); var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var handler = sframeChan.on('EV_RT_METADATA', function (md) { if (!$(modal).length) { return void handler.stop(); } Modal.override(data, Util.clone(md));; }); var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var f = function () { if (!$(modal).length) { return void'change', f); }; }; metadataMgr.onChange(f); }); }; return Modal; });