
hey hi

tilde.chat is the irc network of the tildeverse, an association of social unix servers built as an intentional community for teaching, learning, and sharing.

tilde.chat is a place for tilde-folk and friends to gather and communicate.

!toot goes here: mastodon

connection info

if you already have your own client, you can connect to irc.tilde.chat on port 6697 with ssl

irc.tilde.chat is a round-robin host that will return any of the available servers

if you're getting a higher ping than you'd like, try one of the geo-round-robins: na.tilde.chat, eu.tilde.chat, and au.tilde.chat on port 6697 with ssl.

or localhost 6667 from a shell on any of the member tildes :) (port 7766 on ~town)

if you don't have a client ready to go, try using one of our webchat clients: thelounge or kiwiirc

mumble server

use your client to connect to tilde.chat on the default port using "tilde.chat" as the password and talk!

there's also a web client. use the same password.

might not be anyone there. shout about it on irc first!


please see the etiquette guide

chatting/using tilde.chat irc servers implies agreement with the code of conduct. the tilde.town code of conduct applies as well.

if you have anything that needs oper attention, please send a mail to opers at tilde dot chat.

incidents will be handled according to the CoC as well as by admins of your home tilde