ignore: - '**/*': # there's no "don't delete these records or shit will be on fire" option, # just various "sure automatically destroy lots of data yolo" options - Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent # is a multimaster db while needing microsecond accurate sorting really 'standard' - Rails/OrderById # it's mad about the class variables and I don't want to risk the refactor now - 'extras/**/*': - Naming/VariableName # migrations are not live code - 'db/migrate/201*' - 'db/migrate/2020*' - 'db/migrate/2022*' - 'db/migrate/202309*' plugins: - standard-performance - standard-rails - standard-sorbet # Needs to be packaged as a plugin https://github.com/standardrb/standard#user-content-plugins # - use_form_with: # require_path: extras/prohibit_form_for_and_form_tag # plugin_class_name: RuboCop::Cop::Style::DisallowFormForandFormTag