<%= render :partial => "stories/form_errors", :locals => { :f => f, :story => f.object } %>
<% unless defined?(suggesting) %>
<% if f.object.url_is_editable_by_user?(@user) %> <%= f.label :url, "URL:", :class => "required" %> <%= f.text_field :url, :autocomplete => "off" %> <%= button_tag raw("Fetch Title"), :id => "story_fetch_title", :type => "button" %> <% elsif !f.object.new_record? && !f.object.url.blank? %> <%= f.label :url, "URL:", :class => "required" %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.label :title, "Title:", :class => "required" %> <%= f.text_field :title, :maxlength => 100 %>

Please remove extraneous components from titles such as the name of the site, blog, section, and author. Thanks!

<% if f.object.id && !defined?(suggesting) && f.object.suggested_title_times.any? %>
Users have suggested setting this story's title to:
<% f.object.suggested_title_times.each do |st| %> <%= st.times %>: <%= st.title %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.label :tags_a, "Tags:", :class => "required", :style => "line-height: 2.3em;" %> <%= f.select "tags_a", options_for_select( Tag.all_with_filtered_counts_for(@user).map{|t| html = "#{h(t.tag)} - #{h(t.description.to_s)}" if t.hotness_mod != 0 html << " (hotness mod #{t.hotness_mod > 0 ? "+" : ""}#{t.hotness_mod})" end if t.filtered_count > 0 html << " #{t.filtered_count} user" << (t.filtered_count == 1 ? "" : "s") << " filtering" end [ "#{t.tag} - #{t.description}", t.tag, { "data-title" => raw(html), "data-tag-css" => t.css_class } ]}, f.object.tags_a), {}, { :multiple => true } %>
<% if f.object.id && !defined?(suggesting) && f.object.suggested_tagging_times.any? %>
Users have suggested setting this story's tags to:
<% f.object.suggested_tagging_times.includes(:tag).each do |st| %> <%= st.times %>: <%= tag_link(st.tag) %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% unless defined?(suggesting) %>
<%= f.label :description, "Text:", :class => "required" %> <%= f.text_area :description, :rows => 8, :placeholder => "Use this for stories without a URL, to link additional context, or to paste abstracts from PDF papers. Please don't use this to promote the story, summarize the post, or explain why you posted it. See the guidelines below for more." %>
<%= tag.details class: "boxline actions", open: show_guidelines?(@user) ? true : nil do %> Story submission guidelines <% end %> <% end %>
<% unless defined?(suggesting) %>
<%= f.label :user_is_author, "Author:", :class => "required" %> <%= f.check_box :user_is_author %> <%= f.label :user_is_author, (f.object.id && f.object.user_id != @user.id ? "Submitter is" : "I am") + " the author of the story at this URL (or this text)", :class => "normal" %>
<%= f.label :user_is_following, "Follow:", :class => "required" %> <%= f.check_box :user_is_following %> <%= f.label :user_is_following, (f.object.id && f.object.user_id == @user.id ? 'Follow' : "Submitter is following") + " this story to receive replies via e-mail and Pushover", :class => "normal" %>
<% end %>