class Github cattr_accessor :CLIENT_ID, :CLIENT_SECRET # these need to be overridden in config/initializers/production.rb @@CLIENT_ID = nil @@CLIENT_SECRET = nil def self.enabled? self.CLIENT_ID.present? end def self.oauth_consumer, self.CLIENT_SECRET, :site => "") end def self.token_and_user_from_code(code) s = res = s.fetch( "", :post, :client_id => self.CLIENT_ID, :client_secret => self.CLIENT_SECRET, :code => code, ).body ps = CGI.parse(res) tok = ps["access_token"].first if tok.present? headers = { "Authorization" => "token #{tok}" } res = s.fetch("", :get, nil, nil, headers).body js = JSON.parse(res) if js && js["login"].present? return [tok, js["login"]] end end return [nil, nil] end def self.oauth_auth_url(state) "{self.CLIENT_ID}&" << "state=#{state}" end end