
108 lines
3.2 KiB

class MessagesController < ApplicationController
# static $verify = array(
# array("method" => "post",
# "only" => array("reply", "send"),
# "redirect_to" => "/",
# ),
# );
# public function index() {
# if (!$this->user) {
# $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to read messages.");
# return $this->redirect_to("/login");
# }
# $this->page_title = "Your Messages";
# $this->incoming_messages =
# Message::find_all_by_recipient_user_id($this->user->id,
# array("order" => "created_at DESC"));
# $this->sent_messages =
# Message::find_all_by_author_user_id($this->user->id,
# array("order" => "created_at DESC"));
# }
# public function show() {
# if (!$this->user) {
# $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to read messages.");
# return $this->redirect_to("/login");
# }
# if (!($this->message = Message::find_by_random_hash($this->params["id"]))) {
# $this->add_flash_error("Could not find message.");
# return $this->redirect_to(array("controller" => "messages"));
# }
# if (!($this->message->recipient_user_id == $this->user->id ||
# $this->message->author_user_id == $this->user->id)) {
# $this->add_flash_error("Could not find message.");
# return $this->redirect_to(array("controller" => "messages"));
# }
# if ($this->message->recipient_user_id == $this->user->id &&
# !$this->message->has_been_read) {
# $this->message->has_been_read = true;
# $this->message->save();
# }
# $this->page_title = "Message From "
# . $this->message->author->username . " To "
# . $this->message->recipient->username;
# $this->reply = new Message;
# $this->reply->author_user_id = $this->user->id;
# $this->reply->recipient_user_id = $this->message->author_user_id;
# $this->reply->subject = preg_match("/^re[: ]/i",
# $this->message->subject) ? "" : "Re: " . $this->message->subject;
# }
# /* id is a message id */
# public function reply() {
# $this->show();
# $this->page_title = "Message From "
# . $this->message->author->username . " To "
# . $this->message->recipient->username;
# if ($this->reply->update_attributes($this->params["message"])) {
# $this->add_flash_notice("Your reply has been sent.");
# return $this->redirect_to(array("controller" => "messages"));
# } else {
# return $this->render(array("action" => "show"));
# }
# }
# /* id is a username */
# public function compose() {
# if (!$this->user) {
# $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to send messages.");
# return $this->redirect_to("/login");
# }
# if (!($this->recipient_user =
# User::find_by_username($this->params["id"]))) {
# $this->add_flash_error("Could not find recipient user.");
# return $this->redirect_to("/messages");
# }
# $this->page_title = "Compose Message To "
# . $this->recipient_user->username;
# $this->message = new Message;
# $this->message->recipient_user_id = $this->recipient_user->id;
# $this->message->author_user_id = $this->user->id;
# }
# public function send() {
# $this->compose();
# if ($this->message->update_attributes($this->params["message"])) {
# $this->add_flash_notice("Your message has been sent.");
# return $this->redirect_to(array("controller" => "messages"));
# } else {
# return $this->render(array("action" => "compose"));
# }
# }