mirror of https://github.com/tildeverse/lobsters synced 2024-06-14 21:16:37 +00:00
Alessandro Minali 142edb664e
Remove 'dynamic_form' (#888)
Old, unmaintained dep for trivial code.
2020-08-19 13:58:43 +00:00

273 lines
8.4 KiB

<%= render partial: 'users/flag_warning' if @show_flag_warning && @showing_user == @user %>
<div class="box wide">
<div class="legend">
<% if !@showing_user.is_active? %>
<span class="inactive_user">
<% elsif @showing_user.is_new? %>
<span class="new_user">
<% else %>
<% end %>
<%= @showing_user.username %>
<% if @user && @showing_user.is_active? %>
(<a href="/messages?to=<%= @showing_user.username %>">Send a Message</a>)
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.is_active? %>
<div id="gravatar">
<%= avatar_img(@showing_user, 100) %>
<% end %>
<label class="required">Status:</label>
<span class="d"
<%= @showing_user.is_banned? ? raw("style=\"color: red;\"") : "" %>>
<% if @showing_user.is_banned? %>
Banned user
<% elsif !@showing_user.is_active? %>
Inactive user
<% else %>
<%= @showing_user.is_admin? ? "administrator" :
(@showing_user.is_moderator? ? "moderator" : "user") %>
<% if !@showing_user.can_invite? %>
with invites
<% if !@showing_user.can_submit_stories? %>
and story submissions
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<label class="required">Joined:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= time_ago_in_words_label(@showing_user.created_at) %>
<% if @showing_user.invited_by_user %>
by <a href="/u#<%= @showing_user.username %>">invitation</a> from
<%= link_to @showing_user.invited_by_user.try(:username),
@showing_user.invited_by_user %>
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.is_banned? %>
<label class="required">Banned:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= time_ago_in_words_label(@showing_user.banned_at) %>
<% if @showing_user.banned_by_user %>
by <%= link_to @showing_user.banned_by_user.try(:username),
@showing_user.banned_by_user %>:
<em><%= @showing_user.banned_reason %></em>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.deleted_at? %>
<label class="required">Left:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= time_ago_in_words_label(@showing_user.deleted_at) %>
<% end %>
<% if !@showing_user.is_admin? %>
<label class="required">Karma:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= @showing_user.karma %>, averaging <%=
number_with_precision(@showing_user.average_karma, :precision => 2) %>
per story/comment
<% end %>
<label class="required">Stories Submitted:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= stories_submitted_content(@showing_user) %>
<label class="required">Comments Posted:</label>
<span class="d"><%= comments_posted_content(@showing_user) %></span>
<% if @showing_user.hats.any? %>
<label class="required">Hats:</label>
<div class="d">
<% @showing_user.hats.each do |hat| %>
<%= hat.to_html_label %>
<% if hat.doffed_at? %>
doffed <%= time_ago_in_words_label(hat.doffed_at) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.homepage.present? %>
<label class="required">Homepage:</label>
<span class="d">
<a href="<%= h(@showing_user.homepage) %>"
rel="me ugc"><%= h(@showing_user.homepage) %></a>
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.github_username.present? %>
<label class="required">GitHub:</label>
<span class="d">
<a href="https://github.com/<%= h(@showing_user.github_username) %>"
rel="me ugc">https://github.com/<%= h(@showing_user.github_username)
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.twitter_username.present? %>
<label class="required">Twitter:</label>
<span class="d">
<a href="https://twitter.com/<%= h(@showing_user.twitter_username) %>"
rel="me ugc">@<%= h(@showing_user.twitter_username) %></a>
<% end %>
<% if Keybase.enabled? && @showing_user.keybase_signatures? %>
<label class="required">Keybase:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= render :partial => "keybase_proofs/proofs", locals: { user: @showing_user, for_self: false } %>
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.is_active? %>
<label class="required">About:</label>
<div class="d shorten_first_p">
<% if @showing_user.about.present? %>
<%= raw @showing_user.linkified_about %>
<% else %>
<span class="na">A mystery...</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @user && @user.is_moderator? && !@showing_user.is_moderator? %>
<h2>Moderator Information</h2>
<label class="required">Flagged (1m):</label>
<span class="d">
<% if (stats = FlaggedCommenters.new('1m').check_list_for(@showing_user)) %>
<a href="/mod/commenters/1m#<%= @showing_user.username %>">#<%= stats[:rank] %></a> at <%= '%.2f' % stats[:sigma] %> &sigma;
<% else %>
<% end %>
<label class="required">Self Promoter:</label>
<span class="d">
<% if @showing_user.is_heavy_self_promoter? %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<label class="required">Last 10 Notes:</label>
<%= render partial: 'mod_notes/table', locals: {
mod_notes: ModNote.for(@showing_user).limit(10),
} %>
<%= form_with model: @mod_note, method: :post, local: true do |f| %>
<%= errors_for @mod_note %>
<%= f.hidden_field :username %>
<div class="boxline">
<%= f.label :note, "New Note:", :class => "required" %>
<%= f.text_area :note, :style => "width: 500px;", :rows => 5 %>
<div class="boxline"><p></p><%= f.submit "ModNote" %></div>
<% end %>
<label class="required">Last 10 Moderations:</label>
<%= render partial: 'moderations/table', locals: {
moderations: Moderation.for(@showing_user).order('id desc').limit(10),
} %>
<% if @user.is_admin? %>
<h3>Admin Information</h3>
<label class="required">E-Mail:</label>
<span class="d">
<%= @showing_user.email %>
<label class="required">Recent Votes:</label>
<table class="data zebra clear tall">
<% @showing_user.votes_for_others.limit(15).each do |v| %><tr>
<td><%= v.vote == 1 ? '+' : v.reason %></td>
<% if v.comment_id %>
<td><a href="/u/<%= v.comment.user.try(:username) %>"><%= v.comment.user.try(:username) %></a></td>
<%= v.story.title %>
<a href="<%= v.comment.short_id_url %>">comment</a>:<br>
<%= v.comment.comment.split[0..10].join(' ') %>
<% elsif v.story_id && !v.comment_id %>
<td><a href="/u/<%= v.story.user.try(:username) %>"><%= v.story.user.try(:username) %></a></td>
<td><a href="<%= v.story.short_id_url %>"><%= v.story.title %></a></td>
<% end %>
</tr><% end %>
<% if @showing_user.is_banned? || @showing_user.banned_from_inviting? %>
<%= form_with url: user_unban_path, method: :post, local: true do |f| %>
<% if @showing_user.is_banned? %>
<%= f.submit "Unban" %>
<% end %>
<% if @showing_user.banned_from_inviting? %>
<%= f.submit "Enable Invites", formaction: user_enable_invite_path %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if !@showing_user.is_banned? || !@showing_user.banned_from_inviting? %>
Banning or disabling invites for a user will send an e-mail to the user with the reason below,
with your e-mail address as the Reply-To so the user can respond.
<%= form_with url: user_ban_path, method: :post, local: true do |f| %>
<div class="boxline">
<%= f.label :reason, "Reason:", :class => "required" %>
<%= f.text_field :reason, :size => 40 %>
<% if !@showing_user.is_banned? %>
<%= f.submit "Ban", class: 'deletion' %>
<% end %>
<% if !@showing_user.banned_from_inviting? %>
<%= f.submit "Disable Invites", formaction: user_disable_invite_path %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>