
15 lines
680 B

pwd = SecureRandom.base58
User.create(:username => "inactive-user", :email => "inactive-user@example.com", :password => pwd, :password_confirmation => pwd)
User.create(:username => "test", :email => "test@example.com", :password => "test", :password_confirmation => "test", :is_admin => true, :is_moderator => true)
Tag.create(:tag => "test")
puts "created:"
puts " * an admin with username/password of test/test"
puts " * inactive-user for disowned comments by deleted users"
puts " * a test tag"
puts "If this is a dev environment, you probably want to run `rails fake_data`"
puts "If this is production, you want to run `rails console` to rename your admin and tag"