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## Environment
- `PAGES_DOMAIN` (default: `codeberg.page`): main domain for pages.
- `RAW_DOMAIN` (default: `raw.codeberg.org`): domain for raw resources.
- `GITEA_ROOT` (default: `https://codeberg.org`): root of the upstream Gitea instance.
- `REDIRECT_BROKEN_DNS` (default: "https://docs.codeberg.org/pages/custom-domains/"): info page for setting up DNS, shown for invalid DNS setups.
- `REDIRECT_RAW_INFO` (default: https://docs.codeberg.org/pages/raw-content/): info page for raw resources, shown if no resource is provided.
- `ACME_API` (default: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory): Set this to "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" to use the staging API of Let's Encrypt instead.
- `ACME_ACCEPT_TERMS` (default: use self-signed certificate): Set this to "true" to accept the Terms of Service of your ACME provider.
- `DNS_PROVIDER` (default: use self-signed certificate): Code of the ACME DNS provider for the main domain wildcard.
See https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/ for available values & additional environment variables.