1) $tempchr2 = ord($data[$x + 1]); else $tempchr2 = 0x00; if ($y - $x > 2) $tempchr3 = ord($data[$x + 2]); else $tempchr3 = 0x00; if ($y - $x > 3) $tempchr4 = ord($data[$x + 3]); else $tempchr4 = 0x00; if ($tempchr == 0x09 || $tempchr == 0x0A || $tempchr == 0x0D || ($tempchr >= 0x20 && $tempchr <= 0x7E)) { // ASCII minus control and special characters. $result .= chr($tempchr); $x++; } else if (($tempchr >= 0xC2 && $tempchr <= 0xDF) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF)) { // Non-overlong (2 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $x += 2; } else if ($tempchr == 0xE0 && ($tempchr2 >= 0xA0 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) { // Non-overlong (3 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $result .= chr($tempchr3); $x += 3; } else if ((($tempchr >= 0xE1 && $tempchr <= 0xEC) || $tempchr == 0xEE || $tempchr == 0xEF) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) { // Normal/straight (3 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $result .= chr($tempchr3); $x += 3; } else if ($tempchr == 0xED && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0x9F) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) { // Non-surrogates (3 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $result .= chr($tempchr3); $x += 3; } else if ($tempchr == 0xF0 && ($tempchr2 >= 0x90 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) { // Planes 1-3 (4 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $result .= chr($tempchr3); $result .= chr($tempchr4); $x += 4; } else if (($tempchr >= 0xF1 && $tempchr <= 0xF3) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) { // Planes 4-15 (4 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $result .= chr($tempchr3); $result .= chr($tempchr4); $x += 4; } else if ($tempchr == 0xF4 && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0x8F) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) { // Plane 16 (4 bytes). $result .= chr($tempchr); $result .= chr($tempchr2); $result .= chr($tempchr3); $result .= chr($tempchr4); $x += 4; } else $x++; } return $result; } public static function IsValid($data) { $x = 0; $y = strlen($data); while ($x < $y) { $tempchr = ord($data[$x]); if ($y - $x > 1) $tempchr2 = ord($data[$x + 1]); else $tempchr2 = 0x00; if ($y - $x > 2) $tempchr3 = ord($data[$x + 2]); else $tempchr3 = 0x00; if ($y - $x > 3) $tempchr4 = ord($data[$x + 3]); else $tempchr4 = 0x00; if ($tempchr == 0x09 || $tempchr == 0x0A || $tempchr == 0x0D || ($tempchr >= 0x20 && $tempchr <= 0x7E)) $x++; else if (($tempchr >= 0xC2 && $tempchr <= 0xDF) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF)) $x += 2; else if ($tempchr == 0xE0 && ($tempchr2 >= 0xA0 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) $x += 3; else if ((($tempchr >= 0xE1 && $tempchr <= 0xEC) || $tempchr == 0xEE || $tempchr == 0xEF) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) $x += 3; else if ($tempchr == 0xED && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0x9F) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) $x += 3; else if ($tempchr == 0xF0 && ($tempchr2 >= 0x90 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) $x += 4; else if (($tempchr >= 0xF1 && $tempchr <= 0xF3) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) $x += 4; else if ($tempchr == 0xF4 && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0x8F) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) $x += 4; else return false; } return true; } // Locates the next UTF8 character in a UTF8 string. // Set Pos and Size to 0 to start at the beginning. // Returns false at the end of the string or bad UTF8 character. Otherwise, returns true. public static function NextChrPos(&$data, $datalen, &$pos, &$size) { $pos += $size; $size = 0; $x = $pos; $y = $datalen; if ($x >= $y) return false; $tempchr = ord($data[$x]); if ($y - $x > 1) $tempchr2 = ord($data[$x + 1]); else $tempchr2 = 0x00; if ($y - $x > 2) $tempchr3 = ord($data[$x + 2]); else $tempchr3 = 0x00; if ($y - $x > 3) $tempchr4 = ord($data[$x + 3]); else $tempchr4 = 0x00; if ($tempchr == 0x09 || $tempchr == 0x0A || $tempchr == 0x0D || ($tempchr >= 0x20 && $tempchr <= 0x7E)) $size = 1; else if (($tempchr >= 0xC2 && $tempchr <= 0xDF) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF)) $size = 2; else if ($tempchr == 0xE0 && ($tempchr2 >= 0xA0 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) $size = 3; else if ((($tempchr >= 0xE1 && $tempchr <= 0xEC) || $tempchr == 0xEE || $tempchr == 0xEF) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) $size = 3; else if ($tempchr == 0xED && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0x9F) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF)) $size = 3; else if ($tempchr == 0xF0 && ($tempchr2 >= 0x90 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) $size = 4; else if (($tempchr >= 0xF1 && $tempchr <= 0xF3) && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) $size = 4; else if ($tempchr == 0xF4 && ($tempchr2 >= 0x80 && $tempchr2 <= 0x8F) && ($tempchr3 >= 0x80 && $tempchr3 <= 0xBF) && ($tempchr4 >= 0x80 && $tempchr4 <= 0xBF)) $size = 4; else return false; return true; } // Determines if a UTF8 string can also be viewed as ASCII. public static function IsASCII($data) { $pos = 0; $size = 0; $y = strlen($data); while (self::NextChrPos($data, $y, $pos, $size) && $size == 1) {} if ($pos < $y || $size > 1) return false; return true; } // Returns the number of characters in a UTF8 string. public static function strlen($data) { $num = 0; $pos = 0; $size = 0; $y = strlen($data); while (self::NextChrPos($data, $y, $pos, $size)) $num++; return $num; } // Converts a UTF8 string to ASCII and drops bad UTF8 and non-ASCII characters in the process. public static function ConvertToASCII($data) { $result = ""; $pos = 0; $size = 0; $y = strlen($data); while ($pos < $y) { if (self::NextChrPos($data, $y, $pos, $size) && $size == 1) $result .= $data[$pos]; else if (!$size) $size = 1; } return $result; } // Converts UTF8 characters in a string to HTML entities. public static function ConvertToHTML($data) { return preg_replace_callback('/([\xC0-\xF7]{1,1}[\x80-\xBF]+)/', 'UTF8::ConvertToHTML__Callback', $data); } private static function ConvertToHTML__Callback($data) { $data = $data[1]; $num = 0; $data = str_split(strrev(chr((ord(substr($data, 0, 1)) % 252 % 248 % 240 % 224 % 192) + 128) . substr($data, 1))); foreach ($data as $k => $v) $num += (ord($v) % 128) * pow(64, $k); return "&#" . $num . ";"; } }