--- title: Contact me showtitle: true --- I appreciate mail from unknown people! Write me about technical or non-technical topics, I don't care this much. Can't guarantee I will reply in a sensible amount of time tho~ * **Email**: [tito AT tilde.team](mailto:tito@tilde.team). * **PGP**: [0x6BED3002CF25C4D2 (4096R)](Tito_Sacchi_public.asc). Import into your keyring with: ``` curl https://tilde.team/~tito/Tito_Sacchi_public.asc | gpg --import ``` * **Keybase**: [tauroh](https://keybase.io/tauroh). * **IRC**: tito on irc.libera.chat and tilde.chat. * **GitHub**: [jabberabbe](https://github.com/jabberabbe). [comment]: # vim: ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:et:nojoinspaces:tw=80