:target:before { content:\"\"; display:block; height:90px; /* fixed header height*/ margin:-90px 0 0; /* negative fixed header height */ } "; class MDParser implements Mni\FrontYAML\Markdown\MarkdownParser { public function __construct() { $this->mdparser = new Michelf\MarkdownExtra(); $this->mdparser->header_id_func = function ($header) { return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '-', strtolower($header)); }; } public function parse($markdown) { return $this->mdparser->transform($markdown); } } $parser = new Mni\FrontYAML\Parser(null, new MDParser()); if (!isset($_GET["page"]) || !file_exists("pages/{$_GET['page']}.md")) { $title = "tilde.team~wiki"; $additional_head .= " "; include __DIR__.'/../header.php'; // render wiki index ?>

tilde.team wiki

welcome to the tilde.team wiki!

if you want to contribute, check out the source and open a PR!


parse(file_get_contents($page))->getYAML(); if (!$yaml["published"]) continue; ?> ">
parse(file_get_contents("pages/{$_GET["page"]}.md")); $yml = $pg->getYAML(); $title = $yml['title'] . " | tilde.team~wiki"; $description = $yml['description'] ?? "tilde.team wiki article {$yml['title']}"; $additional_head .= " "; include __DIR__.'/../header.php'; // show a single page ?> < ~wiki
.md"> source