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2023-01-19 23:08:17 +00:00
# Gus: The small web toolkit for Go
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
Gus is the toolkit for working with the small web in Go.
Think of it as a net/http for small web protocols. You still have to write your server, but you can focus on the logic you want to implement knowing the protocol is already dealt with. It's been said of gemini that you can write your server in a day. Now you can write it in under an hour.
## The "gus" package
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
Gus is carefully structured as composable building blocks. The top-level package defines the framework in which servers and clients can be built.
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
* a request type
* a response type
* a "Server" interface type
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* a "Handler" abstraction
* a "Middleware" abstraction
* some useful Handler wrappers: filtering, falling through a list of handlers
## gus/gemini
Gus is determined to be structured as composable building blocks, and the gemini package mainly just defines the structure that holds the blocks together.
The gemini package provides some gemini-specific concrete implementations.
* I/O (parsing, formatting) request and responses for the gemini protocol
* constructors for the various kinds of gemini protocol responses
* a helper for building a gemini-suitable TLS config
* a Client implementation
* a Server which can run your Handlers.
## gus/gemini/gemtext
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
The gemtext package provides a parser and converters for gemtext documents. It exposes an AST representation for parsed gemtext, and functions to write that AST out as other formats (currently markdown and HTML are supported, but more are planned).
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
## gus/contrib/*
This is where useful building blocks themselves start to come in. Sub-packages of contrib include Handler and Middleware implementations which accomplish the things your servers actually need to do.
So far there are at least 4 packages:
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
* log contains a simple request-logging middleware
* fs has handlers that make file servers possible: serve files, build directory listings, etc
* cgi includes handlers which can execute CGI programs
* sharedhost which provides means of handling /~username URLs
2023-01-15 02:59:12 +00:00
* ...with more to come
## Get it
### Using gus in your project
To add it to your own go project:
```shell command to add a dependency on gus in a go module
$ go get
### Straight to the code please
=> The code is hosted here on tildegit.
=> The generated documentation is on the go package index.
## Contribute
There's lots still to do, and contributions are very welcome!
=> submit an issue or pull request on the tildegit repository,
=> send me an email directly,
or poke me on IRC: I'm @tjp on, and you'll find me in #gemini
>Step 2: draw the rest of the owl
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