
41 lines
2.3 KiB

@echo "targets:"
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \
| sed -n 's/^\(.*\): \(.*\)##\(.*\)/ \1|\3/p' \
| column -t -s '|'
journal: ## create new journal post
@test -n "$(title)" || read -p "Enter a title for your journal: " title; \
export post_date=$(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d"); \
export post_date_slug=$(shell date +"%Y%m%d"); \
export title_slug=$$post_date_slug-`echo $${title:-Untitled} | sed -E -e 's/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g' -e 's/^-+|-+$$//g' | tr -s '-' | tr A-Z a-z`; \
export post_path=journal/$$title_slug.gmi; \
printf "# %s\n" "$$title" > $$post_path; \
printf "\n\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "Originally Published %s at:\n" "$$post_date" >> $$post_path; \
printf "gemini://\n" "$$post_path" >> $$post_path; \
printf "\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "If you have questions or thoughts to add" >> $$post_path; \
printf " please send me a link to your response.\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "=> /~tomasino/about.txt Contact Information" >> $$post_path; \
vim $$post_path
review: ## create new 5-star review post
@test -n "$(title)" || read -p "Enter a title for your review: " title; \
export post_date=$(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d"); \
export post_date_slug=$(shell date +"%Y%m%d"); \
export title_slug=$$post_date_slug-`echo $${title:-Untitled} | sed -E -e 's/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g' -e 's/^-+|-+$$//g' | tr -s '-' | tr A-Z a-z`; \
export post_path=review/$$title_slug.gmi; \
printf "# %s\n" "$$title" > $$post_path; \
printf "⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "\n\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "Originally Published %s at:\n" "$$post_date" >> $$post_path; \
printf "gemini://\n" "$$post_path" >> $$post_path; \
printf "\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "If you have questions or thoughts to add" >> $$post_path; \
printf " please send me a link to your response.\n" >> $$post_path; \
printf "=> /~tomasino/about.txt Contact Information" >> $$post_path; \
vim $$post_path
.PHONY: help journal review