import os import sys import threading import json import getpass import argparse import string from queue import Queue import ratuil.inputs from .inputhandler import InputHandler class Client: def __init__(self, display, name, connection, keybindings, logFile=None): self.display = display = name self.keepalive = True self.connection = connection self.logFile = logFile self.closeMessage = None self.inputHandler = InputHandler(self, keybindings["actions"]) self.controlsString = keybindings.get("help", "") self.display.showInfo(self.controlsString) self.queue = Queue() def send(self, data): text = json.dumps(data) self.connection.send(text) def start(self): threading.Thread(target=self.listen, daemon=True).start() threading.Thread(target=self.getInput, daemon=True).start() self.connection.send(json.dumps(["name",])) self.command_loop() def listen(self): self.connection.listen(self.pushMessage, self.onConnectionError) def pushMessage(self, databytes): self.queue.put(("message", databytes)) def onConnectionError(self, error): self.queue.put(("error", error)) def getInput(self): while True: key = ratuil.inputs.get_key() self.queue.put(("input", key)) def close(self, msg=None): self.keepalive = False self.closeMessage = msg def update(self, databytes): if len(databytes) == 0: self.close("Connection closed by server") return datastr = databytes.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(datastr) if len(data) and isinstance(data[0], str): data = [data] for msg in data: msgType = msg[0] if msgType == 'error': error = msg[1] if error == "nametaken": self.close("error: name is already taken") return if error == "invalidname": self.close("error: "+ msg[2]) return self.log(error) if msgType == 'field': field = msg[1] fieldWidth = field['width'] fieldHeight = field['height'] self.display.resizeField((fieldWidth, fieldHeight)) fieldCells = field['field'] mapping = field['mapping'] self.display.drawFieldCells( ( tuple(reversed(divmod(i, fieldWidth))), mapping[spr] ) for i, spr in enumerate(fieldCells)) if msgType == 'changecells' and len(msg[1]): self.display.drawFieldCells(msg[1]) if msgType == "playerpos": self.display.setFieldCenter(msg[1]) if msgType == "health": health, maxHealth = msg[1] self.display.setHealth(health, maxHealth) if maxHealth is None: self.log("You have died. Restart the client to respawn") if msgType == "inventory": self.display.setInventory(msg[1]) if msgType == "equipment": self.display.setEquipment(msg[1]) if msgType == "ground": self.display.setGround(msg[1]) if msgType == "message": self.log(*msg[1:]) if msgType == "options": if msg[1] != None: description, options = msg[1] self.log(description) for option in options: self.log(option) def log(self, text, type=None): if not isinstance(text, str): text = str(text) self.display.addMessage(text, type) if self.logFile: with(open(self.logFile, 'a')) as f: f.write("[{}] {}\n".format(type or "", text)) def command_loop(self): while self.keepalive: self.display.update() action = self.queue.get() if action[0] == "message": self.update(action[1]) elif action[0] == "input": if action[1] == "^C": raise KeyboardInterrupt self.inputHandler.onInput(action[1]) elif action[0] == "error": raise action[1] elif action[0] == "sigwinch": self.display.update_size() else: raise Exception("invalid action in queue") def onSigwinch(self, signum, frame): self.queue.put(("sigwinch", (signum, frame)))