
84 lines
3.5 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python3
import argparse
import getpass
import json
import os
import os.path
from .start import main as clientmain
from .paths import keybindingsPath, charmapPath
standardCharFiles = [name[:-5] for name in os.listdir(charMapPath) if name[-5:] == ".json"]
standardKeyFiles = [name[:-5] for name in os.listdir(keybindingsPath) if name[-5:] == ".json"]
defaultAdresses = {
"abstract": "asciifarm",
"unix": "asciifarm.socket",
"inet": "localhost:9021",
def main(argv=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="The client to AsciiFarm. Run this to connect to to the server.", epilog="""
Gameplay information:
Walk around and explore the rooms.
Kill the goblins and plant the seeds.
~troido""", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', help='Your player name (must be unique!). Defaults to username on inet sockets and tildename on (unix socket (including abstract)', default=None)
parser.add_argument("-a", "--address", help="The address of the socket. When the socket type is 'abstract' this is just a name. When it is 'unix' this is a filename. When it is 'inet' is should be in the format 'address:port', eg 'localhost:8080'. Defaults depends on the socket type")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--socket", help="the socket type. 'unix' is unix domain sockets, 'abstract' is abstract unix domain sockets and 'inet' is inet sockets. ", choices=["abstract", "unix", "inet"], default="abstract")
parser.add_argument('-k', '--keybindings', help='The file with the keybinding configuration. This file is a JSON file.', default="default")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--characters', help='The file with the character mappings for the graphics. If it is either of these names: {} it will be loaded from the charmaps directory.'.format(standardCharFiles), default="default")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--logfile', help='All game messages will be written to this file.'.format(standardCharFiles), default=None)
colourGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
colourGroup.add_argument('-l', '--colours', '--colors', help='enable colours! :)', action="store_true")
colourGroup.add_argument('-b', '--nocolours', '--nocolors', help='disable colours! :)', action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
charFile = args.characters
if charFile in standardCharFiles:
charFile = os.path.join(charMapPath, charFile + ".json")
with open(charFile, 'r') as cf:
charMap = json.load(cf)
keyFile = args.keybindings
if keyFile in standardKeyFiles:
keyFile = os.path.join(keybindingsPath, keyFile + ".json")
with open(keyFile, 'r') as kf:
# todo: support yaml
keybindings = json.load(kf)
address = args.address
if address is None:
address = defaultAdresses[args.socket]
if args.socket == "abstract":
address = '\0' + address
elif args.socket == "inet":
hostname, sep, port = address.partition(':')
address = (hostname, int(port))
colours = True
if args.colours:
colours = True
elif args.nocolours:
colours = False
name =
if name is None:
username = getpass.getuser()
if args.socket == "unix" or args.socket == "abstract":
name = "~"+username
name = username
clientmain(name, args.socket, address, keybindings, charMap, colours, args.logfile)