# ssh `ssh` is what sets ttylde apart from other social networks. you connect *directly to another computer's console* instead of connecting via aa web page or a mobile app. Before the days of the world-wide-web, this is how all computer work got done. People used to use a tool called [`telnet`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/telnet) for this purpose. Nowadays, we use `ssh`. ___ # How to make an ssh key This method will create two keys: a public and a private key. This is a method of encryption called [public key encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography). Make sure to *always* keep your private key private! Otherwise, bad people can do bad things while pretending to be you. ___ If you have any questions, be sure to ask on IRC! The channel is `#ttylde`. See [the wiki page on IRC](https://ttylde.karx.xyz/wiki.php?page=irc) for more info. ___ ## Generating the keypair 1. Open your terminal 2. Create your .ssh directory if it doesn't exist: ```bash mkdir -m 700 ~/.ssh ``` 3. Create your keys: ```bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100 ``` - If you accept the defaults, your public key and private key will be located at `~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub` and `~/.ssh/id_ed25519`, respectively. - Paste the contents of your public key file into the SSH Key field on the signup form ## Using the keypair Once an admin approves your application, simply run the following command to connect: ```bash ssh -i ~/.ssh/your_key_file username@ttylde.karx.xyz ``` where `username` is your username (~karx would use `karx@ttylde.karx.xyz`) ___ ### Using ssh on legacy windows Older versions of windows do not come with ssh preinstalled, and you will need to install a third party tool. Below are some recommendations: - [Windows subsystem for Linux](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) - [msys2](http://www.msys2.org/) - [git bash](https://git-scm.com/) After this, follow the instructions above.