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2019-09-24 21:03:43 +00:00
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Filename ............... ThProCfg.Hpp
* General Purpose ........ main include file
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* First date ............. 15 dec 1993
* First in version ....... 2.00
* Written by ............. Alain Schellinck
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Revisions:
* ----------
* Date | By | Purpose |
* ---------+----+--------------------------------------------+
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
#include <ProBoard.Hpp>
#include "ProCfg.Hpp"
const BytT nBlack = 0; const BytT hBlack = 8;
const BytT nBlue = 1; const BytT hBlue = 9;
const BytT nGreen = 2; const BytT hGreen = 10;
const BytT nCyan = 3; const BytT hCyan = 11;
const BytT nRed = 4; const BytT hRed = 12;
const BytT nMagenta = 5; const BytT hMagenta = 13;
const BytT nYellow = 6; const BytT hYellow = 14;
const BytT nWhite = 7; const BytT hWhite = 15;
inline setFBColor(BytT fg, BytT bg)
return((bg << 4) + fg);
/*--] Structures [-------------------------------] userFilter [------------*/
struct userFilter
ChrT name[36];
ChrT location[26];
PbFlags flagsOn;
PbFlags flagsOff;
WrdT lowerLevel;
WrdT higherLevel;
userFilter ( )
void clear ( )
flagsOn = "";
flagsOff = "";
lowerLevel = 0;
higherLevel = WrdT(65535L);
/*--] Structures [-------------------------------] globalChange [----------*/
struct globalChange
enum what
chExpFlagsOn, // expiration flags on
chExpFlagsOff, // expiration flags off
chSecFlags, // security flags
chSecLevel, // security level
chExpLevel, // expiration level
chNetCredit // netmail credit
enum who
chEqualTo, // equal to specified level
chLessThan, // less than specified level
chGreaterThan, // greater than specified level
chAllUsers // all users
ShrtT changeWhat;
ShrtT changeWho;
UShrtT changeLevel;
PbFlags expFlagsOn;
PbFlags expFlagsOff;
PbFlags secFlags;
UShrtT secLevel;
UShrtT expLevel;
LngT netCredit;
globalChange ( )
changeWhat = chSecLevel;
changeWho = chAllUsers;
changeLevel = 0;
expFlagsOn = "";
expFlagsOff = "";
secFlags = "";
secLevel = 0;
expLevel = 0;
netCredit = 0;
/*--] Classes [----------------------------------] fileEntry [-------------*/
class fileEntry : public Object
FileName fname;
LngT size;
Date date;
Time time;
virtual ~fileEntry ( )
/*--] External variables [-------------------------------------------------*/
extern ChrT usrFind[80];
extern LngP userList;
extern UShrtT userListCount;
extern UShrtT NumUsers;
/*--] prototypes [-------------------------------] EditUser.Cpp [----------*/
void clearUserList ( );
ShrtT fillUserList ( userFilter& filter );
ShrtT getDiskRecNo ( ShrtT recno );
ShrtT getListRecNo ( ShrtT recno );
ShrtT filterUser ( );
ShrtT searchUser ( ShrtT startRec );
void listUser ( IntT recno, IntT x, IntT y );
ShrtT pickUser ( ShrtT curRecNo );
/*--] prototypes [-------------------------------] EditVTpl.Cpp [----------*/
ShrtT pickTemplate ( ShrtT curRecNo = 0 );
/*--] prototypes [-------------------------------] ProMisc.Cpp [-----------*/
KEY enterPwd ( IntT mode, Window& w, IntT x, IntT y, ChrT attr,
AnyP data );
ShrtT askYesNo ( ChrP title );
void showHelp ( ChrP hlp[], char *pTitle=NULL, FlgT center = FALSE );
/*--] prototypes [---------------------------------------------------------*/
/*---------------------------] END OF THE CODE [---------------------------*/