
960 lines
18 KiB
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; Exec function with swapping to disk. (c) 1990,1991 Philippe Leybaert
PUBLIC _swapshell
EXTRN __psp : WORD
EXTRN _shell_windowed : WORD
EXTRN _shell_updateline: WORD
EXTRN _shell_swap : WORD
EXTRN _shell_swapname : PTR
EXTRN _use_ems : BYTE
EXTRN _tsw_vsize : WORD
EXTRN _tsw_hsize : WORD
EXTRN _tsw_videobase : FAR PTR
numpara dw (?) ; number of paragraphs reserved by compiler
savedpara dw (?) ; number of paragraphs to keep
swapsize dw (?) ; size of swapfile (# paragraphs)
swapseg dw (?) ; segment of start of swapregion
main_ss dw (?) ; saved for swapshell
main_sp dw (?) ; function (compiler stack saved here)
old_ss dw (?) ; saved for
old_sp dw (?) ; exec function
saved_psp dw (?) ; psp of my program
retval dw (?) ; return value of process
swapmode dw (?) ; swap code/data?
ems_handle dw (?) ; EMS swapspace handle
num_cols dw (?) ; # screen columns
num_lines dw (?) ; # screen lines
use_ems db (?) ; Use EMS?
data_seg dw (?)
prgname db 128 DUP (0)
swapname db 13 DUP (0)
old_dir db '\'
db 69 DUP (0)
old_disk dw 0
displayline dw 132 dup (?)
cur_x dw 0
cur_y dw 0
old21_off dw 0
old21_seg dw 0
old1c_off dw 0
old1c_seg dw 0
LABEL videoptr DWORD
video_off dw 0
video_seg dw 0
dw 99 DUP (?) ; new stack (100 words)
newstackptr dw 0
parablock dw 0
dw offset comlen
dw @Code
comlen db 0
comline db 127 dup (0)
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push bp
push ds
push es
mov [cs:old_ss],ss ; save stack
mov [cs:old_sp],sp ; (exec function destroys ss an sp)
push cs ; es <- cs
pop es
mov dx,offset prgname ; get program name
mov bx,offset parablock ; get parameter block
mov ax,4B00h ;
int 21h ; call DOS EXEC function
mov ss,[cs:old_ss] ; restore stack pointer
mov sp,[cs:old_sp]
mov ah,4Dh
int 21h
xor ah,ah
mov [cs:retval],ax
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
ENDP exec
PROC shrink_exec NEAR ; ES: segment , BX: # para's to allocate
assume ds:@Code
cmp [swapmode],0
je @@noshrink
mov ax,4a00h ; shrink memory size to minimum
int 21h ; (only this module remains)
call near exec ; shell
mov ah,0Eh ;
mov dl,[byte old_disk] ; Restore current disk
int 21h ;
mov ah,3Bh ;
mov dx,offset old_dir ; Restore current directory
int 21h ;
cmp [swapmode],0
je @@noexpand
mov ax,[saved_psp]
mov es,ax
mov bx,[numpara]
mov ax,4A00h
int 21h ; give back memory we stole
push ds ; save data segment
mov cx,[swapsize]
mov ax,[swapseg]
mov ds,ax
call read_para
pop ds ; restore data segment
ENDP shrink_exec
PROC read_para NEAR ; read cx paragraphs to ds:0
push ds
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
cmp [cs:use_ems],0
je @@use_file
mov ah,40h
int 67h
or ah,ah
jnz @@use_file
mov dx,[cs:ems_handle]
mov ah,41h
int 67h
push ds
pop es
mov ds,bx ; es = page frame
xor bx,bx ; bx = logical page index
cmp cx,0400h
jb @@ems_remainder
push cx
mov ax,4400h
int 67h ; map page bx to 0
mov cx,02000h
xor si,si
xor di,di
rep movsw ; transfer data to page frame
inc bx
pop cx
sub cx,0400h
mov ax,es
add ax,0400h
mov es,ax
jmp short @@ems_loop
mov ax,4400h
int 67h ; map page bx to 0
shl cx,1 ; Convert # paragraphs -> #words
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
xor si,si
xor di,di
rep movsw ; transfer data to page frame
mov ah,45h
int 67h ; Free EMS
jmp short @@quit
push ds
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
assume ds:@Code
mov ax,3D00h
mov dx,offset swapname
int 21h ; open swap-file
mov bx,ax
pop ds
cmp cx,0F00h
jb @@remainder
push cx
mov cx,0F000h
xor dx,dx
mov ax,3F00h
int 21h
pop cx
sub cx,0F00h
mov ax,ds
add ax,0F00h
mov ds,ax
jmp short @@loopke
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
xor dx,dx
mov ax,3F00h
int 21h
mov ax,3E00h
int 21h ; close file
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset swapname
mov ax,4100h
int 21h
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
ENDP read_para
push cx
push si
push di
push bp
cmp al,0ah
jne no_lf
mov cx,[cs:num_lines]
dec cx
inc [cs:cur_y]
cmp [cs:cur_y],cx ; At bottom of screen?
jne upd_cursor
dec [cs:cur_y] ; Yep, scroll up
jmp short scroll_up
cmp al,0dh
jne no_cr
mov [cs:cur_x],0
jmp short upd_cursor
cmp al,8
jne no_bs
cmp [cs:cur_x],0
je @@ok
dec [cs:cur_x]
jmp short upd_cursor
mov ah,0eh
xor bx,bx
int 10h
mov cx,[cs:num_cols]
inc [cs:cur_x]
cmp [cs:cur_x],cx ; At right of window?
jne @@ok
mov [cs:cur_x],0 ; Yep, linefeed
inc [cs:cur_y]
mov cx,[cs:num_lines]
dec cx
cmp [cs:cur_y],cx ; At bottom of screen
jne upd_cursor
dec [cs:cur_y]
mov ax,0601h
mov cx,0000h
mov dl,4Fh
mov dh,[byte cs:num_lines]
dec dh
dec dh
mov bh,7
int 10h
mov ah,2
mov bh,0
mov dh,[byte cs:cur_y]
mov dl,[byte cs:cur_x]
int 10h
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop cx
ENDP disp
PROC new21
cmp ah,2
je catch
cmp ah,6
jne test_9
cmp dl,0ffh
jne catch
cmp ah,9
je catch
cmp ah,40h
jne nocatch
cmp bx,1
je catch
cmp bx,2
je catch
jmp [cs:old21]
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push bp
push ds
push es
cmp ah,2
jne no_2
mov al,dl
call disp
jmp short done_catch
cmp ah,6
jne no_6
mov al,dl
call disp
jmp short done_catch
cmp ah,9
jne no_9
mov si,dx
@@l: mov al,[ds:si]
cmp al,'$'
je done_catch
call disp
inc si
jmp short @@l
mov si,dx
or cx,cx
jz ret_40
mov al,[ds:si]
call disp
inc si
dec cx
jmp short @@l2
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ax,cx
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ENDP new21
timer_val dw 0
PROC new1c
push ax
inc [cs:timer_val]
mov ax,[cs:timer_val]
and ax,7
jnz @@nodisp
push cx
push si
push di
push bp
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:@Code
les di,[videoptr]
mov si,offset displayline
mov cx,80
rep movsw
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
jmp [cs:old1c]
ENDP new1c
startswap: ; all data/code past this point can be
; swapped (who cares!)
PROC _swapshell
ARG command:PTR
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push si
push di
mov ax,ds
mov [cs:data_seg],ax
mov ax,[_tsw_vsize]
mov [cs:num_lines],ax
mov ax,[_tsw_hsize]
mov [cs:num_cols],ax
mov ax,[_shell_swap]
mov [cs:swapmode],ax
mov al,[_use_ems]
mov [cs:use_ems],al
call near install_isr
mov ax,[__psp] ; store psp for future use
mov [cs:saved_psp],ax
mov si,offset _shell_swapname
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset swapname
mov cx,13
rep movsb
lds si,[command]
mov di,offset prgname
mov al,[si]
cmp al,' '
je @@qt
or al,al
je @@qt
mov [cs:di],al
inc si
inc di
jmp short @@lp
mov [byte cs:di],0
mov al,[si]
inc si
cmp al,' '
je @@qt
dec si
mov cx,0
mov di,offset comline
mov al,[si]
or al,al
je @@qt2
mov [cs:di],al
inc si
inc di
inc cx
jmp short @@lp2
mov [byte cs:di],13
mov di,offset comlen
mov [cs:di],cl
mov ax,@Code ; ds = code segment
mov ds,ax
assume ds:@Code ; tell Tasm where ds points to
mov [main_ss],ss ; save compiler stack
mov [main_sp],sp
mov ax,cs
mov ss,ax ; set my own stack
mov sp,offset newstackptr
mov ax,[saved_psp] ; get psp address
dec ax ; get address of MCB
mov es,ax
mov ax,[es:3] ; get number of paragraphs reserved
mov [numpara],ax ; and store it
mov bx,offset startswap ; we can swap from this point
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl ; convert to # paragraphs
add bx,@Code
mov ax,[saved_psp] ; how many paragraphs
sub bx,ax ; must remain?
add bx,2 ; 2 extra paragraphs (safe!)
mov es,ax ; es <- psp
mov [savedpara],bx ; store it
push bx ; push number of paragraphs
push es ; push psp address
mov cx,[numpara] ; get number of paragraphs reserved
sub cx,bx ; calculate # paragraphs to save
mov [swapsize],cx ; store for later use
mov ax,es ; get psp
add ax,bx ; calculate address for swap-start
mov [swapseg],ax ; store for later use
push ds ; save data segment
cmp [swapmode],0
je @@nowrite
mov ds,ax ; set ds to region to save
call near write_para ; save file
pop ds
mov ah,19h ;
int 21h ; Save current disk
mov [byte old_disk],al ;
mov si,offset old_dir+1 ;
mov dl,0 ; Save current directory
mov ah,47h ;
int 21h ;
pop es
pop bx
call near shrink_exec
mov ss,[main_ss] ; restore compiler stack
mov sp,[main_sp]
call near remove_isr
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop bp
mov ax,[cs:retval] ; set return value
ENDP _swapshell
PROC write_para NEAR ; write cx paragraphs from ds:0
push ds
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
cmp [cs:use_ems],0
je @@use_file
mov ah,40h
int 67h
or ah,ah
jnz @@use_file
push cx
mov bx,cx
mov cl,10
shr bx,cl
inc bx
pop cx
mov ah,43h
int 67h
or ah,ah
jnz @@use_file
mov [cs:ems_handle],dx
mov ah,41h
int 67h
mov es,bx ; es = page frame
xor bx,bx ; bx = logical page index
cmp cx,0400h
jb @@ems_remainder
push cx
mov ax,4400h
int 67h ; map page bx to 0
mov cx,02000h
xor si,si
xor di,di
rep movsw ; transfer data to page frame
inc bx
pop cx
sub cx,0400h
mov ax,ds
add ax,0400h
mov ds,ax
jmp short @@ems_loop
mov ax,4400h
int 67h ; map page bx to 0
shl cx,1 ; Convert # paragraphs -> #words
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
xor si,si
xor di,di
rep movsw ; transfer data to page frame
jmp short @@quit
mov [cs:use_ems],0
push ds
push cx
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset swapname
mov ax,3c00h ; Create
xor cx,cx ; swap-file
int 21h
pop cx
pop ds
mov bx,ax
cmp cx,0F00h
jb @@remainder
push cx
mov cx,0F000h
xor dx,dx
mov ax,4000h
int 21h
pop cx
sub cx,0F00h
mov ax,ds
add ax,0F00h
mov ds,ax
jmp short @@loopke
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
xor dx,dx
mov ax,4000h
int 21h
mov ax,3E00h
int 21h
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
ENDP write_para
PROC install_isr NEAR
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push si
push di
push bp
mov ax,[cs:data_seg]
mov ds,ax
cmp [_shell_windowed],0
je @@nowindow
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
mov ax,es
mov [cs:old21_seg],ax
mov [cs:old21_off],bx
mov ax,2521h
mov dx,offset new21
push ds
push cs
pop ds
int 21h
pop ds
mov [cs:cur_x],0
mov [cs:cur_y],0
mov ax,0600h
mov cx,0
mov dl,4Fh
mov dh,[byte cs:num_lines]
dec dh
dec dh
mov bh,7
int 10h
mov dx,0
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp [_shell_updateline],0
je @@notupdated
mov ax,351Ch
int 21h
mov ax,es
mov [cs:old1c_seg],ax
mov [cs:old1c_off],bx
mov ax,251Ch
mov dx,offset new1c
push ds
push cs
pop ds
int 21h
pop ds
push ds
mov ax,[_shell_updateline]
dec ax
mov cx,[cs:num_cols]
shl cx,1
mul cx
lds si,[_tsw_videobase]
add si,ax
mov ax,ds
mov [cs:video_seg],ax
mov [cs:video_off],si
mov ax,[cs:num_lines]
dec ax
mov cx,[cs:num_cols]
shl cx,1
mul cx
mov si,ax ; SI = (num_lines-1) * num_cols * 2
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset displayline
mov cx,[cs:num_cols]
rep movsw
pop ds
cmp [_shell_windowed],0
jne @@done
mov ax,0600h
mov cx,0
mov dl,[byte cs:num_cols]
dec dl
mov dh,[byte cs:num_lines]
dec dh
mov bh,7
int 10h
mov dx,0
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ENDP install_isr
PROC remove_isr NEAR
push ds
mov ax,[cs:data_seg]
mov ds,ax
cmp [_shell_windowed],0
je @@nowindowrestore
push ds
mov ax,2521h
lds dx,[cs:old21]
int 21h
pop ds
cmp [_shell_updateline],0
je @@noupdaterestore
mov ax,251Ch
lds dx,[cs:old1c]
int 21h
pop ds
ENDP remove_isr