
294 lines
6.5 KiB

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Local, static data
static char *Text; // pointers to search string
static char *Pattern; // pointers to search string
static int Textloc; // current search position in Text
static int Plen; // length of Pattern
static int Degree; // max degree of allowed mismatch
static int *Ldiff; // dynamic difference array
static int *Rdiff; // dynamic difference array
static int *Loff; // used to calculate start of match
static int *Roff; // used to calculate start of match
static int *allocated;
static void near
App_init( char *pattern,
char *text,
int degree )
int i;
// save parameters
Text = text;
Pattern = pattern;
Degree = degree;
// initialize
Plen = strlen( pattern );
Ldiff = allocated = (int *) malloc( sizeof( int ) *
( Plen + 1 ) * 4 );
Rdiff = Ldiff + Plen + 1;
Loff = Rdiff + Plen + 1;
Roff = Loff + Plen + 1;
for ( i = 0; i <= Plen; i++ )
// initial values for right-hand column
Rdiff[ i ] = i;
Roff [ i ] = 1;
// current offset into Text
Textloc = -1;
static void near
App_next( char **start,
char **end,
int *howclose )
int *temp;
int a;
int b;
int c;
int i;
*start = NULL;
while ( *start == NULL )
// start computing columns
if ( Text[ ++Textloc ] == '\0' )
// out of text to search!
temp = Rdiff; // move right-hand column to left >>
Rdiff = Ldiff; // so that we can compute new >>
Ldiff = temp; // right-hand column
Rdiff[ 0 ] = 0; // top (boundary) row
// and swap offset arrays, too
temp = Roff;
Roff = Loff;
Loff = temp;
Roff[ 1 ] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < Plen; i++ )
// Run through pattern
// compute a, b, & c as the three adjacent cells ...
if ( toupper( Pattern[ i ] ) == toupper( Text[ Textloc ] ) )
a = Ldiff[ i ];
a = Ldiff[ i ] + 1;
b = Ldiff[ i + 1 ] + 1;
c = Rdiff[ i ] + 1;
// now pick minimum
if ( b < a )
a = b;
if ( c < a )
a = c;
// and store
Rdiff[ i + 1] = a;
// Now update offset array
// the values in the offset arrays are added to the
// current location to determine the beginning of
// the mismatched substring. (see text for details)
if ( Plen > 1 )
for ( i = 2; i <= Plen; i++ )
if ( Ldiff[ i - 1 ] < Rdiff[ i ] )
Roff[ i ] = Loff[ i - 1 ] - 1;
else if ( Rdiff[ i - 1 ] < Rdiff[ i ] )
Roff[ i ] = Roff[ i - 1 ];
else if ( Ldiff[ i ] < Rdiff[ i ] )
Roff[ i ] = Loff[ i ] - 1;
// Ldiff[ i-1] == Rdiff[i]
Roff[ i ] = Loff[ i - 1 ] - 1;
// now, do we have an approximate match?
if ( Rdiff[ Plen ] <= Degree )
// indeed so!
*end = Text + Textloc;
*start = *end + Roff[ Plen ];
*howclose = Rdiff[ Plen ];
free( allocated );
fuzzy_search( char *pattern,
char *text,
int degree )
int min = 0x7FFF;
int howclose;
char *begin;
char *end;
degree = (
strlen( pattern ) * ( 100 - degree )
/ 100;
App_init( pattern,
degree );
App_next( & begin,
& end,
& howclose );
while( begin )
if ( howclose < min )
min = howclose;
App_next( & begin,
& end,
& howclose );
if ( min <= degree )
return (
strlen( pattern ) - degree
* 100
/ strlen( pattern );
return -1;