
103 lines
2.4 KiB

This code is Copyright(c) 2019 by ubergeek under the AGPL 3 or later.
Parsedown is licensed under the MIT license.
ParsedownExtra is licensed under the MIT license.
$page = $_GET['page'];
$style = $_GET['style'];
$Parsedown = new Parsedown();
$page = htmlentities($page);
$style = htmlentities($style);
if ( $page == "") {
$page = "main";
if (!file_exists("$doc_root/articles/$")) {
$page = "main";
if ( $style == "") {
if ( $site_style == "") {
else {
if (file_exists("$doc_root/includes/$")) {
else {
$header = file_get_contents("$doc_root/includes/");
$sidebar = file_get_contents("$doc_root/includes/");
$content = file_get_contents("$doc_root/articles/$");
$footer = file_get_contents("$doc_root/includes/");
print "<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
<title>$site_name - $page</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$site_root/includes/$site_style.css'>
<!-- Begin Header -->
<div id='header'>";
print $Parsedown->text($header);
print "
<!-- End Header -->
print "<hr>
<div id='body'>
<!-- Begin Sidebar -->
<div id='sidebar'>
echo $Parsedown->text($sidebar);
print " </div>
<!-- End Sidebar -->
<!-- Begin Body -->
<div id='content'>";
echo $Parsedown->text($content);
print " </div>
<!-- End Body -->
<!-- Begin Footer -->
<div id='footer'>
echo $Parsedown->text($footer);
print " </div>
<!-- End Footer -->
<!-- Anti-WEI protection, to ensure user security is respected -->
<script>if(navigator.getEnvironmentIntegrity!==undefined)document.querySelector('body').innerHTML='<h1>Your browser contains Google DRM</h1>\"Web Environment Integrity\" is a Google euphemism for a DRM that is designed to prevent ad-blocking. In support of an open web, this website does not function with this DRM. Please install a browser such as <a href=\"\">Firefox</a> that respects your freedom and supports ad blockers.';</script>
<!-- End Anti-WEI protection block -->