Merge pull request 'issue 3, articles, named for easy ordering' (#6) from terris/zine:master into master

This commit is contained in:
Ben Harris 2020-03-28 15:18:09 -04:00
commit 57abf32e5c
2 changed files with 279 additions and 0 deletions

issues/3/ Normal file
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# a fistful of drones
author: [terris](
## Using drone in the tildeverse, part 1
### A verbose introduction to using drone CI on the tildeverse for beginners, written by a total noob.
This is a short and wordy introduction to using [drone]( with
[]( to do stuff to repositories when you
push changes to them. This can be used to build and test a project or to deploy
some web pages, like we see here.
When you are logged into tildegit's gitea web interface, you can visit
[]( and select which of your
repositories you'd like to activate for use with drone.
After the repository is activated for use with drone, drone will only know
what do when there is a .drone.yml file present in the root directory of the
repository.^[a different filename may be specified in drone's web interface]
This zine is now deployed using drone.
The zine's
as of this writing, annotated:
kind: pipeline
type: ssh
name: deploy
The `---` at the beginning, indicates that what follows is a
[yaml]( block. The next 3 lines begin the definition of what
kind of stuff drone will do with this repository. More info about what's
possible here can be found in drone's documentation, but these here tell us
that drone is going to use ssh in a job named `deploy`.
> **This ssh pipeline will log into a server as a user you specify (most likely
> your own user account) and will do stuff you specify. Be careful!**
from_secret: host
from_secret: username
from_secret: ssh_key
This part of the block specifies the server and account that drone will be
connecting to using ssh the indented `from_secret:` lines specify that drone
will be filling in these fields from its
[per-repository]( settings
so to use something like this, you would create an entry for each of these
secrets in the drone web interface. You could skip the secrets loading, but
this is not a good idea, since they would be visible in your repository.
> It is recommended to create a separate ssh key that you would use just with drone.
You would [create the keys]( in your ~/.ssh/
directory, and add the `` to your `~/.ssh/allowed_keys` file. the
private key `~/.ssh/keyname`, you would paste into the drone interface for the
`ssh_key` variable above.
disable: true
Typically a drone pipeline will clone your repository to its
[workspace]( before
doing other stuff. In this case, this step is not necessary, since the commands
below will do just that, but in a more useful place for this application.
- master
This trigger definition above, says that drone will do its thing when changes
are pushed to the master branch of the repository. Many [trigger
options]( are possible.
- name: deploy
- cd /var/www/
- sudo -Hu www-data git pull origin master
- name: build
- cd /var/www/
- make all
This part of the yaml block specifies the
[steps]( that drone will
perform. These steps are usually performed inside the workspace clone of your
repository but in this case the workspace doesn't contain a clone of the
repository because of the specification above. Each step can be named, and can
contain multiple commands. Drone builds shell scripts around these commands, so
they are performed as the `username` on the `host` specified among secrets
The steps outlined here first change to the `/var/www/`
directory, and then pull the repository into that directory as the user
`www-data` and then runs `make` in that directory so that it proceeds to build
the zine according to the
[Makefile Magic @ zine issue-2](] in
the repository.

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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# a fistful of drones
author: [terris](
## Using drone in the tildeverse, part 2
### Another example
This is a mirror of [](, explaining a similar web deployment using mkdocs and drone.
## terris research substation deployment details
### repository
The repository for these pages lives at
and it is structured so that it contains the files that mkdocs will use to
build the site. the build directory is listed in the
file of the repository to keep them from being kept in the repository.
### mkdocs
The terris research substation pages uses
[mkdocs](^[installed locally on ~team] to build the
site from markdown files. mkdocs generates a basic `mkdocs.yml` file when it is
used to begin building a site, and the relevant [mkdocs configuration
file]( is
in the repository, but mkdocs usage is not covered here.
### .drone.yml
As is discussed in [issue 3]( of the
tilde zine, this repository is deployed as a website using a drone pipeline
that clones the repository into a workspace (somewhere in the `/tmp/...`
directory on ~team), and there it runs `mkdocs build` to build the site from
the markdown source, and then it copies the built `site/` subdirectory to
`/home/terris/public_html/`. Below is the annotated drone configuration for
this deployment:
kind: pipeline
type: ssh
name: ssh-build-deploy
from_secret: substationhost
from_secret: scp_username
from_secret: ssh_key
This beginning part of the yaml configuration designates for drone an [ssh
runner pipeline](
named `ssh-build-deploy`. the name is arbitrary but it shows up in drone's web
interface when you look at the status of your drone builds.
An ssh runner pipeline^[there are different runners and different kinds of
pipelines, these can be researched further at drone's main documentation pages
( ] will ssh into the server host
(stored via drone's web interface in the settings for the repository) as the
specified user account, using the provided ssh key. See [part
1]( for more details about secrets in
your drone configuration.
The names of the secrets variables are arbitrary, and `scp_username` is just an
inelegant artifact for a more civili...a remnant from a previous attempt to use
an scp runner to just copy the built artifacts to the deployment webspace, but
this would have required building the site before commiting and pushing any
changes to the repository, inflating the repository size, and needlessly
tracking more files than is necessary. Some use-cases might require just this
thing, but not this one.
disable: false
This section is equivalent to the default setting, which has drone clone your
repository into a workspace where it can do things with the code in your
repository. It is here just to explicitly demonstrate how drone handles your
source repository.
- name: mkdocs build&deploy
- mkdocs build
- scp -r substation/ /home/terris/public_html/
The 2 steps outlined here are what actually build the tilde research substation
pages using mkdocs, and copy the built site subdirectory (`substation/`) to the
[deployment webspace](
These first step that drone takes is to clone the repository to a workspace as
shown in the previous code block, and then the commands in this codeblock above
take place in the workspace, with the cloned repository as the current working
directory. The first command builds the substation pages using mkdocs (the
mkdocs configuration already exists in the repository), converting written
markdown files in the `docs_dir` subdirectory (mkdocs defaults to `docs/`) to
html in the `site_dir` subdirectory (mkdocs defaults to `site/` but this site's
configuration has it as `substation/`).
The second command in the above steps copies the `site_dir` and its contents to
`/home/terris/public_html/` overwriting any files that already exist in
`/home/terris/public_html/substation/` and probably not doing anything to
remove files that have been removed from the repository and are no longer being
built as part of the set of pages. This behavior can be changed by adding a
command between those listed above: `- rm -fr /home/terris/public_html/substation`.
In fact, that might be a good idea, since I had some trouble with publishing
this very document after some changes to the mkdocs configuration in the
- master
- push
The trigger configuration listed here differs from that used for the tildeverse
zine as described in [issue 3]( and in
this case, both branch and master triggers are listed. In order for drone to do
anything with this repository, [both conditions must be true](
* a push event to the repository
* a master branch change to the repository
Functionally, this means that in order for drone to rebuild and deploy the
terris research substation pages, a push event must happen to the master branch
of the repository. This might allow me to play around with other branches
without having the site be constantly rebuilt.
#### Building and deploying
Since these pages live mostly in their repository, they are built and deployed
by drone, and after making changes to the markdown sources, I can deploy them
with the following common git commands in the directory where the local copy of
the repository lives:
* git add .
* git commit -m "Turn and face the strange / Ch-ch-changes..."
* git push