require 'minitest/autorun' require 'mocha/mini_test' # Setting this before loading the main code file so that the Config contants # load correctly. This will allows the test to pretend that user "jerryberry" # is logged in. ENV.stubs(:[]).returns('jerryberry') require './iris.rb' describe Config do it 'has the Iris semantic version number' do Config::VERSION.must_match /^\d\.\d\.\d$/ end it 'has the message file location' do Config::MESSAGE_FILE.must_match /\/\.iris\.messages$/ end it 'has the readline history file location' do Config::HISTORY_FILE.must_match /\/\.iris\.history$/ end it 'has the username' do Config::USER.must_equal 'jerryberry' end it 'has a hostname' do Config::HOSTNAME.wont_be_nil end it 'has the author' do Config::AUTHOR.must_equal "#{Config::USER}@#{Config::HOSTNAME}" end describe '.find_files' do it 'looks up all the Iris message files on the system' do # I am so sorry Config.expects(:`).with('ls /home/**/.iris.messages').returns('') Config.find_files end it 'returns a list of Iris message files' do Config.stubs(:`).returns("foo\nbar\n") Config.find_files.must_equal ['foo', 'bar'] end it 'returns an empty array if no Iris message files are found' do Config.stubs(:`).returns('') Config.find_files.must_equal [] end end end describe Corpus do describe '.load' do it 'loads all the message files' it 'sets the corpus class variable' it 'sets the topics class variable' it 'creates a hash index' it 'creates parent-hash-to-child-indexes index' end describe '.all' do it 'returns the entire corpus of messages' end describe '.topics' do it 'returns all the messages which are topics' it 'does not return reply messages' end describe '.mine' do it 'returns all messages composed by the current user' it 'does not return any messages not composed by the current user' end describe '.find_message_by_hash' do it 'returns nil if a nil is passed in' do Corpus.find_message_by_hash(nil).must_equal nil end it 'returns nil if the hash is not found in the corpus' do skip Corpus.find_message_by_hash('NoofMcGoof').must_equal nil end it 'returns the message associated with the hash if it is found' end describe '.find_all_by_parent_hash' do it 'returns an empty array if a nil is passed in' do Corpus.find_all_by_parent_hash(nil).must_equal [] end it 'returns an empty array if the hash is not a parent of any other messages' do skip Corpus.find_all_by_parent_hash('GoofMcDoof').must_equal [] end it 'returns an empty array if the hash is not found in the corpus' it 'returns the messages associated with the parent hash' end describe '.find_topic_by_id' do it 'returns nil if a nil is passed in' do Corpus.find_topic_by_id(nil).must_equal nil end describe 'when an index string is passed in' do it 'returns nil if the topic is not found' it 'returns the associated topic' end end describe '.find_topic_by_hash' do it 'returns nil if a nil is passed in' do Corpus.find_topic_by_hash(nil).must_equal nil end describe 'when a hash string is passed in' do it 'returns nil if the topic is not found' it 'returns the associated topic' end end end describe IrisFile do describe '.load_messages' do; end describe '.create_message_file' do; end end describe Message do it 'has a file version' do Message::FILE_FORMAT.must_match /v\d/ end it 'exposes all its data attributes for reading' it 'is #valid? if it has no errors' it 'is #topic? if it has no parent' describe 'creation' do; end describe 'validation' do; end describe '#save!' do it 'adds itself to the user\'s corpus' it 'writes out the user\'s message file' it 'reloads all message files' end describe '#hash' do; end describe '#truncated_message' do; end describe '#to_topic_line' do; end describe '#to_display' do; end describe '#to_topic_display' do; end describe '#to_json' do; end end describe Display do it 'has a setting for a minimum width of 80' do Display::MIN_WIDTH.must_equal 80 end it 'has a setting for the calculated screen width' describe '#topic_index_width' do it 'returns the a minimun length of 2' do Corpus.stubs(:topics).returns(%w{a}) Display.topic_index_width.must_equal 2 end it 'returns the length in characters of the longest topic index' do Corpus.stubs(:topics).returns((0..1000).to_a) Display.topic_index_width.must_equal 4 end it 'returns 2 if there are no topics' do Corpus.stubs(:topics).returns([]) Display.topic_index_width.must_equal 2 end end describe '#topic_author_width' do it 'returns the length in characters of the longest author\'s name' it 'returns 1 if there are no topics' do Corpus.stubs(:topics).returns([]) Display.topic_author_width.must_equal 1 end end describe '.print_index' do; end describe '.print_author' do; end end describe Interface do it 'has a map of all single-word commands' it 'has a map of all shortcuts and commands' describe '#start' do; end describe 'creation' do; end describe '#reset_display' do; end describe '#reply' do; end describe '#show_topic' do; end describe '#quit' do; end describe '.start' do; end describe '#compose' do; end describe '#topics' do; end describe '#help' do; end describe '#freshen' do; end describe '#readline (maybe?)' do; end end describe CLI do describe '#start' do; end describe 'creation' do; end describe '--version or -v' do; end describe '--stats or -s' do; end describe '--help or -h' do; end describe 'junk parameters' do; end end describe Startupper do describe 'creation' do let(:message_file_path) { 'jerryberry/.iris.messages' } let(:read_file_path) { 'jerryberry/' } let(:data_file_stat) { a = mock; a.stubs(:mode).returns(33188); a } let(:script_file_stat) { a = mock; a.stubs(:mode).returns(33261); a } let(:bad_file_stat) { a = mock; a.stubs(:mode).returns(2); a } before do Config.send(:remove_const, 'MESSAGE_FILE') Config.send(:remove_const, 'READ_FILE') Config.send(:remove_const, 'IRIS_SCRIPT') Config::MESSAGE_FILE = message_file_path Config::READ_FILE = read_file_path Config::IRIS_SCRIPT = 'doots' File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) File.stubs(:stat).with(Config::IRIS_SCRIPT).returns(script_file_stat) File.stubs(:stat).with(message_file_path).returns(data_file_stat) File.stubs(:stat).with(read_file_path).returns(data_file_stat) Interface.stubs(:start) Display.stubs(:say) end it 'offers to create a message file if the user doesn\'t have one' do skip File.stubs(:exists?).with(message_file_path).returns(false) Readline.expects(:readline).with('Would you like me to create it for you? (y/n) ', true).returns('y') IrisFile.expects(:create_message_file)[]) end it 'creates a read file if the user doesn\'t have one' do skip File.stubs(:exists?).with(read_file_path).returns(false) IrisFile.expects(:create_read_file)[]) end it 'warns the user if the message file permissions are wrong' do File.stubs(:stat).with(message_file_path).returns(bad_file_stat) Display.expects(:say).with('Your message file has incorrect permissions! Should be "-rw-r--r--".')[]) end it 'warns the user if the read file permissions are wrong' do File.stubs(:stat).with(read_file_path).returns(bad_file_stat) Display.expects(:say).with('Your read file has incorrect permissions! Should be "-rw-r--r--".')[]) end it 'warns the user if the script file permissions are wrong' do File.expects(:stat).with(Config::IRIS_SCRIPT).returns(bad_file_stat) Display.expects(:say).with('The Iris file has incorrect permissions! Should be "-rwxr-xr-x".')[]) end it 'starts the Interface if no command-line arguments are provided' do Interface.expects(:start).with([])[]) end it 'starts the Interface if "-i" is provided at the command-line' do Interface.expects(:start).with(['-i'])['-i']) end it 'starts the Interface if "--interactive" is provided at the command-line' do Interface.expects(:start).with(['--interactive'])['--interactive']) end it 'starts the CLI if any non-interactive parameters are provided at the command-line' do CLI.expects(:start).with(['-h'])['-h']) end end end describe 'String#colorize' do let(:color_string) { " RED {r normal}\t{ri intense}\t{ru underline}\t{riu intense underline} {rv reverse}\t{riv intense}\t{ruv underline}\t{riuv intense underline} GREEN {g normal}\t{gi intense}\t{ug underline}\t{uig intense underline} {gv reverse}\t{giv intense}\t{ugv underline}\t{uigv intense underline} YELLOW {y normal}\t{yi intense}\t{yu underline}\t{yiu intense underline} {yv reverse}\t{yiv intense}\t{yuv underline}\t{yiuv intense underline} BLUE {b normal}\t{bi intense}\t{bu underline}\t{biu intense underline} {bv reverse}\t{biv intense}\t{buv underline}\t{biuv intense underline} MAGENTA {m normal}\t{mi intense}\t{mu underline}\t{miu intense underline} {mv reverse}\t{miv intense}\t{muv underline}\t{miuv intense underline} CYAN {c normal}\t{ci intense}\t{cu underline}\t{ciu intense underline} {cv reverse}\t{civ intense}\t{cuv underline}\t{ciuv intense underline} WHITE {w normal}\t{wi intense}\t{wu underline}\t{wiu intense underline} {wv reverse}\t{wiv intense}\t{wuv underline}\t{wiuv intense underline} " } it 'produces the expected output' do # color_string.split("\n")[1].colorize.must_equal "\n RED \e[31mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;31mintense\e[0m\t\e[31;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;31;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[31;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;31;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[31;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;31;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n GREEN \e[32mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;32mintense\e[0m\t\e[32;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;32;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[32;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;32;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[32;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;32;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n YELLOW \e[33mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;33mintense\e[0m\t\e[33;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;33;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[33;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;33;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[33;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;33;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n BLUE \e[34mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;34mintense\e[0m\t\e[34;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;34;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[34;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;34;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[34;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;34;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n MAGENTA \e[35mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;35mintense\e[0m\t\e[35;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;35;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[35;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;35;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[35;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;35;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n CYAN \e[36mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;36mintense\e[0m\t\e[36;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;36;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[36;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;36;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[36;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;36;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n WHITE \e[37mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;37mintense\e[0m\t\e[37;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;37;4mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[37;7mreverse\e[0m\t\e[1;37;7mintense\e[0m\t\e[37;4;7munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;37;4;7mintense underline\e[0m\n \e[0m" color_string.split("\n")[1].colorize.must_equal " RED \e[31mnormal\e[0m\t\e[1;31mintense\e[0m\t\e[31;4munderline\e[0m\t\e[1;31;4mintense underline\e[0m\e[0m" end it 'returns an empty string when provided an empty string' do ''.colorize.must_equal '' end it 'allows curly brackets to be escaped' do 'I want \{no color\}'.colorize.must_equal "I want {no color}\e[0m" end end describe 'String#decolorize' do it 'returns the string with the coloring tags stripped' it 'allows curly brackets to be escaped' do 'I want \{no color\}'.decolorize.must_equal "I want {no color}" end end