# API Routes Allowed routes from the spookvooper api. **Note:** All API routes are api.spookvooper.com OR spookvooper.com/api/ ## /User Routes - /GetUser [svid]: Returns all user data - /GetUsername [svid]: Returns username - /GetSVIDFromUsername [username]: Returns SVID - /GetUsernameFromDiscord [discordid]: Returns username - /GetSVIDFromDiscord [discordid]: Returns SVID - /GetUsernameFromMinecraft [minecraftid]: Returns username - /GetSVIDFromMinecraft [minecraftid]: Returns SVID - /HasDiscordRole [userid, role]: Returns true or false - /GetDiscordRoles [svid]: Returns list of roles - /GetDaysSinceLastMove [svid]: Returns an integer ## Group Routes - /DoesGroupExist [svid]: Returns true or false - /GetGroupMembers [svid]: Returns all member SVIDs, in a json list object - /HasGroupPermission [svid, usersvid, permission]: Returns true or false - /GetSVIDFromName [name]: Returns SVID - /GetName [svid]: Returns name ## /Eco Routes - /GetBalance [svid]: Returns decimal - /SendTransactionByIDs [from, to, amount, auth, detail]: Returns a result. 'from' and 'to' are svids. Detail should include 'sale' if it is a sale. - /GetStockValue [ticker]: Returns decimal - /GetStockHistory [ticker, type, count, interval]: Returns list of stock history. Please do not use a count of over 60. Type can be "MINUTE", "HOUR", or "DAY". - /SubmitStockBuy [ticker, count, price, accountid, auth]: Returns a result. Auth key must belong to accountid or have permission to it. - /SubmitStockSell [ticker, count, price, accountid, auth]: Returns a result. Auth key must belong to accountid or have permission to it. - /CancelOrder [orderid, accountid, auth]: Returns a result. - /GetStockBuyPrice [ticker]: Returns decimal. Cheapest stock available for ticker. - /GetQueueInfo [ticker, type]: Returns list of queue data. Type can be "BUY" or "SELL". - /GetUserStockOffers [ticker, svid]: Returns list of stock offer data. - /GetDistrictWealth [id]: Returns total wealth of a district - /GetDistrictUserWealth [id]: Returns total user wealth of a district - /GetDistrictGroupWealth [id]: Returns total group wealth of a district ## Oauth2 What is Oauth2? - Oauth2 allows applications to verify and control accounts from another platform without ever sharing sensitive information. How can I use Oauth2? - SpookVooper is currently matching the standard Oauth configuration, although it is limited to only "code" response type and "authorization_code" grant type currently. You can register apps at: ### Oauth2 Routes - /Authorize [response_type, client_id, redirect_uri, scope, state]: Redirects back to 'redirect_uri' with a "code" and "state" parameter if successful - /RequestToken [grant_type, code, redirect_uri, client_id, client_secret]: Returns a json object containing the token, expire time in seconds, and svid of the authorized user ### What are the scopes Currently, the only scope is View. This will be extended to eco/plot/etc in the future. This is currently new and may have bugs. Try not to bug me without specific issues.