use crate::{api, sys, usr}; use crate::api::console::Style; use crate::api::fs; use crate::api::process::ExitCode; use crate::api::prompt::Prompt; use crate::api::regex::Regex; use crate::api::syscall; use crate::sys::fs::FileType; use alloc::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap; use alloc::format; use alloc::vec::Vec; use alloc::string::{String, ToString}; // TODO: Scan /bin const AUTOCOMPLETE_COMMANDS: [&str; 36] = [ "2048", "base64", "calc", "colors", "copy", "date", "delete", "dhcp", "disk", "edit", "env", "geotime", "goto", "help", "hex", "host", "http", "httpd", "install", "keyboard", "life", "lisp", "list", "memory", "move", "net", "pci", "quit", "read", "shell", "socket", "tcp", "time", "user", "vga", "write" ]; struct Config { env: BTreeMap, aliases: BTreeMap, } impl Config { fn new() -> Config { let aliases = BTreeMap::new(); let mut env = BTreeMap::new(); for (key, val) in sys::process::envs() { env.insert(key, val); // Copy the process environment to the shell environment } env.insert("DIR".to_string(), sys::process::dir()); env.insert("status".to_string(), "0".to_string()); Config { env, aliases } } } fn autocomplete_commands() -> Vec { let mut res = Vec::new(); for cmd in AUTOCOMPLETE_COMMANDS { res.push(cmd.to_string()); } if let Ok(files) = fs::read_dir("/bin") { for file in files { res.push(; } } res } fn shell_completer(line: &str) -> Vec { let mut entries = Vec::new(); let args = split_args(line); let i = args.len() - 1; if args.len() == 1 && !args[0].starts_with('/') && !args[0].starts_with('~') { // Autocomplete command for cmd in autocomplete_commands() { if let Some(entry) = cmd.strip_prefix(&args[i]) { entries.push(entry.into()); } } } else { // Autocomplete path let pathname = fs::realpath(&args[i]); let dirname = fs::dirname(&pathname); let filename = fs::filename(&pathname); let sep = if dirname.ends_with('/') { "" } else { "/" }; if let Ok(files) = fs::read_dir(dirname) { for file in files { let name =; if name.starts_with(filename) { let end = if file.is_dir() { "/" } else { "" }; let path = format!("{}{}{}{}", dirname, sep, name, end); entries.push(path[pathname.len()..].into()); } } } } entries.sort(); entries } pub fn prompt_string(success: bool) -> String { let csi_color = Style::color("Magenta"); let csi_error = Style::color("Red"); let csi_reset = Style::reset(); format!("{}>{} ", if success { csi_color } else { csi_error }, csi_reset) } fn is_globbing(arg: &str) -> bool { let arg: Vec = arg.chars().collect(); let n = arg.len(); if n == 0 { return false; } if arg[0] == '"' && arg[n - 1] == '"' { return false; } if arg[0] == '\'' && arg[n - 1] == '\'' { return false; } for i in 0..n { if arg[i] == '*' || arg[i] == '?' { return true; } } false } fn glob_to_regex(pattern: &str) -> String { format!("^{}$", pattern .replace('\\', "\\\\") // `\` string literal .replace('.', "\\.") // `.` string literal .replace('*', ".*") // `*` match zero or more chars except `/` .replace('?', ".") // `?` match any char except `/` ) } fn glob(arg: &str) -> Vec { let mut matches = Vec::new(); if is_globbing(arg) { let (dir, pattern) = if arg.contains('/') { (fs::dirname(arg).to_string(), fs::filename(arg).to_string()) } else { (sys::process::dir(), arg.to_string()) }; let re = Regex::new(&glob_to_regex(&pattern)); let sep = if dir == "/" { "" } else { "/" }; if let Ok(files) = fs::read_dir(&dir) { for file in files { let name =; if re.is_match(&name) { matches.push(format!("{}{}{}", dir, sep, name)); } } } } else { matches.push(arg.to_string()); } matches } pub fn split_args(cmd: &str) -> Vec { let mut args = Vec::new(); let mut i = 0; let mut n = cmd.len(); let mut is_quote = false; for (j, c) in cmd.char_indices() { if c == '#' && !is_quote { n = j; // Discard comments break; } else if c == ' ' && !is_quote { if i != j && !cmd[i..j].trim().is_empty() { if args.is_empty() { args.push(cmd[i..j].to_string()) // program name } else { args.extend(glob(&cmd[i..j])) // program args } } i = j + 1; } else if c == '"' { is_quote = !is_quote; if !is_quote { args.push(cmd[i..j].to_string()); } i = j + 1; } } if i < n { if is_quote { n -= 1; args.push(cmd[i..n].to_string()); } else if args.is_empty() { args.push(cmd[i..n].to_string()); } else if !cmd[i..n].trim().is_empty() { args.extend(glob(&cmd[i..n])) } } if n == 0 { args.push("".to_string()); } args.iter().map(|s| tilde_expansion(s)).collect() } // Replace `~` with the value of `$HOME` when it's at the begining of an arg fn tilde_expansion(arg: &str) -> String { if let Some(home) = sys::process::env("HOME") { let tilde = "~"; if arg == tilde || arg.starts_with("~/") { return arg.replacen(tilde, &home, 1); } } arg.to_string() } fn variables_expansion(cmd: &str, config: &mut Config) -> String { let mut cmd = cmd.to_string(); // Special cases for none alphanum (\w) variables cmd = cmd.replace("$?", "$status"); cmd = cmd.replace("$*", "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9"); // Replace alphanum `$key` with its value in the environment or an empty string let re = Regex::new("\\$\\w+"); while let Some((a, b)) = re.find(&cmd) { let key: String = cmd.chars().skip(a + 1).take(b - a - 1).collect(); let val = config.env.get(&key).map_or("", String::as_str); cmd = cmd.replace(&format!("${}", key), val); } cmd } fn cmd_proc(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { match args.len() { 1 => { Ok(()) }, 2 => { match args[1] { "id" => { println!("{}", sys::process::id()); Ok(()) } "files" => { for (i, handle) in sys::process::file_handles().iter().enumerate() { if let Some(resource) = handle { println!("{}: {:?}", i, resource); } } Ok(()) } _ => { Err(ExitCode::Failure) } } }, _ => { Err(ExitCode::Failure) } } } fn cmd_change_dir(args: &[&str], config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { match args.len() { 1 => { println!("{}", sys::process::dir()); Ok(()) }, 2 => { let mut pathname = fs::realpath(args[1]); if pathname.len() > 1 { pathname = pathname.trim_end_matches('/').into(); } if api::fs::is_dir(&pathname) { sys::process::set_dir(&pathname); config.env.insert("DIR".to_string(), sys::process::dir()); Ok(()) } else { error!("File not found '{}'", pathname); Err(ExitCode::Failure) } }, _ => { Err(ExitCode::Failure) } } } fn cmd_alias(args: &[&str], config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { if args.len() != 3 { let csi_option = Style::color("LightCyan"); let csi_title = Style::color("Yellow"); let csi_reset = Style::reset(); println!("{}Usage:{} alias {} {1}", csi_title, csi_reset, csi_option); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } config.aliases.insert(args[1].to_string(), args[2].to_string()); Ok(()) } fn cmd_unalias(args: &[&str], config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { if args.len() != 2 { let csi_option = Style::color("LightCyan"); let csi_title = Style::color("Yellow"); let csi_reset = Style::reset(); println!("{}Usage:{} unalias {}{1}", csi_title, csi_reset, csi_option); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } if config.aliases.remove(&args[1].to_string()).is_none() { error!("Error: could not unalias '{}'", args[1]); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } Ok(()) } fn cmd_set(args: &[&str], config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { if args.len() != 3 { let csi_option = Style::color("LightCyan"); let csi_title = Style::color("Yellow"); let csi_reset = Style::reset(); println!("{}Usage:{} set {} {1}", csi_title, csi_reset, csi_option); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } config.env.insert(args[1].to_string(), args[2].to_string()); Ok(()) } fn cmd_unset(args: &[&str], config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { if args.len() != 2 { let csi_option = Style::color("LightCyan"); let csi_title = Style::color("Yellow"); let csi_reset = Style::reset(); println!("{}Usage:{} unset {}{1}", csi_title, csi_reset, csi_option); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } if config.env.remove(&args[1].to_string()).is_none() { error!("Error: could not unset '{}'", args[1]); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } Ok(()) } fn cmd_version(_args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { println!("MOROS v{}", option_env!("MOROS_VERSION").unwrap_or(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))); Ok(()) } fn exec_with_config(cmd: &str, config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { #[cfg(test)] // FIXME: tests with `print foo => /bar` are failing without that sys::console::print_fmt(format_args!("")); let cmd = variables_expansion(cmd, config); let mut args = split_args(&cmd); // Replace command alias if let Some(alias) = config.aliases.get(&args[0]) { args.remove(0); for arg in alias.split(' ').rev() { args.insert(0, arg.to_string()) } } let mut args: Vec<&str> = args.iter().map(String::as_str).collect(); // Redirections let mut restore_file_handles = false; let mut n = args.len(); let mut i = 0; loop { if i == n { break; } let mut is_fat_arrow = false; let mut is_thin_arrow = false; let mut head_count = 0; let mut left_handle; if Regex::new("^[?\\d*]?-+>$").is_match(args[i]) { // Pipes // read foo.txt --> write bar.txt // read foo.txt -> write bar.txt // read foo.txt [2]-> write /dev/null is_thin_arrow = true; left_handle = 1; } else if Regex::new("^[?\\d*]?=*>+[?\\d*]?$").is_match(args[i]) { // Redirections to // read foo.txt ==> bar.txt // read foo.txt => bar.txt // read foo.txt > bar.txt // read foo.txt [1]=> /dev/null // read foo.txt [1]=>[3] is_fat_arrow = true; left_handle = 1; } else if Regex::new("^+<=*$").is_match(args[i]) { // Redirections from // write bar.txt <== foo.txt // write bar.txt <= foo.txt // write bar.txt < foo.txt is_fat_arrow = true; left_handle = 0; } else { i += 1; continue; } // Parse file handles let mut num = String::new(); for c in args[i].chars() { match c { '[' | ']' | '-' | '=' => { continue; } '<' | '>' => { head_count += 1; if let Ok(handle) = num.parse() { left_handle = handle; } num.clear(); } _ => { num.push(c); } } } if is_fat_arrow { // Redirections restore_file_handles = true; if !num.is_empty() { // if let Ok(right_handle) = num.parse() {} println!("Redirecting to a file handle has not been implemented yet"); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } else { if i == n - 1 { println!("Could not parse path for redirection"); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } let path = args[i + 1]; let append_mode = head_count > 1; if api::fs::reopen(path, left_handle, append_mode).is_err() { println!("Could not open path for redirection"); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } args.remove(i); // Remove path from args n -= 1; } n -= 1; args.remove(i); // Remove redirection from args } else if is_thin_arrow { println!("Piping has not been implemented yet"); return Err(ExitCode::Failure); } } let res = match args[0] { "" => Ok(()), "2048" => usr::pow::main(&args), "alias" => cmd_alias(&args, config), "base64" => usr::base64::main(&args), "beep" => usr::beep::main(&args), "calc" => usr::calc::main(&args), "chess" => usr::chess::main(&args), "colors" => usr::colors::main(&args), "copy" => usr::copy::main(&args), "date" => usr::date::main(&args), "delete" => usr::delete::main(&args), "dhcp" => usr::dhcp::main(&args), "disk" => usr::disk::main(&args), "edit" => usr::editor::main(&args), "elf" => usr::elf::main(&args), "env" => usr::env::main(&args), "find" => usr::find::main(&args), "geotime" => usr::geotime::main(&args), "goto" => cmd_change_dir(&args, config), "help" => usr::help::main(&args), "hex" => usr::hex::main(&args), "host" => usr::host::main(&args), "http" => usr::http::main(&args), "httpd" => usr::httpd::main(&args), "install" => usr::install::main(&args), "keyboard" => usr::keyboard::main(&args), "life" => usr::life::main(&args), "lisp" => usr::lisp::main(&args), "list" => usr::list::main(&args), "memory" => usr::memory::main(&args), "move" => usr::r#move::main(&args), "net" => usr::net::main(&args), "pci" => usr::pci::main(&args), "pi" => usr::pi::main(&args), "proc" => cmd_proc(&args), "quit" => Err(ExitCode::ShellExit), "read" => usr::read::main(&args), "set" => cmd_set(&args, config), "shell" => usr::shell::main(&args), "socket" => usr::socket::main(&args), "tcp" => usr::tcp::main(&args), "time" => usr::time::main(&args), "unalias" => cmd_unalias(&args, config), "unset" => cmd_unset(&args, config), "version" => cmd_version(&args), "user" => usr::user::main(&args), "vga" => usr::vga::main(&args), "write" => usr::write::main(&args), "panic" => panic!("{}", args[1..].join(" ")), _ => { let mut path = fs::realpath(args[0]); if path.len() > 1 { path = path.trim_end_matches('/').into(); } match syscall::info(&path).map(|info| info.kind()) { Some(FileType::Dir) => { sys::process::set_dir(&path); config.env.insert("DIR".to_string(), sys::process::dir()); Ok(()) } Some(FileType::File) => { spawn(&path, &args) } _ => { let path = format!("/bin/{}", args[0]); spawn(&path, &args) } } } }; // TODO: Remove this when redirections are done in spawned process if restore_file_handles { for i in 0..3 { api::fs::reopen("/dev/console", i, false).ok(); } } res } fn spawn(path: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { match api::process::spawn(path, args) { Err(ExitCode::ExecError) => { error!("Could not execute '{}'", args[0]); Err(ExitCode::ExecError) } Err(ExitCode::ReadError) => { error!("Could not read '{}'", args[0]); Err(ExitCode::ReadError) } Err(ExitCode::OpenError) => { error!("Could not open '{}'", args[0]); Err(ExitCode::OpenError) } res => res, } } fn repl(config: &mut Config) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { println!(); let mut prompt = Prompt::new(); let history_file = "~/.shell-history"; prompt.history.load(history_file); prompt.completion.set(&shell_completer); let mut code = ExitCode::Success; while let Some(cmd) = prompt.input(&prompt_string(code == ExitCode::Success)) { code = match exec_with_config(&cmd, config) { Err(ExitCode::ShellExit) => break, Err(e) => e, Ok(()) => ExitCode::Success, }; config.env.insert("status".to_string(), format!("{}", code as u8)); prompt.history.add(&cmd);; sys::console::drain(); println!(); } print!("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H"); // Clear screen and move cursor to top Ok(()) } pub fn exec(cmd: &str) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { let mut config = Config::new(); exec_with_config(cmd, &mut config) } pub fn main(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { let mut config = Config::new(); if let Ok(rc) = fs::read_to_string("/ini/") { for cmd in rc.split('\n') { exec_with_config(cmd, &mut config).ok(); } } if args.len() < 2 { config.env.insert(0.to_string(), args[0].to_string()); repl(&mut config) } else { config.env.insert(0.to_string(), args[1].to_string()); // Add script arguments to the environment as `$1`, `$2`, `$3`, ... for (i, arg) in args[2..].iter().enumerate() { config.env.insert((i + 1).to_string(), arg.to_string()); } let pathname = args[1]; if let Ok(contents) = api::fs::read_to_string(pathname) { for line in contents.split('\n') { if !line.is_empty() { exec_with_config(line, &mut config).ok(); } } Ok(()) } else { println!("File not found '{}'", pathname); Err(ExitCode::Failure) } } } #[test_case] fn test_shell() { use alloc::string::ToString; sys::fs::mount_mem(); sys::fs::format_mem(); usr::install::copy_files(false); // Redirect standard output exec("print test1 => /tmp/test1").ok(); assert_eq!(api::fs::read_to_string("/tmp/test1"), Ok("test1\n".to_string())); // Redirect standard output explicitely exec("print test2 1=> /tmp/test2").ok(); assert_eq!(api::fs::read_to_string("/tmp/test2"), Ok("test2\n".to_string())); // Redirect standard error explicitely exec("hex /nope 2=> /tmp/test3").ok(); assert!(api::fs::read_to_string("/tmp/test3").unwrap().contains("File not found '/nope'")); let mut config = Config::new(); exec_with_config("set b 42", &mut config).ok(); exec_with_config("print a $b $c d => /test", &mut config).ok(); assert_eq!(api::fs::read_to_string("/test"), Ok("a 42 d\n".to_string())); sys::fs::dismount(); } #[test_case] fn test_split_args() { use alloc::vec; assert_eq!(split_args(""), vec![""]); assert_eq!(split_args("print"), vec!["print"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print "), vec!["print"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print "), vec!["print"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print # comment"), vec!["print"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo"), vec!["print", "foo"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo "), vec!["print", "foo"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo "), vec!["print", "foo"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo # comment"), vec!["print", "foo"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo bar"), vec!["print", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo bar"), vec!["print", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo bar"), vec!["print", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo \"bar\""), vec!["print", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo \"\""), vec!["print", "foo", ""]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo \"bar\" "), vec!["print", "foo", "bar"]); assert_eq!(split_args("print foo \"\" "), vec!["print", "foo", ""]); } #[test_case] fn test_glob_to_regex() { assert_eq!(glob_to_regex("hello.txt"), "^hello\\.txt$"); assert_eq!(glob_to_regex("h?llo.txt"), "^h.llo\\.txt$"); assert_eq!(glob_to_regex("h*.txt"), "^h.*\\.txt$"); assert_eq!(glob_to_regex("*.txt"), "^.*\\.txt$"); assert_eq!(glob_to_regex("\\w*.txt"), "^\\\\w.*\\.txt$"); } #[test_case] fn test_variables_expansion() { let mut config = Config::new(); exec_with_config("set foo 42", &mut config).ok(); exec_with_config("set bar \"Alice and Bob\"", &mut config).ok(); assert_eq!(variables_expansion("print $foo", &mut config), "print 42"); assert_eq!(variables_expansion("print \"Hello $bar\"", &mut config), "print \"Hello Alice and Bob\""); }