use crate::api::console::Style; use crate::api::fs; use crate::api::process::ExitCode; use crate::api::random; use crate::sys; use crate::sys::console; use alloc::collections::BTreeSet; use alloc::format; use alloc::string::String; use alloc::vec; use alloc::vec::Vec; use core::fmt; struct Game { cols: i64, rows: i64, grid: BTreeSet<(i64, i64)>, step: usize, speed: f64, quiet: bool, seed_interval: usize, seed_population: usize, } impl Game { pub fn new(cols: i64, rows: i64) -> Self { Self { cols, rows, grid: BTreeSet::new(), step: 0, speed: 2.0, quiet: false, seed_interval: 1, seed_population: 30, } } pub fn load_file(&mut self, path: &str) { if let Ok(lines) = fs::read_to_string(path) { for (y, line) in lines.split('\n').enumerate() { for (x, c) in line.chars().enumerate() { let cell = (x as i64, y as i64); match c { ' ' | '.' | '0' => self.grid.remove(&cell), _ => self.grid.insert(cell), }; } } } } pub fn run(&mut self) { loop { if self.seed_interval > 0 && self.step % self.seed_interval == 0 { self.seed(); } if console::end_of_text() || (self.is_game_over() && self.quiet) { print!("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H"); // Clear screen and move to top return; } print!("{}", self); sys::time::sleep(1.0 / self.speed); if self.is_game_over() { continue; // Display the screen until ^C is received } // Rules of the game (B3/S23) // - Birth if three live neighbors // - Survival if two or three live neighbors self.step += 1; let mut cells_to_insert = vec![]; let mut cells_to_remove = vec![]; for x in 0..self.cols { for y in 0..self.rows { let cell = (x, y); let n = neighboors(&cell).iter().fold(0, |s, c| s + self.grid.contains(c) as u8 ); match n { 2 => continue, 3 => cells_to_insert.push(cell), _ => cells_to_remove.push(cell), } } } for cell in cells_to_insert { self.grid.insert(cell); } for cell in cells_to_remove { self.grid.remove(&cell); } } } pub fn is_game_over(&self) -> bool { self.grid.is_empty() } pub fn population(&self) -> usize { self.grid.len() } pub fn generation(&self) -> usize { self.step } fn seed(&mut self) { let n = self.seed_population; for _ in 0..n { let x = (random::get_u64() % (self.cols as u64)) as i64; let y = (random::get_u64() % (self.rows as u64)) as i64; self.grid.insert((x, y)); } } fn status(&self, title: &str, bg: &str) -> String { let gen = self.generation(); let pop = self.population(); let color = Style::color("Black").with_background(bg); let reset = Style::reset(); let stats = format!("GEN: {:04} | POP: {:04}", gen, pop); let size = (self.cols as usize) - stats.len(); format!("\n{}{:n$}{}{}", color, title, stats, reset, n = size) } } fn neighboors(&(x, y): &(i64, i64)) -> Vec<(i64, i64)> { vec![ (x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1), (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1), ] } impl fmt::Display for Game { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut out = String::new(); for y in 0..self.rows { for x in 0..self.cols { out.push(if self.grid.contains(&(x, y)) { '#' } else { ' ' }); } if y < self.rows - 1 { out.push('\n'); } } if !self.quiet { let line = if self.is_game_over() { self.status("GAME OVER", "Yellow") } else { self.status("GAME OF LIFE", "White") }; out.push_str(&line); } write!(f, "\x1b[1;1H{}", out)?; // Move cursor to top then print screen Ok(()) } } pub fn main(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> { let mut game = Game::new(80, 24); let mut i = 0; let n = args.len(); while i < n { match args[i] { "-h" | "--help" => { usage(); return Ok(()); } "-p" | "--population" => { if i + 1 < n { game.seed_population = args[i + 1].parse(). unwrap_or(game.seed_population); i += 1; } else { error!("Missing --population "); return Err(ExitCode::UsageError); } } "-i" | "--interval" => { if i + 1 < n { game.seed_interval = args[i + 1].parse(). unwrap_or(game.seed_interval); i += 1; } else { error!("Missing --interval "); return Err(ExitCode::UsageError); } } "-s" | "--speed" => { if i + 1 < n { game.speed = args[i + 1].parse().unwrap_or(game.speed); i += 1; } else { error!("Missing --speed "); return Err(ExitCode::UsageError); } } "-q" | "--quiet" => { game.quiet = true; game.rows += 1; } arg => { if arg.starts_with('-') { error!("Unknown option '{}'", arg); return Err(ExitCode::UsageError); } if i > 0 { let path = arg; if !fs::exists(path) { error!("Could not find file '{}'", path); return Err(ExitCode::UsageError); } game.load_file(path); game.seed_population = 0; game.seed_interval = 0; } } } i += 1; } print!("\x1b[2J"); // Clear screen print!("\x1b[?25l"); // Disable cursor print!("\x1b[12l"); // Disable echo; print!("\x1b[12h"); // Enable echo print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor Ok(()) } fn usage() { let csi_option = Style::color("LightCyan"); let csi_title = Style::color("Yellow"); let csi_reset = Style::reset(); println!( "{}Usage:{} life {} []{1}", csi_title, csi_reset, csi_option ); println!(); println!("{}Options:{}", csi_title, csi_reset); println!( " {0}-p{1}, {0}--population {1} \ Set the seed population to {0}{1}", csi_option, csi_reset ); println!( " {0}-i{1}, {0}--interval {1} \ Set the seed interval to {0}{1}", csi_option, csi_reset ); println!( " {0}-s{1}, {0}--speed {1} \ Set the simulation speed to {0}{1}", csi_option, csi_reset ); println!( " {0}-q{1}, {0}--quiet{1} \ Enable quiet mode", csi_option, csi_reset ); }