use super::Err; use alloc::format; use alloc::string::ToString; use alloc::vec::Vec; use core::convert::TryFrom; use core::fmt; use core::ops::{Neg, Add, Div, Mul, Sub, Rem, Shl, Shr}; use core::str::FromStr; use num_bigint::BigInt; use num_traits::Zero; use num_traits::cast::ToPrimitive; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub enum Number { BigInt(BigInt), Float(f64), Int(i64), } macro_rules! trigonometric_method { ($op:ident) => { pub fn $op(&self) -> Number { Number::Float(libm::$op(self.into())) } } } macro_rules! arithmetic_method { ($op:ident, $checked_op:ident) => { pub fn $op(self, other: Number) -> Number { match (self, other) { (Number::BigInt(a), Number::BigInt(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.$op(b)), (Number::BigInt(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.$op(b)), (Number::Int(a), Number::BigInt(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.$op(b)), (Number::Int(a), Number::Int(b)) => { if let Some(r) = a.$checked_op(b) { Number::Int(r) } else { Number::BigInt(BigInt::from(a).$op(BigInt::from(b))) } } (Number::Int(a), Number::Float(b)) => Number::Float((a as f64).$op(b)), (Number::Float(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::Float(a.$op(b as f64)), (Number::Float(a), Number::Float(b)) => Number::Float(a.$op(b)), _ => Number::Float(f64::NAN), // TODO } } } } impl Number { trigonometric_method!(cos); trigonometric_method!(sin); trigonometric_method!(tan); trigonometric_method!(acos); trigonometric_method!(asin); trigonometric_method!(atan); arithmetic_method!(add, checked_add); arithmetic_method!(sub, checked_sub); arithmetic_method!(mul, checked_mul); arithmetic_method!(div, checked_div); // NOTE: Rem use `libm::fmod` for `f64` instead of `rem` pub fn rem(self, other: Number) -> Number { match (self, other) { (Number::BigInt(a), Number::BigInt(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.rem(b)), (Number::BigInt(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.rem(b)), (Number::Int(a), Number::BigInt(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.rem(b)), (Number::Int(a), Number::Int(b)) => { if let Some(r) = a.checked_rem(b) { Number::Int(r) } else { Number::BigInt(BigInt::from(a).rem(BigInt::from(b))) } } (Number::Int(a), Number::Float(b)) => Number::Float(libm::fmod(a as f64, b)), (Number::Float(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::Float(libm::fmod(a, b as f64)), (Number::Float(a), Number::Float(b)) => Number::Float(libm::fmod(a, b)), _ => Number::Float(f64::NAN), // TODO } } pub fn pow(&self, other: &Number) -> Number { let bmax = BigInt::from(u32::MAX); let imax = u32::MAX as i64; match (self, other) { (_, Number::BigInt(b)) if *b > bmax => Number::Float(f64::INFINITY), (_, Number::Int(b)) if *b > imax => Number::Float(f64::INFINITY), (Number::BigInt(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.pow(*b as u32)), (Number::Int(a), Number::Int(b)) => { if let Some(r) = a.checked_pow(*b as u32) { Number::Int(r) } else { Number::BigInt(BigInt::from(*a)).pow(other) } } (Number::Int(a), Number::Float(b)) => Number::Float(libm::pow(*a as f64, *b)), (Number::Float(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::Float(libm::pow(*a, *b as f64)), (Number::Float(a), Number::Float(b)) => Number::Float(libm::pow(*a, *b)), _ => Number::Float(f64::NAN), // TODO } } pub fn neg(self) -> Number { match self { Number::BigInt(a) => Number::BigInt(-a), Number::Int(a) => { if let Some(r) = a.checked_neg() { Number::Int(r) } else { Number::BigInt(-BigInt::from(a)) } } Number::Float(a) => Number::Float(-a), } } pub fn trunc(self) -> Number { if let Number::Float(a) = self { Number::Int(libm::trunc(a) as i64) } else { self } } pub fn shl(self, other: Number) -> Number { match (self, other) { (Number::BigInt(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.shl(b)), (Number::Int(a), Number::Int(b)) => { if let Some(r) = a.checked_shl(b as u32) { Number::Int(r) } else { Number::BigInt(BigInt::from(a).shl(b)) } } _ => Number::Float(f64::NAN), // TODO } } pub fn shr(self, other: Number) -> Number { match (self, other) { (Number::BigInt(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::BigInt(a.shr(b)), (Number::Int(a), Number::Int(b)) => { if let Some(r) = a.checked_shr(b as u32) { Number::Int(r) } else { Number::BigInt(BigInt::from(a).shr(b)) } } _ => Number::Float(f64::NAN), // TODO } } pub fn to_be_bytes(&self) -> Vec { match self { Number::Int(n) => n.to_be_bytes().to_vec(), Number::Float(n) => n.to_be_bytes().to_vec(), Number::BigInt(n) => n.to_bytes_be().1, // TODO } } pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { match self { Number::Int(n) => *n == 0, Number::Float(n) => *n == 0.0, Number::BigInt(n) => n.is_zero(), } } } impl Neg for Number { type Output = Number; fn neg(self) -> Number { self.neg() } } macro_rules! operator { ($t:ty, $op:ident) => { impl $t for Number { type Output = Number; fn $op(self, other: Number) -> Number { self.$op(other) } } } } operator!(Add, add); operator!(Sub, sub); operator!(Mul, mul); operator!(Div, div); operator!(Rem, rem); operator!(Shl, shl); operator!(Shr, shr); impl FromStr for Number { type Err = Err; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let err = Err(Err::Reason("Could not parse number".to_string())); if s.contains('.') { if let Ok(n) = s.parse() { return Ok(Number::Float(n)); } } else if let Ok(n) = s.parse() { return Ok(Number::Int(n)); } else { let mut chars = s.chars().peekable(); let is_neg = chars.peek() == Some(&'-'); if is_neg {; } let mut res = BigInt::from(0); for c in chars { if !c.is_ascii_digit() { return err; } let d = c as u8 - b'0'; res = res * BigInt::from(10) + BigInt::from(d as u32); } res *= BigInt::from(if is_neg { -1 } else { 1 }); return Ok(Number::BigInt(res)); } /* else if let Ok(n) = s.parse() { // FIXME: rust-lld: error: undefined symbol: fmod return Ok(Number::BigInt(n)); } */ err } } impl From<&str> for Number { fn from(s: &str) -> Self { if let Ok(num) = s.parse() { num } else { Number::Float(f64::NAN) } } } impl From for Number { fn from(num: f64) -> Self { Number::Float(num) } } impl From for Number { fn from(num: u8) -> Self { Number::Int(num as i64) } } impl From for Number { fn from(num: usize) -> Self { if num > i64::MAX as usize { Number::BigInt(BigInt::from(num)) } else { Number::Int(num as i64) } } } impl From<&Number> for f64 { fn from(num: &Number) -> f64 { match num { Number::Float(n) => *n, Number::Int(n) => *n as f64, Number::BigInt(n) => n.to_f64().unwrap_or(f64::NAN), } } } macro_rules! try_from_number { ($int:ident, $to_int:ident) => { impl TryFrom for $int { type Error = Err; fn try_from(num: Number) -> Result { let err = Err::Reason(format!("Expected an integer between 0 and {}", $int::MAX)); match num { Number::Float(n) => $int::try_from(n as i64).or(Err(err)), Number::Int(n) => $int::try_from(n).or(Err(err)), Number::BigInt(n) => n.$to_int().ok_or(err), } } } } } try_from_number!(usize, to_usize); try_from_number!(u8, to_u8); impl fmt::Display for Number { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { //write!(f, "{}", self), // FIXME: alloc error match self { Number::Int(n) => { write!(f, "{}", n) } Number::BigInt(n) => { //write!(f, "{}", n), // FIXME: rust-lld: error: undefined symbol: fmod let mut v = Vec::new(); let mut n = n.clone(); if n < BigInt::from(0) { write!(f, "-").ok(); n = -n; } loop { v.push((n.clone() % BigInt::from(10)).to_u64().unwrap()); n = n / BigInt::from(10); if n == BigInt::from(0) { break; } } for d in v.iter().rev() { write!(f, "{}", d).ok(); } Ok(()) } Number::Float(n) => { if n - libm::trunc(*n) == 0.0 { write!(f, "{}.0", n) } else { write!(f, "{}", n) } } } } }