/* This file has the implementation of the function for bubble sort. */ /* Include guards + include statements. */ #ifndef BINARY_SEARCH_C #define BINARY_SEARCH_C #include #include #include "binary_search.h" #include "../utils/swap_void.h" #endif /* BINARY_SEARCH_C */ /* Note that if the comparison function is NULL, the array pointer is NULL or the search value is NULL, then the function will quit. */ /* Note that the comparison function should return 1 if the second argument is larger than the first, zero if they're both equal and -1 otherwise. */ /* The array's length should be passed in the length argument. */ /* Size should match a single object's size, and should be > 0. */ /* The function returns BINARY_SEARCH_INDEX_NOT_FOUND on error or not found, otherwise will return the index of the value. */ int binary_search(void *array, void *value, int (*comparison_function)(const void*, const void*), const int length, size_t size) { /* Local variables. */ int index_left, index_right, current_index; /* Sanity check. */ if (array == NULL || value == NULL || comparison_function == NULL || size <= 0 || length <= 0) return BINARY_SEARCH_INDEX_NOT_FOUND; /* Input values are correct, commence the search. */ /* Set the initial index values. */ index_left = 0; index_right = length - 1; /* Loop and search. */ while (index_left <= index_right) { /* Calculate the current index. */ current_index = (index_left + index_right) / 2; /* Check where the index is in the array in comparison to the value we're looking for. */ if (comparison_function(array + current_index, value) == BINARY_SEARCH_INDEX_LESS_THAN) index_left = current_index + 1; else if (comparison_function(array + current_index, value) == BINARY_SEARCH_INDEX_LARGER_THAN) index_right = current_index - 1; else return current_index; } /* Search failed! */ return BINARY_SEARCH_INDEX_NOT_FOUND; }