
42 lines
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Wael Karram
.AB no
Documentation for binary_search.h
This header defines a generic binary search function. Using the prepoccessor variable BINARY_SEARCH_H used as an include guard.
These are the compile-time constants declared by this header:
BINARY_SEARCH_COMPARISON_LARGER_THAN, returned by the comparison function when the result is \[char34]larger than\[char34], evaluates to 1.
BINARY_SEARCH_COMPARISON_LESS_THAN, returned by the comparison function when the result is \[char34]less than\[char34], evaluates to -1.
BINARY_SEARCH_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, returned when the value isn't found, evaluated to -1.
These are the function defitions and input arguments for this file.
.I "int binary_search(void *array, void *value, int (*comparison_function)(const void*, const void*), const int length, size_t size);"
.I "void *array" " is the array to search in - if NULL the function will quit."
.I "void *value" " is the value to look for - if NULL the function will quit."
.I "int (*comparison_function)(const void*, const void*)" " is the comparison function used, if larger than returns 1, if less than returns -1, otherwise returns 0. If NULL - the function will exhibit undefined behavior."
.I "const int length" " is the length of the array, must be positive."
.I "size_t size" " is the size of a single object/element in the array, must be positive."