# A Lightweight Python Hit Arithmetic - ALPHA A to-hit calculator and damage/heat tracker for Battletech: Alpha Strike. ## Current Features As of now, you can: - Set the following mech attributes on a per-mech basis: - Name - Size - Pilot Skill - Total Movement Modifier - Add multiple mechs - Query a list of mechs based on player name ## Upcoming Features Next on the release docket: - Modify mech stats on demand - Set mech armor and structure values - Set damage for each range bracket - Set heat scale - Set critical points ## Core Features Once those key things are taken care of, you’ll be able to: - Load multiple mechs from a local file - Load multiple mechs from an online source - Run attack rolls to and against mechs - Automatic critical calculations upon structure damage - Turn-based damage, so all pending effects are held in a buffer before they apply after all actions in a turn