package commandimpls import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "strings" "" "" "" ) const manualDocumentation = `[::b]NAME manual - view the documentation for a topic or command [::b]SYNOPSIS [::b]manual [::b]DESCRIPTION This command will show the manual of the supplied topic / command. [::b]TOPICS Besides commands like [::b]friends[::-] or [::b]status[::-], you can also supply one of the following topics: - commands - chat-view - configuration - message-editor - navigation [::b]EXAMPLES [gray]$ man user [white][::b]NAME user - manipulate and retrieve your ... ` // Manual is the command that displays the application manual. type Manual struct { window *ui.Window } // NewManualCommand constructs a new usable manual command for the user. func NewManualCommand(window *ui.Window) *Manual { return &Manual{window} } func (manual *Manual) getPredefinedTopicPage(name string) string { switch name { case "chat-view", "chatview": return chatViewDocumentation case "commands": var commandList string for _, cmd := range manual.window.GetRegisteredCommands() { commandList += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t- %s\n", cmd.Name()) } return fmt.Sprintf(commandsDocumentation, commandList) case "configuration", "config", "conf": return configurationDocumentation case "message-editor", "messageeditor": return messageEditorDocumentation case "navigation": return navigationDocumentation } return "" } // Execute runs the command piping its output into the supplied writer. func (manual *Manual) Execute(writer io.Writer, parameters []string) { if len(parameters) == 0 { manual.PrintHelp(writer) } else { //All parameters will be combined into words joined with dashes. Since that's how //command names are represented internally. inputDashes := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(parameters, "-")) //This handles the default pages, e.g. the ones that are unrelated to commands. page := manual.getPredefinedTopicPage(inputDashes) if page != "" { fmt.Fprintln(writer, page) return } //This will check whether the input matches either a commands name or one of it's aliases. for _, cmd := range manual.window.GetRegisteredCommands() { if cmd.Name() == inputDashes { cmd.PrintHelp(writer) return } for _, alias := range cmd.Aliases() { if alias == inputDashes { cmd.PrintHelp(writer) return } } } inputSpaces := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(parameters, " ")) fmt.Fprintf(writer, "["+tviewutil.ColorToHex(config.GetTheme().ErrorColor)+"]No manual entry for '%s' found.\n", inputSpaces) //This code checks whether any of the command pages contains the given terms. var b = bytes.Buffer{} var matches []string for _, cmd := range manual.window.GetRegisteredCommands() { cmd.PrintHelp(&b) if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(b.String()), inputSpaces) { matches = append(matches, cmd.Name()) } b.Reset() } if len(matches) > 0 { fmt.Fprintln(writer, "The following pages contain the given term:") for _, match := range matches { fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t%s\n", match) } } } } const chatViewDocumentation = `[::b]TOPIC chatview - component that displays the messages in a channel [::b]DESCRIPTION The chatview is the component that displays the messages of the channel that you are currently looking at. The chatview has two modes. The navigation mode is active when the chatview does not have focus. While in navigation mode you can't select any message, but you can scroll through the messages using Ctrl+ArrowUp/ArrowDown or your mousewheel. If you focus the chatview, it enters the selection mode, allowing you to select single messages and interact with those. When in selection mode, those shortcuts are active: -------------------------------------------- | Action | Shortcut | | --------------------------- | ---------- | | Edit message | e | | Delete message | Delete | | Copy content | c | | Copy link to message | l | | Reply with mention | r | | Quote message | q | | Hide / show spoiler content | s | | Selection up | ArrowUp | | Selection down | ArrowDown | | Selection to top | Home | | Selection to bottom | End | -------------------------------------------- Keep in mind, that those shortcuts might differ from your settings, as those are just the defaults.` const commandsDocumentation = `[::b]TOPIC commands - commands allow you to execute certain actions within cordless [::b]DESCRIPTION Commands can only be entered via the command-input component. Commands can't be called from outside the application or on startup. All commands follow a certain semantics pattern: COMMAND SUBCOMMAND --SETTING "Some setting value" MAIN_VALUE Not every command makes use of all of the possible combinations. Each command may have zero or more subcommands and zero or more settings. There may also be settings that do not require you passing a value. If a value contains spaces it needs to be quoted beforehand, otherwise the input will be separated at each given space. Some commands require some main value, which is basically the non-optional input for that command. That value doesn't require a setting-name to be prepended in front of it. After typing a command, it will be added to your history. The history doesn't persist between cordless sessions, it will be forgotten every time you close the application. The history can be travelled through by using the arrow up and down keys. An exception for historization are secret inputs like passwords, those aren't directly typed into the command-input. Instead cordless shows an extra dialog as soon as it requires you to input sensitive information like passwords. Since the command-input component uses the same underlying component as the message-input, you can use the same shortcuts for editing your input. Available commands: %s [::b]EXAMPLES [gray]$ user-set -n "Marcel Schramm" -a /home/pics/avatar.png [gray]$ user-set --name "Marcel Schramm" --avatar /home/pics/avatar.png [gray]$ status set online [gray]$ status get` const configurationDocumentation = `[::b]TOPIC configuration - allows you to change settings and persist them between sessions [::b]DESCRIPTION Currently all almost configuration is done via manually editing the configuration file. There are however some settings like the fix-layout setting and the chatheader setting that can be set via the commands feature. At some point there will be a user-interface for changing settings and commands will be removed. The configuration file can be found somewhere in the user directory. The precise location differs from platform to platform. Whenever you start cordless, it will display the location of your configuration file in the splashscreen. Typical location on Linux: [::b]~/.config/cordless/config.json[::-]. Typical location on Windows: [::b]~/AppData/Roaming/cordless/config.json[::-]. Typical location on MacOS: [::b]~/.cordless/config.json[::-]. [::b]SETTINGS The following settings are available in the configuration file: [::b]Token The token is used in order to authenticate you in the discord backend. This value is usually set through the user interface on startup. Type: string Default: EMPTY [::b]Times Determines how message timestamps are rendered in the chatview. This setting has three different possible values: ------------------------------------------- | Name | Format | Value | | -------------------- | -------- | ----- | | HourMinuteAndSeconds | HH:MM:SS | 0 | | HourAndMinute | HH:MM | 1 | | NoTime | None | 2 | ------------------------------------------- Type: int Default: NoTime (2) [::b]UserColors Determines how the color for a user is decided when rendering a message author or displaying a user somewhere else. This settings has four different possible values: * "none" * "single" * "random" * "role" Type: string Default: "single" [::b]FocusChannelAfterGuildSelection Determines whether the focus automatically jumps to the channeltree after selecting a guild from the guildlist. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]FocusMessageInputAfterChannelSelection Determines whether the focus automatically jumps to the message-input after selecting a channel from the channeltree. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]ShowChatHeader Determines whether the name and topic of the currently loaded channel are shown at the top of the chatview. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]ShowUserContainer Determines whether the user list is displayed to the right of the chatview while a guild channel or a group dm channel is loaded. This setting is usually not changed manually, but via the keyboard shortcut [::b]Alt+Shift+U[::-]. Note that this might differ from your configured shortcut for this action. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]UseFixedLayout Determines whether the guild list and the channel tree use a fixed width or take horizontal space relative to the window size. Type: boolean Default: false [::b]FixedSizeLeft Determines the width of the guild list and the channel tree. This setting only takes effect if [::b]UseFixedLayout[::-] is set to [::b]true[::-]. Type: int Default: 12 [::b]FixedSizeRight Determines the width of the user list next to the chatview. This setting only takes effect if [::b]UseFixedLayout[::-] is set to [::b]true[::-]. Type: int Default: 12 [::b]OnTypeInListBehaviour Determines whether typing in a list or tree-list will trigger a text search, do nothing or focus the message-input. This settings has three different possible values: ----------------------------------------- | Name | Value | | ----------------------------- | ----- | | DoNothingOnTypeInList | 0 | | SearchOnTypeInList | 1 | | FocusMessageInputOnTypeInList | 2 | ----------------------------------------- Type: int Default: SearchOnTypeInList (1) [::b]MouseEnabled Determines whether the mouse is properly usable. If this settings is enabled, you can click buttons, scroll and change focus via clicking. Note that some stuff might still work with this setting disabled, but behave in a weird way. [::b]This setting will break terminal selection mode. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]ShortenLinks Determines whether cordless runs it's own link-shortener in order to allow showing long links in tight spaces while keeping them clickable. Note that this setting will start a small internal in-memory http server. Type: boolean Default: false [::b]ShortenWithExtension Determines whether the suffix is added to the shortened url. This setting only matters if [::b]ShortenLinks[::-] is set to [::b]true[::-] Type: boolean Default: false [::b]ShortenerPort Determines which port the link-shortener uses in your system. This setting only matters if [::b]ShortenLinks[::-] is set to [::b]true[::-] [::b]DesktopNotifications Determines whether cordless will try to notify the host systems using the systems notification system. This setting might not work on all systems. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]ShowPlaceholderForBlockedMessages Determines whether blocked messages are hidden or a placeholder is shown instead, so that you know that someone sent a message. This might help in avoiding confusion during conversations of blocked users with users that aren't blocked. Type: boolean Default: true [::b]Accounts This settings holds an array of so called accounts, also referred to as profiles. Those allow you to let cordless know of multiple discord identities, allowing you to easily switch between them. This setting shouldn't be changed manually, but only via the [::b]account[::-] command.` const messageEditorDocumentation = `[::b]TOPIC message-editor - the component that allows you to input text for a message. [::b]DESCRIPTION The editor is a custom written widget and builds on top of the tview.TextView. It utilizes regions and highlighting in order to implement the complete selection behaviour. This widget isn't fully implemented yet and still has some flaws. By default, it offers the following shortcuts: ---------------------------------------------------- | Action | Shortcut | | -------------------------- | ------------------- | | Delete left | Backspace | | Delete Right | Delete | | Delete Selection | Backspace or Delete | | Jump to beginning | Ctrl+A -> Left | | Jump to end | Ctrl+A -> Right | | Jump one word to the left | Ctrl+Left | | Jump one word to the right | Ctrl+Right | | Select all | Ctrl+A | | Select word to left | Ctrl+Shift+Left | | Select word to right | Ctrl+Shift+Right | | Scroll chatview up | Ctrl+Up | | Scroll chatview down | Ctrl+Down | | Paste Image / text | Ctrl+V | | Insert new line | Alt+Enter | | Send message | Enter | ---------------------------------------------------- It also offers the following functionalities: - Send emojis using ":emoji_code:" - Mention people using autocomplete by typing an "@" followed by part of their name` const navigationDocumentation = `[::b]TOPIC navigation - how to navigate around the application [::b]DESCRIPTION Most of the controlling is currently done via the keyboard. However, the focus between components can be changed by using a mouse as well. By default the navigation is done via the following shortcuts: -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Action | Shortcut | Scope | | ----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------| | Close application | Ctrl-C | Everywhere | | Focus user container | Alt+U | Guild channel / group chat | | Focus private chat page | Alt+P | Everywhere | | Focus guild container | Alt+S | Everywhere | | Focus channel container | Alt+C | Everywhere | | Focus message input | Alt+M | Everywhere | | Focus message container | Alt+T | Everywhere | | Toggle command view | Alt+Dot | Everywhere | | Focus command output | Ctrl+O | Everywhere | | Focus command input | Ctrl+I | Everywhere | | Edit last message | ArrowUp | In empty message input | | Leave message edit mode | Esc | When editing message | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Some shortcuts can be changed via the shortcut dialog. The dialog can be opened via Ctrl+K.` func (manual *Manual) Name() string { return "manual" } func (manual *Manual) Aliases() []string { return []string{"man", "help"} } // PrintHelp prints a static help page for this command func (manual *Manual) PrintHelp(writer io.Writer) { fmt.Fprintln(writer, manualDocumentation) }